HPSG 2012

Arnold, Douglas J doug at essex.ac.uk
Mon Sep 19 10:01:09 UTC 2011

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Standing Committee of the annual international HPSG conference, I am happy to announce that, following a very impressive bid to host the conference, HPSG2012 will take place in Korea, at Chungnam National University in Daejeon, which is about an hour from Seoul. 

The local oragnizing committee will be lead by Byong-Rae Ryu.

The proposed dates are July 18 (Wed.) -- July 21 (Sat.), which ties in nicely with the ACL (which will be in Korea, ending on July 14th).

A full announcement will follow in due course.

The Standing Committee would very much like to hear from people who might be interested in hosting the conference in 2013, ideally somewhere in Europe.

Best wishes
Doug Arnold

For more on the Standing Committee see:


Doug Arnold,                       doug#essex.ac.uk
Dept. of Language & Linguistics,   http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~doug
University of Essex,               Room: 3NB.4.207
Wivenhoe Park,                     Tel: +44 1206 872666 (direct)
Colchester, CO4 3SQ, UK.           Fax: +44 1206 872198

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