Call for participation: HPSG 2011

Berthold Crysmann crysmann at
Wed Jun 15 11:23:25 UTC 2011

*** Please distribute widely ***

We invite you to join us for the 18th International Conference
on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG 2011),
August 22-25, at the University of Washington, Seattle WA.

The main conference (August 24-25) will be preceded by a workshop on
Information Structure in Formal Grammar (August 23) and a day of
tutorials (August 22).

Invited speakers:
Olivier Bonami (Paris-Sorbonne)
Thomas Wasow (Stanford)

Workshop on Information Structure and Formal Grammar
Invited speaker: Mats Rooth (Cornell)

Semantics/Pragmatics Interface: Implicatures and Discourse Structure
Nicholas Asher (CNRS, Laboratoire IRIT, Toulouse)

Argument Structure Cross-Linguistically
Johanna Nichols (UC Berkeley)


Main conference: 

* August 24

9:00-9:10 Welcome

9:10-10:10 Olivier Bonami (invited talk). `Reconstructing HPSG

10:10-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-11:10 Rui Chaves. `Extraposition and Additive Right Node Raising'
11:10-11:50 Robert Levine. `Linearization and its discontents'
11:50-12:30 Robert Borsley. `Apparent Filler-Gap Mismatches in Welsh'

12:30-14:30 Lunch break

14:30-15:10 Doug Ball. `Morphology in the `Wrong' Place: The Curious
             Case of Coast Tsimshian Connectives'
15:10-15:50 Juliette Thuilier. `Cases suffixes and
            postposition in Hungarian'

15:50-17:10 Coffee break & Poster session

17:10-17:50 Jong-Bok Kim and Peter Sells. `The English Binominal NP
            Construction: A Construction-Based Perspective'
17:50-18:30 Joanna Nykiel and Ivan Sag. `Sluicing and Stranding'

20:00 Conference dinner

* August 25

 9:00- 9:40 Heike Walker. `Adjuncts and the HPSG Binding Theory'
 9:40-10:20 Tibor Kiss. `On Adverbial Complements in German'
10:20-11:00 Janna Lipenkova. `Reanalysis of semantically required 
            adjuncts as complements in the Chinese ba-construction'

11:00-11:20 Coffee break

11:20-12:00 Robert Borsley and Mohamed Krer. `An Approach to Negation in
            Libyan Arabic'
12:00-12:40 Michael Hahn. `Pronominal Null Conjuncts in Arabic'

12:20-14:30 Lunch break

14:30-15:10 Stefan Müller and Bjarne Ørsnes. `Wh-Extraction and
	    Expletives in Danish and Yiddish - an HPSG Approach'
15:10-15:50 Andrew Wetta. `A Construction-based Cross-linguistic
	    Analysis of V2 Word Order'
15:50-16:30 Akio Hasegawa and Jean-Pierre Koenig. `Focus particles,
	    secondary meanings, and Lexical Resource Semantics: 
            The case of Japanese shika'
16:30-16:50 Coffee Break

16:50-17:30 Katya Alahverdzhieva and Alex Lascarides. `An HPSG
    	    Approach to Synchronous Deixis and Speech'
17:30-18:30 Thomas Wasow (invited talk). TBA


Hans-Ulrich Krieger and Bernd Kiefer. `Converting CCG into Typed
	    Feature Structure Grammars'
Joshua Crowgey and Emily M. Bender. `Analysing Interacting Phenomena:
            Word Order and Negation in Basque'
Frank Van Eynde. `The serial verbs of Dutch'
George Aaron Broadwell. `Surrogate possession in Copala Triqui'

* 23 August: Workshop on Information Structure in Formal Grammar

 9:00- 9:10 Welcome

 9:10-10:10 Mats Rooth (invited talk): TBA

10:10-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-11:10 Jean-Marie Marandin. `Information Structure and its
            alternatives: In search of the common features of 
            Subject Inversion in French'
11:10-11:50 Caitlin Light. `The information structure of subject
            extraposition in Early New High German'
11:50-12:30 Jong-Bok Kim. `Floating Numeral Classifiers in Korean: A
            Thematic-Structure Perspective'

12:30-14:30 Lunch break

14:30-15:10 Sanghoun Song and Emily M. Bender. `Using Information
            Structure to Improve Transfer-based MT' 
15:10-15:50 Jon Stevens. `Information Structure as Parallel Tree

15:50-16:10 Coffee break

16:10-16:50 Anne Bjerre. `Topic and focus in local subject extractions
            in Danish'
16:50-17:30 Anna Gazdik. `On the Syntax-Discourse Interface in 
17:30-18:10 Kordula De Kuthy and Detmar Meurers. `Integrating GIVENness
            into a structured meaning approach in HPSG'


Sanghoun Song and Varya Gracheva. `Parallel Text Annotation for
	 Information Structure: using The Little Prince'
Amélie Rocquet. `The discourse marking effect of phi-doubling in French'


Emily Bender (U Washington)

PROGRAMME COMMITTEE (main conference):

Anne Abeillé
Doug Arnold
Emily M. Bender
Philippe Blache
Olivier Bonami
Robert Borsley
Gosse Bouma
Rui Chaves
Berthold Crysmann (chair)
Dan Flickinger
Danièle Godard
Lars Hellan
Anke Holler
Jong-Bok Kim
Jean-Pierre Koenig
Valia Kordoni
Anna Kupsc
Robert Levine
Rob Malouf
Nurit Melnik
Philip Miller
Stefan Müller
Gerald Penn
Adam Przepiorkowski
Frank Richter
Ivan Sag
Manfred Sailer
Jesse Tseng
Frank Van Eynde
Gert Webelhuth
Stephen Wechsler
Shuichi Yatabe


Felix Bildhauer
Daniel Büring
Berthold Crysmann (chair)
Kordula De Kuthy
Elisabet Engdahl
Claire Gardent
Jonathan Ginzburg
Tracy Holloway King
Manfred Krifka
Jean-Marie Marandin
Laura Michaelis
Stefan Müller
Irina Nikolaeva
Patrizia Paggio
Arndt Riester
Mats Rooth
Mark Steedman
Malte Zimmermann

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