HPSG 2013

Arnold, Doug doug at essex.ac.uk
Tue Aug 21 11:45:15 UTC 2012

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Standing Committee of the International Conference on HPSG, I'm happy to announce that HPSG 2013 (the 20th conference) will take place between August 26th and 29th, in in Berlin, at the Freie Universität, with Stefan Müller as chair of local organizing committee. In short:

HPSG 2013, Berlin, Aug 26-29, 2013

See: http://hpsg.fu-berlin.de/Events/hpsg2013.html

The PC chair will be Jesse Tseng.

More details nearer the time. 

Best wishes
Doug Arnold
(Chair HPSG Standing Committee)

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