CFP - FreeRBMT12

Emily M. Bender ebender at
Sun Feb 5 23:23:39 UTC 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: FreeRBMT12 <freerbmt12 at>
Date: Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 4:02 AM



 Third International Workshop on
 Free/Open-source Rule-based Machine Translation

 Gothenburg, Sweden, 13-15 June 2012

This workshop aims to bring together the experience of researchers
and developers in the field of rule-based machine translation who
have decided to get on board the free/open-source train and are
effectively contributing to creating a commons of explicit knowledge:
machine translation rules and dictionaries, and machine translation
systems whose behaviour is transparent and clearly traceable through
their explicit logic.

The previous FreeRBMT workshops took place in Barcelona (2011)
and Alacant/Alicante (2009).


The main areas of interest for the workshop are as follows:
- Language-independent toolkits, platforms, and frameworks for
 rule-based machine translation
- Language-specific machine translation systems
- Hybrid systems where RBMT is an important component
- Manual and automated evaluation of machine translation systems,
 comparative evaluation of RBMT and SMT/hybrid systems.
- Linguistic resources for RBMT (machine-readable dictionaries,
 part-of-speech taggers, morphological analysers, syntactic or
 semantic parsers etc.)
- Methods for inducing/inferring data for RBMT systems (supervised,
 semi-supervised or unsupervised)
- Interoperability between systems, tools, data
- Practical descriptions of RBMT integration and usage (in publishing,
 by professional translators, for free/open-source software)

Note that this is intended as a guideline, and we welcome submissions
on other aspects of free and open-source rule-based machine translation.


The submission will be via EasyChair. Papers in pdf have the maximum length
of 8 pages. Submission details will appear on the web page soon.

 Deadline:     7 April 2012
 Notification: 5 May 2012


Open access proceedings with an ISBN number. Details TBA.

==Invited speakers==

As invited speaker, we will have the pleasure to hear

 Martin Kay, Stanford University and Saarland University

==Programme Committee==

Krasimir Angelov, Chalmers University of Technology
Emily M. Bender, University of Washington
Pierrette Bouillon, University of Genève
Lauri Carlson, University of Helsinki
Marc Dymetman, XRCE Xerox
Cristina España-Bonet, UPC Barcelona
Mikel Forcada, Universitat d'Alacant
Michael Gasser, Indiana University
Philipp Koehn, University of Edinburgh
Hrafn Loftsson, Reykjavik University
Lluís Màrquez, UPC Barcelona
Lluís Padró, UPC Barcelona
Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz, Universitat d'Alacant
Aarne Ranta, University of Gothenburg (Programme Chair)
Manny Rayner, University of Genève
Kepa Sarasola, University of Basque Country
Kevin Scannell, Saint Louis University
Khalil Sima'an, University of Amsterdam
Felipe Sánchez-Martínez, Universitat d'Alacant
Anna Sågvall Hein, Uppsala University and Convertus AB
Antonio Toral, Dublin City University
Francis Tyers, Universitat d'Alacant
Luis Villarejo, Open University of Barcelona

==Practical details==

The main workshop will be 13-14 June, with satellite events on 15 June (TBA).

The fee will be around 100 EUR, covering lunches, coffee breaks, and a boat
trip and dinner in the Gothenburg archipelago.

More details will appear soon on the FreeRBMT12 web page.
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  Third International Workshop on 
  Free/Open-source Rule-based Machine Translation

  Gothenburg, Sweden, 13-15 June 2012

This workshop aims to bring together the experience of researchers
and developers in the field of rule-based machine translation who
have decided to get on board the free/open-source train and are
effectively contributing to creating a commons of explicit knowledge:
machine translation rules and dictionaries, and machine translation
systems whose behaviour is transparent and clearly traceable through
their explicit logic.

The previous FreeRBMT workshops took place in Barcelona (2011)
and Alacant/Alicante (2009).


The main areas of interest for the workshop are as follows:
- Language-independent toolkits, platforms, and frameworks for
  rule-based machine translation
- Language-specific machine translation systems
- Hybrid systems where RBMT is an important component
- Manual and automated evaluation of machine translation systems,
  comparative evaluation of RBMT and SMT/hybrid systems.
- Linguistic resources for RBMT (machine-readable dictionaries,
  part-of-speech taggers, morphological analysers, syntactic or
  semantic parsers etc.)
- Methods for inducing/inferring data for RBMT systems (supervised,
  semi-supervised or unsupervised)
- Interoperability between systems, tools, data
- Practical descriptions of RBMT integration and usage (in publishing,
  by professional translators, for free/open-source software)

Note that this is intended as a guideline, and we welcome submissions
on other aspects of free and open-source rule-based machine translation.


The submission will be via EasyChair. Papers in pdf have the maximum length
of 8 pages. Submission details will appear on the web page soon.

  Deadline:     7 April 2012
  Notification: 5 May 2012


Open access proceedings with an ISBN number. Details TBA.

==Invited speakers==

As invited speaker, we will have the pleasure to hear

  Martin Kay, Stanford University and Saarland University

==Programme Committee==

Krasimir Angelov, Chalmers University of Technology
Emily M. Bender, University of Washington
Pierrette Bouillon, University of Genève
Lauri Carlson, University of Helsinki
Marc Dymetman, XRCE Xerox
Cristina España-Bonet, UPC Barcelona
Mikel Forcada, Universitat d'Alacant
Michael Gasser, Indiana University
Philipp Koehn, University of Edinburgh
Hrafn Loftsson, Reykjavik University
Lluís Màrquez, UPC Barcelona
Lluís Padró, UPC Barcelona
Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz, Universitat d'Alacant
Aarne Ranta, University of Gothenburg (Programme Chair)
Manny Rayner, University of Genève
Kepa Sarasola, University of Basque Country
Kevin Scannell, Saint Louis University
Khalil Sima'an, University of Amsterdam
Felipe Sánchez-Martínez, Universitat d'Alacant
Anna Sågvall Hein, Uppsala University and Convertus AB
Antonio Toral, Dublin City University
Francis Tyers, Universitat d'Alacant
Luis Villarejo, Open University of Barcelona

==Practical details==

The main workshop will be 13-14 June, with satellite events on 15 June (TBA).

The fee will be around 100 EUR, covering lunches, coffee breaks, and a boat
trip and dinner in the Gothenburg archipelago.

More details will appear soon on the FreeRBMT12 web page.

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