Tags in Math Type

Andrew Carnie carnie at U.Arizona.EDU
Tue Sep 30 00:24:11 UTC 2008

Hi All,

Do any of you use Mathtype from Design Science to create AVMs? If so can
any of you tell me how to get the tag correctly spaced next to the square

Before I hear the roar from LaTex people: yes yes I know, it's easy in
LaTex... I know that, so please don't tell me. I'm working on a project
with a collaborator who only uses Word, and we're using Mathtype for
technical stuff and it seems to work pretty well (for everything except
tag spacing apparently), so I'm really looking for a fix in *that*
program. :-) :-)



	/ \			Andrew Carnie, Ph.D.
       /   \	  		Assoc. Professor of Linguistics
     	  / \    		Department of Linguistics
     	 /   \			Douglass 200E, University of Arizona
    	    / \			Tucson, AZ 85721
	   /   \
				Tel: (520) 621 2802  Cell: (520) 971 1166

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