From info at Thu Mar 1 12:22:42 2012 From: info at (ELRA ELDA Information) Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:22:42 +0100 Subject: LREC 2012 - Registration is now OPEN! Message-ID: [Apologies for multiple postings] The online registration to LREC 2012 is now open at * * More information: Contact: registration at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From Sailer at Fri Mar 2 07:45:04 2012 From: Sailer at (Sailer at Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 13:45:04 +0100 Subject: Syntax-Semantics Interface: Doctoral Position, Goethe University Frankfurt Message-ID: * Apologies for multiple postings * The linguistics section of the English departement of the Goethe University Frankfurt (Institut für England- und Amerikastudien) invites applications for a 3-year doctoral position (half-time E 13 TV-G-U; a renewal is possible). The official job announcement can be found at: The candidate is supposed to carry out the following tasks: - teaching in English linguistics (1 course per term), - research for a doctoral dissertation in the area of the syntax-semantics interface in constraint-based grammar, - support in the organization and administration of the department. Qualifications: - Master or an equivalent degree in English linguistics or general linguistics, - very good command of English and German, - knowledge in formal semantics, - knowledge in constraint-based grammar formalisms is a plus. All applications received by March 13 will receive full consideration. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Goethe University Frankfurt encourages applications from women. Please send your application together with the usual documents in electronic form to sailer at For any inquiries please contact: Manfred Sailer (sailer at From info at Fri Mar 2 12:05:11 2012 From: info at (ELRA ELDA Information) Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 18:05:11 +0100 Subject: LREC 2012 Workshop, CfP: CoCo-FLaRE: Reinforcing International Collaboration on Language Resources and Evaluation Message-ID: [Apologies for cross-postings] CoCo-FLaRE: Reinforcing International Collaboration on Language Resources and Evaluation A joint COCOSDA -- FLaReNet Workshop at LREC 2012 Saturday, May 26th, 2012 CALL for PARTICIPATION Language Resources and Evaluation are gathering more and more momentum, with the increasing success of the LREC conference and of the LRE journal, and with new program initiatives flourishing in Europe (FLaReNet, META-SHARE, CLARIN, etc.), as well as in other parts of the world (TDIL, NHN, Language GRID, ALAGIN, BOLT, SILT etc.). COCOSDA, the Coordinating Committee on Speech Databases and Speech I/O Systems Assessment, paved the way with its pioneering creation in 1991 to serve the international speech processing community. Since then, COCOSDA continues to gather the international speech community under its informal umbrella, while the European initiatives extend their scope to language in general, through ELRA and LREC, and Oriental COCOSDA fosters spoken language resources with an increasing participation of Asian countries in its annual conferences. This 2012 workshop will be the occasion to share views on ways to reinforce international collaboration in the field of Language Resources and Evaluation at a time when data sharing is coming to the forefront of science, in many different areas such as biology, astrophysics, humanities, etc. The workshop will comprise two parts: a morning session specifically devoted to spoken language resources and evaluation, organized by COCOSDA, and an afternoon session enlarging the scope to speech & language in general. A final discussion will aim at proposing new measures to increase and improve international collaboration and coordination, in order to foster Language Resources and Evaluation. The workshop is open to all interested parties at no charge, but registration is mandatory. Those wishing to contribute topics at the workshop are invited to contact the organizers by March 15th. Organizers: - Nicoletta Calzolari (glottolo at (Co-Chair) - Dafydd Gibbon (gibbon at (Co-Chair) - Nick Campbell (nick at - Khalid Choukri (choukri at - Joseph Mariani (Joseph.Mariani at Morning session "COCOSDA: New developments in multimodal resources and assessment" This session will consist of regional and topical reports, with discussion, by COCOSDA members and invited presenters. A central push forward in multimodal speech research has come from the increasing amount of work on the languages of smaller speech communities, resulting in large amounts of new data from typologically very different languages with very different sound inventories, prosody, grammar, and speech dialogue conventions. Tentative Schedule: Introduction (D. Gibbon) Part 1: Topical reports with a special emphasis on resources and evaluation for : · speech interaction with robotic and virtual agents, · types of multimodal systems, · types of mobile systems, · under-resourced languages. Coffee break Part 2: Regional reports Presentations will summarize regional developments in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania in current major topic areas. Part 3: Information exchange and discussion Lunch Break Afternoon session "International collaboration and coordination on Language Resources and Evaluation" This session will be devoted to the various aspects of international collaboration on Language Resources and Evaluation such as: · Charting the field · Ensuring the best possible language coverage · Fostering language resources · Sharing language resources · Identifying and tracking the resources · Recognizing the merits of LR producers and LT evaluators · Networking the community, etc. It will rely on the activities conducted in this area in various part of the world, including the recent conclusions and recommendations of the FLaReNet project. Tentative Schedule: Introduction (N. Calzolari) Part 1: Information and Instruments · Charting the field LRE Map and Language Matrices, FLaReNet International Wiki survey and National Contact Points, META-NET Language White Papers and Tables, ... · Ensuring the best possible language coverage Highlights of National Programs on LR, Endangered and local languages, ... · Sharing Resources META-SHARE, Language Grid, NSF policy, the Language Library, ... Coffee break Part 2: Actions · Fostering language resources The FLaReNet Strategic Language Resource Agenda · Identifying and tracking resources The new ISLRN initiative · Recognizing the merits of LR producers and LT evaluators Towards a Language Resource Impact Factor? · Networking the community The LRE Forum Part 3: General discussion: The way forward -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From Stefan.Mueller at Fri Mar 2 16:22:29 2012 From: Stefan.Mueller at (=?UTF-8?B?U3RlZmFuIE3DvGxsZXI=?=) Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 22:22:29 +0100 Subject: New Submissions to the HPSG Bib Message-ID: Hi, Please find below a list of entries that were submitted to the HPSG Bibliography during the last three month. There were 12 new submissions. Thanks to everybody who submitted something. We have 1245 publications in total now. Please submit further entries at You may also send me BibTeX entries and I will integrate them. Best wishes Stefan @incollection{Allegranza:98, address = "Stanford", author = "Valerio Allegranza", booktitle = "Romance in HPSG", email = "v.allegranza at", editor = "Sergio Balari and Luca Dini", homepage = "", pages = "55--108", publisher = "CSLI Publications", title = "Determiners as functors: NP structure in Italian", url = "", year = "1998" } @incollection{Allegranza:98b, address = "Luxembourg", author = "Valerio Allegranza", booktitle = "Linguistic Specifications for Typed Feature Structure Formalisms", email = "v.allegranza at", homepage = "", pages = "281--314", publisher = "Official Publications of the European Communities", title = "Determination and Quantification", url = "", volume = "10", year = "1998" } @book{Allegranza:07, address = "Frankfurt am Main", author = "Valerio Allegranza", email = "v.allegranza at", homepage = "", publisher = "Peter Lang", series = "SABEST: Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Sprach- und Translationswissenschaft", title = "The Signs of Determination. Constraint-Based Modelling Across Languages", url = "", volume = "16", year = "2007" } @phdthesis{Bader:95, author = "Thomas Bader", school = "Philosophisch-historische Fakult{\"a}t der Universit{\"a}t Bern", title = "The Analysis of Passive and Raising Constructions in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar} and {Arc Pair Grammar}", type = "Inauguraldissertation", url = "", url_checked = "02.26.12", year = "1995" } @inproceedings{Beutler:Kaufmann:ea:05, address = "Philadelphia", author = "Ren{\'e} Beutler and Tobias Kaufmann and Beat Pfister", booktitle = "Proceedings of the ICASSP 2005", pages = "829--832", title = "Using Rule-Based Knowledge to Improve {LVCSR}", volume = "5", year = "2005" } @inproceedings{Beutler:Kaufmann:ea:05b, author = "Ren{\'e} Beutler and Tobias Kaufmann and Beat Pfister", booktitle = "2005 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding", organization = "IEEE", pages = "104--109", title = "Integrating a Non-Probabilistic Grammar into Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition", year = "2005" } @phdthesis{Beutler:07, author = "Ren{\'e} Beutler", school = "Swiss Federal Instiute of Technology Zurich", title = "Improving Speech Recognition through Linguistic Knowledge", type = "Diss ETH No. 17039", year = "2007" } @article{Bjerre:Bjerre:07c, author = "Anne Bjerre and Tavs Bjerre", journal = "Nordic Journal of Linguistics", number = "1", pages = "5--53", title = "Perfect and Periphrastic Passive Constructions in {Danish}", volume = "30", year = "2007" } @inproceedings{Blunsom:Baldwin:06, address = "Sydney, Australia", author = "Blunsom, Phil and Timothy Baldwin", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing", editor = "Dan Jurafsky and Eric Gaussier", pages = "164--171", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", title = "Multilingual Deep Lexical Acquisition for {HPSG}s via Supertagging", year = "2006" } @techreport{Borsley:11, author = "Robert D. Borsley", number = "61.1", pages = "1--26", title = "Apparent Filler-Gap Mismatches in {Welsh}", type = "Essex Research Reports in Linguistics", url = "", url_checked = "02.26.12", year = "2011" } @phdthesis{Kaufmann:09, author = "Tobias Kaufmann", school = "Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Z{\"u}rich", title = "A Rule-based Language Model for Speech Recognition", year = "2009" } @incollection{Sailer:12, address = "Stuttgart", author = "Manfred Sailer", booktitle = "Idiome, Konstruktionen, "verbl\"umte rede". Beitr\"age zur Geschichte der germanistischen Phraseologieforschung", email = "sailer at", editor = "Michael Prinz and Ulrike Richter-Vapaatalo", number = "3", pages = "241--262", publisher = "S.\@ Hirzel Verlag", series = "Beitr\"age zur Geschichte der Germanistik", title = "Phraseologie und Syntax (Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar)", year = "2012" } -- Stefan Müller Tel: (+49) (+30) 838 52973 Fax: (+49) (030) 838 4 52973 Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie Deutsche Grammatik Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14 195 Berlin From yaoziyuan at Sat Mar 3 13:54:34 2012 From: yaoziyuan at (Ziyuan Yao) Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2012 02:54:34 +0800 Subject: Free ebook available: Breaking the Language Barrier: A Game-Changing Approach v0.18 Message-ID: Dear All, I'm pleased to announce my free ebook "Breaking the Language Barrier: A Game-Changing Approach", version 0.18. The ebook has undergone significant updates since its initial release (version 0.09 in April 2010). Almost every part has significant new developments, so I suggest existing readers take it anew. Perhaps nothing can explain this ebook better than its own Overview and Table of Contents, which are attached below. View or download it (free) from: Best Regards, Ziyuan Yao # # # # # Overview In today's world, the goal of breaking the language barrier is pursued on two fronts: language teachers teaching students a second language, thus enabling humans to manually break the language barrier, and computational linguists building increasingly better machine translation systems to automatically break the language barrier. However, I see important, unfulfilled opportunities on both fronts: In second language teaching, amazingly efficient teaching methods have not gone mainstream and not drawn enough attention from computational linguists (so that these methods could be automated and truly powerful). For example, imagine if you're browsing a Web page in your native language, and a Web browser extension automatically detects the topic of this page and inserts relevant foreign language micro-lessons in it, so that you can incidentally learn a foreign language while browsing interesting native language information :-) This AdSense-like "L1-driven L2 teaching" will be the future of second language teaching. In machine translation, computational linguists only pay attention to computer capabilities to process natural language (known as natural language processing, NLP), and totally ignore human capabilities to share some burden from the computer in language processing, which can lead to significantly better results. For example, theory and practice have proven that syntax disambiguation is a much harder task than word sense disambiguation, and therefore machine translation tends to screw up the word order of the translation result if the language pair has disparate word orders; but what if machine translation preserves the source language's word order in the translation result, and teaches the end user about the source language's word order so that he can manually figure out the logic of the translation result? If the end user is willing to commit some of his own natural intelligence in the man-machine joint effort to break the language barrier, he will get the job done better. Therefore this ebook presents emerging ideas and implementations in computer-assisted language learning (CALL), reading, writing and machine translation (MT) that strive to leverage both human and machine language processing potential and capabilities, and will redefine the way people break the language barrier. Approaches whose titles have an exclamation mark (!) are stirring game-changing technologies which are the driving forces behind this initiative. # # # # # Table of Contents Overview 3 Chapter 1: Breaking the Language Barrier with Language Learning 4 1.1. Foreign Language Acquisition 4 1.1.1. L1-Driven L2 Teaching! (L1DL2T) 4 The Idea 4 Historical Developments 6 An Example System Design 8 Overview 8 ATLAS Mission Profiles 9 ATLAS User Profiles 15 Data Acquisition Strategies 17 1.1.2. Word Mnemonics 17 Essential Mnemonics 18 Phonetically Intuitive English! (PIE) 18 Etymology and Free Association 22 Why Are They Essential? A Proof 23 Other Mnemonics 24 Orthographically Intuitive English (OIE) 24 Progressive Word Acquisition (PWA) 25 Principles Learned 26 1.2. Foreign Language Writing Aids 27 1.2.1. Predictive vs. Corrective Writing Aids 27 1.2.2. Input-Driven Syntax Aid! (IDSA) 27 1.2.3. Input-Driven Ontology Aid! (IDOA) 28 1.3. Foreign Language Reading Aids 28 Chapter 2: Breaking the Language Barrier with Little Learning 30 2.1. Foreign Language Understanding 30 2.1.1. Syntax-Preserving Machine Translation! (SPMT) 30 2.2. Foreign Language Generation 32 2.2.1. Formal Language Machine Translation! (FLMT) 33 From doug at Sun Mar 4 16:35:11 2012 From: doug at (Arnold, Douglas J) Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2012 21:35:11 +0000 Subject: Studentships in Linguistics at the University of Essex Message-ID: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funding opportunities at the University of Essex Deadline for applications: 23 March 2012 The University of Essex has AHRC funding for a large number of postgraduate courses, including three years of PhD study. Studentships are available for 2012/13 across a range of subject areas, including Linguistics. The Department of Language and Linguistics has more than 40 specialist teaching and research staff, and has a 40-year tradition of excellence in Theoretical and Descriptive Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Applied Linguistics and ELT. In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, we were rated as having the highest proportion of Linguistics research which is "world-leading in terms of originality, significance and rigour" of any university in England. Studentships are open to UK and EU students. For more information about AHRC studentships, please To apply online for a postgraduate place and then for an AHRC studentship, please see From strunk at Tue Mar 6 08:21:53 2012 From: strunk at (Jan Strunk) Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2012 14:21:53 +0100 Subject: Call for Papers: The Meaning of P (with a special session on spatial polysemy) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Call for Papers The Meaning of P (with a special session on spatial polysemy) A conference organized by the Department of Linguistics (Sprachwissenschaftliches Institut) of Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany, November 21-23, 2012 There is general agreement among linguists that prepositions are highly ambiguous. There is much less agreement about the origin of the ambiguity (homonymy, polysemy); but even more surprisingly, only few attempts have been undertaken to characterize the spectrum of possible meanings of large sets of prepositions in individual languages, let alone cross-linguistically. Recent research has shown that analyses of preposition senses not only have to account for their ambiguity, but also for the near-synonymy of prepositions. Meanings of prepositions have mostly been investigated by lexicographers, but quite often without the provision of clear criteria for determining individual meanings. Consequently, recent research may show that senses attributed to particular prepositions can actually be derived compositionally from the syntactic context of the preposition, which raises the question concerning the proper sense of the preposition in such contexts. Our conference aims at a comprehensive picture of preposition meanings. Thus, we invite work addressing all questions touching on the interpretation of prepositions, including the following issues: - Typological, theoretical, and computational approaches to a comprehensive analysis of preposition meanings. - Annotation schemata for preposition senses. - In-depth compositional analyses of prepositions in all kinds of syntactic and semantic frameworks. - Attempts to define basic semantic or ontological relations onto which preposition meanings can be mapped. Special session on spatial polysemy Recent research on preposition meanings has produced a large corpus of work on spatial polysemy. We therefore devote part of the conference to a special workshop on spatial polysemy, which will not only deal with spatial interpretations of prepositions, but with the general role of spatiality in interpretations. Invited speakers: Claudia Maienborn (Universität Tübingen, D) James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University, USA) Joost Zwarts (Universiteit Utrecht, NL) N.N. Conference website: Paper submission: Please submit an electronic abstract (PDF, 5 pages including figures and references) to Anneli von Könemann (vonkoenemann at, indicating whether the paper is submitted to the main conference or to the special session on spatial polysemy. Deadline for submissions: May 31, 2012 Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2012 Please direct your inquiries to Antje Müller (mueller at, Tibor Kiss (tibor at, or Anneli von Könemann (vonkoenemann at From sag at Thu Mar 8 14:30:25 2012 From: sag at (Ivan A Sag) Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2012 11:30:25 -0800 Subject: CFP In-Reply-To: Message-ID: ** Apologies for cross-posting ** CALL FOR PAPERS The Eleventh International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+11) 26-28 September 2012 University Paris-Diderot Paris, France The Workshop on Tree-Adjoining Grammars and related formalisms (TAG+) is a biennial workshop series that fosters exchange of ideas among linguists, psycholinguists and computer scientists interested in modeling natural language using formal grammars. The workshop series, since 1990, has demonstrated productive interactions among researchers and practitioners interested in various aspects of the Tree-Adjoining Grammar formalism and its relationship to other grammar formalisms, such as combinatory categorial grammar, dependency grammars, Minimalist grammars, HPSG, and LFG; hence the "+" in the name of the workshop. Tree-Adjoining Grammars (TAG) and related lexicalized grammar formalisms provide mathematical tools to model natural language and the scaffolding to encode linguistic generalizations in a principled manner. In the past, this workshop has helped identify similarities and differences between the above formalisms, leading to the shared development of broad-coverage grammars, transfer of parsing and machine learning algorithms from one formalism to another and to new insights into the properties of different formalisms and their capacity for linguistic explanation. It is our expectation that this edition of the workshop will continue enabling cross-fertilization of ideas that combine the representational flexibility of TAG-like grammar formalisms with the robustness afforded by machine learning techniques to produce a deeper insight into modeling of natural language. The first day of the meeting will be devoted to a series of tutorial presentations, designed to introduce attendees to a range of TAG-related topics. Invited Speakers: * Kevin Knight, University of Southern California (USA) * Bonnie Webber, University of Edinburgh (Scotland) Tutorial Speakers: * David Chiang – USC Information Sciences Institute (USA) * Laura Kallmeyer – University of Düsseldorf (Germany) * Andreas Maletti – University of Stuttgart (Germany) Topics of Interest: We invite submissions on all aspects of TAG and related grammatical formalisms including the following topics: * syntactic and semantic theory; * mathematical properties; * computational and algorithmic studies of parsing, interpretation and language generation; * machine learning models using TAG-like representations; * corpus-based research and grammar development using TAG; * psycholinguistic modeling; and * applications to natural language processing or biological sequence modeling. Special Session: We plan to organize a special session on formalisms based on synchronous tree rewriting. We especially encourage submissions on topics related to synchronous tree rewriting, including theoretical aspects, applications to machine translation and syntax-semantics interface. Submission Details: Anonymous abstracts may be submitted for two types of presentations at the workshop: oral presentations and poster presentations. Poster presentations are particularly appropriate for brief descriptions of specialized implementations, resources under development and work in progress. Regardless of the type of submission, abstracts may not exceed two pages in length (not including data, figures and references). Both one-column or two-column abstracts are permissible. However do not use a font that is smaller than 11pt. If you are using LaTeX for document preparation, then any recent ACL style file can be used. The final camera ready version of the full paper for the proceedings must be in two-column format conforming to the most recent ACL style file. The abstract must be submitted electronically in PDF format, using the EasyChair electronic submission website at The submission instructions can be found at Proceedings including full papers for accepted abstracts (both oral and poster presentations) will be available on-line before the workshop dates. Important dates: * Deadline for submission of abstracts: June 15, 2012. * Notification to authors of decision: July 30, 2012. * Deadline for camera-ready submission: September 7, 2012. * Workshop dates: September 26 to 28, 2012. Contact Information: The workshop website is at Email contact: tagplus11 at Organization: Program Chairs * Chung-hye Han, Simon Fraser University (Canada) * Giorgio Satta, University of Padova (Italy) Program Committee * Srinivas Bangalore, AT&T Research (USA) * Rajesh Bhatt, UMass (USA) * David Chiang, USC Information Sciences Institute (USA) * Benoit Crabbé University Paris-Diderot (France) * Robert Frank, Yale University (USA) * Claire Gardent, Loria (France) * Daniel Gildea, University of Rochester (USA) * Julia Hockenmaier, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) * Liang Huang, USC Information Sciences Institute (USA) * Aravind Joshi, University of Pennsylvania (USA) * Laura Kallmeyer, University of Duesseldorf (Germany) * Makoto Kanazawa, National Institute of Informatics (Japan) * Alexander Koller, University of Potsdam (Germany) * Marco Kuhlmann, Uppsala University (Sweden) * Andreas Maletti, University of Stuttgart (Germany) * Yusuke Miyao, University of Tokyo (Japan) * Mark-Jan Nederhof, University of St Andrews (Scotland) * Steve DeNeefe, USC Information Sciences Institute (USA) * Owen Rambow, Columbia University (USA) * Maribel Romero, University of Konstanz (Germany) * Tatjana Scheffler, DFKI (Germany) * Anoop Sarkar, Simon Fraser University (Canada) * William Schuler, The Ohio State University (USA) * Stuart Shieber, Harvard University (USA) * Mark Steedman, University of Edinburgh (UK) * Matthew Stone, Rutgers University (USA) * Sylvain Salvati, INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest (France) * Bonnie Webber, University of Edinburgh (UK) * Fei Xia, University of Washington (USA) Local Arrangements Chairs * Éric de la Clergerie – INRIA Paris Rocquencourt * Djamé Seddah – University Paris Sorbonne Paris 4 * Laurence Danlos, University Paris-Diderot * Chantal Girodon, INRIA Paris Rocquencourt TAG+ 11 is endorsed by EACL (the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics). _______________________________________________ FormalGrammar mailing list FormalGrammar at The material posted is under the full responsibility of whoever posted it and under their sole responsibility and liability. The University takes no responsibility whatsoever for any material or other damage, direct or indirect, that may incur from publications in the forum and/or distribution list. Nor is it responsible for the authenticity of any data and material posted in the forum and/or distribution list, their legality, accuracy, credibility or their completeness -- ____________________________________________________ Ivan A. Sag Sadie Dernham Patek Professor in Humanities & Professor of Linguistics and Symbolic Systems Department of Linguistics__________Msg: 650-723-4284 Stanford University________________Fax: 650-723-5666 Stanford, CA 94305__________Email: sag at USA____________________ From jongbokkim at Fri Mar 9 17:37:31 2012 From: jongbokkim at (Jong-Bok Kim) Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 14:37:31 -0800 Subject: Workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar Message-ID: *Workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar (co-located with HPSG 2012) * Call for papers Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address linguistic, foundational, or computational issues relating to ellipsis phenomena and its interactions with formal syntax and semantics. The aim of the workshop is to further current research on ellipsis within the HPSG community, and to encourage cross-framework discussion of ellipsis and its interface to syntax and semantics. Thus, we strongly encourage researchers from outside the HPSG framework to submit. *Invited Speaker* Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh) ** *Workshop Format* There will be two sessions: a main session, with 30 minute presentations (plus 10 min discussion), and a poster session. The poster session is intended as a means of encouraging the presentation of work that is not yet fully mature. Prospective speakers may submit either a 5 page abstract for the main session, or a 2 page abstract for the poster session. Abstracts submitted initially for the main session may be accepted, at the discretion of the program committee, for presentation in the poster session instead. ** *Related Events* The workshop on ellipsis is part of this year's HPSG conference, which will take place in Daejon, South Korea, on 18—21, July 2011. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials for “Experimental Design for Linguists” on 18 July given by Philip Hofmeister (University of Essex). ** *Submissions* We will use an online submission system. All abstracts should be submitted via the Easy Abstract System: Abstracts should be in PDF format. Please direct any questions to the Program Committee Chair: hpsg2012program at All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Abstracts should not include the authors' names, and authors are asked to avoid self-references. ** *Important Dates* Abstract submission deadline: 17 April, 2012 Notification of acceptance: 20 May 2011 Conference: July 19, July 2012 ** *Publication* The workshop proceedings will be published online by CSLI Publications. Only papers presented in the main workshop session will be included in the proceedings. A call for contributions to the proceedings will be issued after the conference. Proceedings of previous conferences are available at: The final deadline for receipt of written versions of conference papers is 15 November 2012 ** *Program Committee:* Doug Arnold, John Beavers, Rui Chaves, Jong-Bok Kim (Chair), Jason Merchant, Stefan Muller, Myung-Kwan Park, Eric Potsdam, Mark Steedman, Tom Wasow, Suichi Yatabe * * *Conference Web Site:* * * *Local Arrangements Chair: ** Byong-Rae Ryu (Chungnam University, ryu at* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From jongbokkim at Fri Mar 9 18:18:35 2012 From: jongbokkim at (Jong-Bok Kim) Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 15:18:35 -0800 Subject: Workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar In-Reply-To: Message-ID: *Workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar (co-located with HPSG 2012) * Call for papers Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address linguistic, foundational, or computational issues relating to ellipsis phenomena and its interactions with formal syntax and semantics. The aim of the workshop is to further current research on ellipsis within the HPSG community, and to encourage cross-framework discussion of ellipsis and its interface to syntax and semantics. Thus, we strongly encourage researchers from outside the HPSG framework to submit. *Invited Speaker* Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh) ** *Workshop Format* There will be two sessions: a main session, with 30 minute presentations (plus 10 min discussion), and a poster session. The poster session is intended as a means of encouraging the presentation of work that is not yet fully mature. Prospective speakers may submit either a 5 page abstract for the main session, or a 2 page abstract for the poster session. Abstracts submitted initially for the main session may be accepted, at the discretion of the program committee, for presentation in the poster session instead. ** *Related Events* The workshop on ellipsis is part of this year's HPSG conference, which will take place in Daejon, South Korea, on 18—21, July 2011. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials for “Experimental Design for Linguists” on 18 July given by Philip Hofmeister (University of Essex). ** *Submissions* We will use an online submission system. All abstracts should be submitted via the Easy Abstract System: Abstracts should be in PDF format. Please direct any questions to the Program Committee Chair: hpsg2012program at All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Abstracts should not include the authors' names, and authors are asked to avoid self-references. ** *Important Dates* Abstract submission deadline: 17 April, 2012 Notification of acceptance: 20 May 2011 Conference: July 19, July 2012 ** *Publication* The workshop proceedings will be published online by CSLI Publications. Only papers presented in the main workshop session will be included in the proceedings. A call for contributions to the proceedings will be issued after the conference. Proceedings of previous conferences are available at: The final deadline for receipt of written versions of conference papers is 15 November 2012. ** *Program Committee:* Doug Arnold, John Beavers, Rui Chaves, Jong-Bok Kim (Chair), Jason Merchant, Stefan Muller, Myung-Kwan Park, Eric Potsdam, Ivan Sag, Mark Steedman, Tom Wasow, Suichi Yatabe * * *Conference Web Site:* * * *Local Arrangements Chair: ** Byong-Rae Ryu (Chungnam University, ryu at* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From strunk at Mon Mar 12 07:45:07 2012 From: strunk at (Jan Strunk) Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 12:45:07 +0100 Subject: Correction: The Meaning of P (with a special session on spatial polysemy) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Corrected First Call for Papers *** Please note the corrected date: November 23-25, 2012 *** *** Apologies for the confusion! *** The Meaning of P (with a special session on spatial polysemy) A conference organized by the Department of Linguistics (Sprachwissenschaftliches Institut) of Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany, November 23-25, 2012 There is general agreement among linguists that prepositions are highly ambiguous. There is much less agreement about the origin of the ambiguity (homonymy, polysemy); but even more surprisingly, only few attempts have been undertaken to characterize the spectrum of possible meanings of large sets of prepositions in individual languages, let alone cross-linguistically. Recent research has shown that analyses of preposition senses not only have to account for their ambiguity, but also for the near-synonymy of prepositions. Meanings of prepositions have mostly been investigated by lexicographers, but quite often without the provision of clear criteria for determining individual meanings. Consequently, recent research may show that senses attributed to particular prepositions can actually be derived compositionally from the syntactic context of the preposition, which raises the question concerning the proper sense of the preposition in such contexts. Our conference aims at a comprehensive picture of preposition meanings. Thus, we invite work addressing all questions touching on the interpretation of prepositions, including the following issues: - Typological, theoretical, and computational approaches to a comprehensive analysis of preposition meanings. - Annotation schemata for preposition senses. - In-depth compositional analyses of prepositions in all kinds of syntactic and semantic frameworks. - Attempts to define basic semantic or ontological relations onto which preposition meanings can be mapped. Special session on spatial polysemy Recent research on preposition meanings has produced a large corpus of work on spatial polysemy. We therefore devote part of the conference to a special workshop on spatial polysemy, which will not only deal with spatial interpretations of prepositions, but with the general role of spatiality in interpretations. Invited speakers: Claudia Maienborn (Universität Tübingen, D) James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University, USA) Joost Zwarts (Universiteit Utrecht, NL) N.N. Conference website: Paper submission: Please submit an electronic abstract (PDF, 5 pages including figures and references) to Anneli von Könemann (vonkoenemann at, indicating whether the paper is submitted to the main conference or to the special session on spatial polysemy. Deadline for submissions: May 31, 2012 Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2012 Please direct your inquiries to Antje Müller (mueller at, Tibor Kiss (tibor at, or Anneli von Könemann (vonkoenemann at On behalf of the conference organizers Jan Strunk strunk at Sprachwissenschaftliches Institut Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany From philip.miller at Mon Mar 12 11:56:49 2012 From: philip.miller at (Philip Miller) Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 16:56:49 +0100 Subject: PhD post: Universit=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E9_?=Paris-Diderot (Paris 7)---language acquisition, dialogue, semantics, machine learning In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: PhD post: Université Paris-Diderot (Paris 7)---language acquisition, dialogue, semantics, machine learning Applicants are invited for a full time PhD post to work within the 10-year project Labaratory of Excellence (LabEx) "Empirical foundations of linguistics" ( The candidate will work in Strand 4: Language representation and processing in a lifespan perspective. The successful applicant, who will be based at the Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle (LLF), Université Paris-Diderot (Paris 7) ( ) . She or he should have qualifications in linguistics, computer science, or psycholinguistics at the Master's level or equivalent. The thesis, which can be written in English, will involve research within a project developing a model of language acquisition that integrates parent-child interaction as part of the primary data. The empirical basis will be corpus studies of multimodal child-parent interaction. Modelling will involve developing techniques that integrate dialogue modelling and machine learning as the basis for a theory of how grammar emerges at the very early stages of language acquisition. Research will also involve development of grammars for early child utterances and induction algorithms that will allow such grammars to change on the basis of interactions. The applicant will be working in an international interdisciplinary research team. Applicants will be assessed by committee from the LabEx EFL. The main emphasis of the assessment will be on the applicant's potential for research, as evident from: Master's thesis or other equivalent scholarly works. Please attach with your application: - letter of application - CV - two names of referees (with email address) - web address with publications. Contact: Jonathan Ginzburg Contact email: Duration:36 months starting september 2012 Salary: in accordance with the French state regulated PhD salary scale Application deadline: 10/04/2012 Application email: Application reference: EFL-OLA8 ---- Yonatan Ginzburg yonatan.ginzburg at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From info at Wed Mar 14 12:30:24 2012 From: info at (ELRA ELDA Information) Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 17:30:24 +0100 Subject: LREC 2012: DEADLINE EXTENSION for Final Submission & Early Registration Message-ID: **** EXTENDED DEADLINE ************************************************************* The deadline for *Final Submission* and *Early Registration* has been moved to *March, 21st, 2012*. We take the occasion for reminding you that it is strongly advisable to complete the hotel reservation when registering to LREC. May is the high season in Istanbul. ************************************************************************************ LREC 2012 - May 21-27 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ICEC Conference Center Istanbul, Turkey Submit your paper: Register online: Book a hotel room for the conference: Contact us: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From fackerman at Thu Mar 15 12:55:17 2012 From: fackerman at (farrell ackerman) Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 09:55:17 -0700 Subject: First American International Morphology Meeting - Final Call Message-ID: CALL FOR PAPERS – 1st International Morphology Meeting (AIMM) The first American International Morphology Meeting (AIMM) will take place September 22, 2012 at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. It is anticipated that the second meeting of AIMM will take place at the University of California, San Diego, and that thereafter it will alternate between the east and west coasts. One of the main purposes of the American International Morphology Meeting is to provide a forum for young investigators to present work in morphology, and students and recent Ph.D.s are especially encouraged to submit abstracts. The keynote speaker is Gregory Stump (University of Kentucky). The title and abstract of his lecture will be available at a later date. For the 2012 meeting, the theme will be Multiple Exponence, though abstracts on any topic in morphology will be welcome. We will have a small poster session in addition to regular sessions. Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail to aimm at by March 15. They should adhere to the following guidelines: 􀀀 Up to two pages, including examples and references 􀀀 Twelve-point type 􀀀 One-inch margins 􀀀 Anonymous 􀀀 pdf format 􀀀 In the body of the e-mail provide the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), title of the abstract, e-mail address, and whether the submission is for the thematic session or the other session. 􀀀 Also specify in the body of the e-mail which of the following categories you want the paper considered in B paper only, poster only, poster if not accepted as paper. The selection and advisory committee is composed of the following scholars: Farrell Ackerman (UCSD), Mark Aronoff (Stony Brook), Gabriela Caballero (UCSD), Greville Corbett (Surrey), Gregory Stump (Kentucky). The organizing committee is Alice Harris, Seth Cable, and John McCarthy. Farrell -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From monica_laura_lau at Fri Mar 16 09:09:41 2012 From: monica_laura_lau at (Monica Lau) Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 06:09:41 -0700 Subject: Final CFP & Deadline Extension: The Nature of Evidential=?utf-8?Q?=E2=80=8B=E2=80=8B=E2=80=8Bity_?=(TNE2012) Message-ID: [Apologies for cross-posting]   DEADLINE EXTENSION: to  MARCH 31, 2012   Final Call for Papers   The Nature of Evidentiality (TNE2012), Leiden, The Netherlands, 14-16 JUNE 2012   MEETING DESCRIPTION:   The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers working on various language families and from various subdisciplines of linguistics to discuss the linguistic nature of evidentiality. We welcome any descriptive, theoretical, comparative or historical perspective, as long as one or more of the following topics is addressed:   Theory: the nature of the network of relationships between evidential categories, and the descriptors that are needed to accurately map these relationships.   Description: fresh data or novel analyses that throw a new light on theoretical and typological assumptions about evidentiality.   Criteria: rigorous syntactic, morphological, and semantic tests for describing the differences between evidential categories.   Evidential systems: the nature of the interaction of various evidential markers within a given evidential system.   Beyond evidentiality: the relationships of evidentials with other linguistic categories such as tense, aspect, and modality.   INVITED SPEAKERS:   Rose-Marie Déchaine (UBC) Ferdinand de Haan (Oracle) Daniel J. Hintz (SIL) Matthias Schenner (ZAS Berlin) Peggy Speas (UMass, Amherst) FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS:   We are accepting abstracts on any of the topics above only through the EasyChair abstract submission system, which can be found at: Abstracts should not exceed two pages, including data and references, and have at least 11-point font on either A4 or letter paper with one-inch (2.5cm) margins. Abstracts must be anonymous and submissions are limited to 2 per author, at least one of which is co-authored. Selected talks will be 30 minutes long: 20 min. for presentation and 10 min. for discussion.   IMPORTANT DATES:   Submission deadline: March 15, 2012    *EXTENDED TO MARCH 31, 2012* Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2012 Registration deadline: May 15, 2012 Conference: June 14 to June 16, 2012   ORGANIZING  COMMITTEE:   Johan Rooryck (LUCL) Tyler Peterson (LUCL) Monica Lau  (LUCL) Willem Adelaar (LUCL)   CONTACT INFORMATION: evidentiality at     In addition to the main conference, we are also hosting a  one-day workshop on June 13 dedicated to semantic fieldwork and evidentials. In  the past 25 years research on evidentiality has greatly expanded its  cross-linguistic scope, and we now have many fine-grained descriptions of evidentials in individual  languages. This research has led to the development of many empirical, experimental, and theoretical tools for  documenting evidentiality. These advances have also revealed the challenges in  adequately describing evidentials. As such, the purpose of this workshop is to  bring field researchers together who work on evidentiality, and to provide a  forum for exchanging methodologies and experiences in probing evidential  meaning. If you are interested in making a short presentation at the workshop, please include a one-paragraph abstract along  with your main conference abstract. There are a limited number of presentation  slots, but we hope to accommodate as many people as possible. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From Stefan.Mueller at Sun Mar 18 09:27:06 2012 From: Stefan.Mueller at (=?UTF-8?B?U3RlZmFuIE3DvGxsZXI=?=) Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 14:27:06 +0100 Subject: Changes to the Proceedings Message-ID: Hi everybody, There have been some minor changes to all the pdf files of the HPSG proceedings since 2003. I changed the font of the title of each paper. I did this since google scholar attributed all papers to me. For instance for "Pseudocoordination in Danish Anne Bjerre & Tavs Bjerre University of Southern Denmark & Aarhus University, Denmark Proceedings of the HPSG07 Conference Stanford Department of Linguistics and CSLI’s LinGO LAB Stanford University, CA, USA Stefan Müller (Editor)" they categorized everything before my name as the title and attributed this publication to me. I hope that the bold face title will now help to avoid such missclassifications. Please go to and check all proceedings for you papers and verify that I did not break anything. Thanks! Best wishes Stefan -- Stefan Müller Tel: (+49) (+30) 838 52973 Fax: (+49) (030) 838 4 52973 Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie Deutsche Grammatik Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14 195 Berlin From jongbokkim at Sun Mar 18 19:48:32 2012 From: jongbokkim at (Jong-Bok Kim) Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 16:48:32 -0700 Subject: Second CFP: HPSG 2012 (deadline extended) Message-ID: The 19th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, HPSG-2012, will take place in July 17-20, 2012, at Chungnam National University in Daejeon, located in the center of South Korea. Call for Papers: Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address linguistic, foundational, or computational issues relating to the framework of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Invited Speakers: Hans Uszkoreit (Saarland University & DFKI) Conference Format: There will be two sessions: a main session, with 30 minute presentations, and a poster session. The poster session is intended as a means of encouraging the presentation of work that is not yet fully developed. Prospective speakers may submit either a 5 page abstract for the main session, or a 2 page abstract for the poster session. Abstracts submitted initially for the main session may be accepted, at the discretion of the program committee, for presentation in the poster session instead. Related Events: The conference will take place in Daejeon, South Korean, on 18-21, July 2011. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials for "Experimental Design for Linguists" on 18 July given by Philip Hofmeister (University of Essex) and a workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar on 19 July. There is a separate call for papers for the workshop. Submissions: We will use an online submission system. All abstracts should be submitted via Linguist List's Easy Abstracts System: Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Abstracts should not include the authors' names and authors are asked to avoid self-references. Please direct any questions to the Program Committee Chair, Jong-Bok Kim, at hpsg2012program at Important Dates: Extended Abstract submission deadline: April 10, 2012 (March 31, 2012) Notification of acceptance: April 27, 2012 Conference: July 17-20, 2012 Program Committee: Anne Abeille, Doug Arnold, Emily M. Bender, Francis Bond, Oliver Bonami, Bob Borsley, Rui Chaves, Ann Copestake, Berthold Crysmann, Elisabet Engdahl, Dan Flickinger, Jong-Bok Kim (chair), Tibor Kiss, Jean-Pierre Koenig, Valia Kordoni, Bob Levine, Laura Michaelis, Stefan Muller, Tsuneko Nakazawa, Jeff Runner, Ivan Sag, Manfred Sailer, Frank Van Eynde, Gert Webelhuth, Eun-Jung Yoo, Stephen Wechsler, Schuichi Yatabe Publication: The conference proceedings will be published online by CSLI publications. A call for contributions to the publications will be issued after the conference. Proceedings of previous conferences are available at The final deadline for receipt of written versions of conference papers is November 10, 2012. Submission Web Site: Conference Web Site: Local Organizing Committee Chair: Byong-Rae Ryu (Chungnam National University, hpsg2012 at Hosted by Chungnam National University =============== Supported by Department of Linguistics, Chungnam National University (CNU), Center for Speech-Language Pathology (CSLP), CNU, Center for Language and Communication Research (CLCR), CNU The Korean Society for Language and Information (KSLI), Korea Research Foundation (KRF), Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From jongbokkim at Sun Mar 18 20:06:58 2012 From: jongbokkim at (Jong-Bok Kim) Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 17:06:58 -0700 Subject: CFP HPSG-2012 (deadline extended) Message-ID: Apologies for multiple postings. --------------- The 19th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, HPSG-2012, will take place in July 18-21, 2012, at Chungnam National University in Daejeon, located in the center of South Korea. Call for Papers: Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address linguistic, foundational, or computational issues relating to the framework of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Invited Speakers: Hans Uszkoreit (Saarland University & DFKI) Conference Format: There will be two sessions: a main session, with 30 minute presentations, and a poster session. The poster session is intended as a means of encouraging the presentation of work that is not yet fully developed. Prospective speakers may submit either a 5 page abstract for the main session, or a 2 page abstract for the poster session. Abstracts submitted initially for the main session may be accepted, at the discretion of the program committee, for presentation in the poster session instead. Related Events: The conference will take place in Daejeon, South Korea, on 18-21, July 2011. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials for "Experimental Design for Linguists" on 18 July given by Philip Hofmeister (University of Essex) and a workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar on 19 July. There is a separate call for papers for the workshop. Submissions: We will use an online submission system. All abstracts should be submitted via Linguist List's Easy Abstracts System: Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Abstracts should not include the authors' names and authors are asked to avoid self-references. Please direct any questions to the Program Committee Chair, Jong-Bok Kim, at hpsg2012program at Important Dates: Extended Abstract submission deadline: April 10, 2012 Notification of acceptance: April 27, 2012 Conference: July 18-21, 2012 Program Committee: Anne Abeille, Doug Arnold, Emily M. Bender, Francis Bond, Oliver Bonami, Bob Borsley, Rui Chaves, Ann Copestake, Berthold Crysmann, Elisabet Engdahl, Dan Flickinger, Jong-Bok Kim (chair), Tibor Kiss, Jean-Pierre Koenig, Valia Kordoni, Bob Levine, Laura Michaelis, Stefan Mueller, Tsuneko Nakazawa, Jeff Runner, Ivan Sag, Manfred Sailer, Frank Van Eynde, Gert Webelhuth, Eun-Jung Yoo, Stephen Wechsler, Shuichi Yatabe Publication: The conference proceedings will be published online by CSLI publications. A call for contributions to the publications will be issued after the conference. Proceedings of previous conferences are available at The final deadline for receipt of written versions of conference papers is November 10, 2012. Submission Web Site: Conference Web Site: Local Organizing Committee Chair: Byong-Rae Ryu (Chungnam National University, hpsg2012 at Hosted by Chungnam National University =============== Supported by Department of Linguistics, Chungnam National University (CNU), Center for Speech-Language Pathology (CSLP), CNU, Center for Language and Communication Research (CLCR), CNU The Korean Society for Language and Information (KSLI), Korea Research Foundation (KRF), Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof. School of English Director, Institute for the Study of Language and Information Kyung Hee Unversity, Seoul, Korea 130-701 Tel: 82-2-961-0892/070-8265-0892 (Kor), 714-446-9391 (USA) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From info at Tue Mar 20 13:37:22 2012 From: info at (ELRA ELDA Information) Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 18:37:22 +0100 Subject: LREC 2012 What=?windows-1252?Q?=92s_?=New #2 - March 2012 Message-ID: *[Apologies for cross-postings]** *LREC 2012 What’s New**is a short bulletin meant to give you a quick overview of the latest information on the conference organization. *Important Dates* Final Submission of accepted papers: 21 March 2012 Early-bird Registration Deadline : 21 March 2012 Conference: 23 - 24 - 25 May 2012 Pre-conference workshops and tutorials: 21 and 22 May 2012 Post-conference workshops and tutorials: 26 and 27 May 2012 *Content* 1.Final Submission 2.Registration 3.MEDAR Grants for Students from Arabic countries 4.EU Village 5.List of accepted papers 6.Scientific Committee 7.Sponsors 8.Travel & Accommodation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *1. Final Submission* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *The deadline for submitting your final paper on START is: March 21^st 2012, 23:59 GMT+1.*. Don’t forget to update the LRE Map and/or to contribute to the Language Library . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *2. Registration* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Early-Bird Registration for LREC 2012 deadline: March 21^st 2012, 23:59 GMT+1.* The Registration fees for Conference and Workshops/Tutorials are available at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *3. **MEDAR Grants for students from Arabic countries*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The MEDAR Consortium (involved in MEDAR and NEMLAR Projects on “Mediterranean Arabic Language and Speech Technology”, completed with the support by the European Commission), is awarding grants for students from Arabic countries to LREC 2012. At the time of the application, applicants must be currently enrolled as Master’s or Ph.D students at a University in an Arabic country. Each grant will cover the registration fees and support part of the travel and accommodation expenses. To apply for a grant, send a message to medar-grants at . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *4. EU-Projects Village* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *20 booths*have already been booked by European projects at the EU Village, a Projects Village to be set up at LREC 2012 with the support of the European Commission. The main objective of this exhibition for on-going EC-sponsored projects is to disseminate information by describing the activities/objectives and showing progress, either through demos, or through brochures or leaflets if the project is still at an early stage. The cost of participating to the EU Village is an eligible cost under "Information Dissemination" item. The EU projects Village will be open from May 23 to 25, 2012 during the Main conference days. More information: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *5. List of accepted Papers* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The list of the accepted papers to the Main conference is available: Acceptance rate: 68% of the submitted papers have been accepted (to compare to 69% for LREC 2010). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *6. Scientific Committee* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The list of Scientific Committee members is available at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *7. Sponsors* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LREC 2012 gratefully acknowledges the following institutions for their sponsorship of this year’s conference: */Silver sponsors/*// NUANCE: CELI: */Bronze sponsors/* EML: IMMI: META-NET: QUAERO: If your institution would like to support LREC, please check the opportunities: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *8. Travel & Accommodation* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */Hotels /**/ /*Special rates have been negotiated for LREC participants in a number of hotels by our local agency Dekon. The list can be found at May is the beginning of the high season in Istanbul, *so it is highly recommended to book your room as soon as you can*. Don’t hesitate to contact Dekon if you need support for organizing your trip. */Flying to Istanbul/**/ /*The Star Alliance™ Members Airlines have been appointed as the Official Airline Network for LREC 2012. LREC Participants can obtain discounts (up to 20%) on their flights to/from Istanbul. More information: ___________________________________________ *LREC 2012 in Istanbul: **Contact: lrec at* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From yannick.parmentier at Thu Mar 22 12:23:46 2012 From: yannick.parmentier at (Yannick Parmentier) Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 17:23:46 +0100 Subject: CSLP 2012 - Call for papers Message-ID: [APOLOGIES FOR CROSS-POSTING] CALL FOR PAPERS ======================================================== Constraint Solving and Language Processing - CSLP 2012 - Seventh International Workshop Université d'Orléans, Orléans, France September 13-14, 2012 ======================================================== INTRODUCTION ============ The Constraint Solving and Language Processing (CSLP) workshop considers the role of constraints in the representation of language and the implementation of language processing from an interdisciplinary perspective. This theme should be interpreted inclusively: contributions from linguistics, computer science, psycholinguistics and related areas are welcome, and an interdisciplinary perspective is of particular interest. Constraints are widely used in linguistics, computer science, and psychology. How they are used, however, varies widely according to the research domain: knowledge representation, cognitive modelling, problem solving mechanisms, etc. These different perspectives are complementary, each one adding a piece to the puzzle. For example, linguistics proposes in-depth descriptions implementing constraints in order to filter out structures by means of description languages, constraint ranking, etc. The constraint programming paradigm, on the other hand, shows that constraints have to be taken as a systematic whole and can thus play a role in building the structures (or can even replace structures). Finally, psycholinguistics experiment have been made, investigating the role of constraint systems for cognitive processes in comprehension and production, as well as addressing how they can be acquired. TOPICS ====== CSLP is open to submissions on topics including, but not limited to: * Constraints in human language comprehension and production * Context modelling and discourse interpretation * Acquisition of constraints * Constraints and learning * Cross-theoretical view of the notion of constraint * New advances in constraint-based linguistic theories * Constraint satisfaction (CS) technologies for NLP * Linguistic analysis and linguistic theories biased towards CS or constraint logic programming (CLP) * Application of CS or CLP for NLP * CS and CLP for other than textual or spoken languages, e.g., sign languages and biological, multimodal human-computer interaction, visual languages * Probabilistic constraint-based reasoning for NLP and context comprehension PREVIOUS EDITIONS ================= Six CSLP workshops have been organized in the past in: Karlsruhe, Germany (2011), Hamburg, Germany (2008), Roskilde, Denmark (2007), Sydney, Australia (2006), Sitges, Spain (2005), Roskilde, Denmark (2004). IMPORTANT DATES =============== Submission Deadline: June 10, 2012 Notification: August 1st, 2012 Camera-ready Version: September 1st, 2012 Workshop Dates: September 13-14, 2012 SUBMISSIONS =========== Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files and be prepared using the Springer LNAI/LNCS format. Detailed formatting instructions can be found at: Papers should present original, unpublished work. Simultaneous submission to other venues with published proceedings is prohibited. CSLP accepts two kinds of submissions: - full papers (12 pages including references) reporting completed, significant research, - short papers (6 pages including references) reporting ongoing work and partial results. Each submission will be reviewed by three program committee members. Accepted long papers will be presented within 20 minutes talks plus 10 minutes for questions. Accepted short papers will be presented within 10 minutes talks plus 5 minutes for questions. Both paper types will be published in the workshop proceedings. Since reviewing will be blind, the submission should not include the authors' names and affiliations. Other identifying information such as obvious self-references (e.g., "We showed in [12] ...") and financial or personal acknowledgements should be omitted in the submitted papers whenever feasible. Papers have to be submitted via the easychair conference management system using the following link: A volume at an international publisher will be considered for selected and revised papers, if number and quality of submissions permits. KEYNOTE SPEAKER =============== To be announced PROGRAM COMMITEE ================ Philippe Blache, CNRS - Université de Provence, France Adriane Boyd, Universität Tübingen, Germany Aoife Cahill, ETS Princeton, USA Henning Christiansen, Roskilde University, Denmark Berthold Crysmann, CNRS - Paris 7, France Verónica Dahl, Simon Fraser University, Canada Helen de Hoop, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands Eric De La Clergerie, INRIA - Paris 7, France Denys Duchier, Université d'Orléans, France Claire Gardent, CNRS - LORIA, France Barbara Hemforth, Université Paris Descartes, France Maria Dolores Jiménez-López, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain Laura Kallmeyer, Heinrich Heine Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany Ruth Kempson, King's College London, UK Stephan Kepser, Codecentric AG Düsseldorf, Germany Patrick McCrae, Langtec Hamburg, Germany Wolfgang Menzel, Universität Hamburg, Germany Detmar Meurer, Universität Tübingen, Germany Véronique Moriceau, Université Paris XI, France Jean-Philippe Prost, Université de Montpellier, France Adam Przepiórkowski, IPIPAN, Warsaw, Poland Christian Rétoré, Université de Bordeaux, France Frank Richter, Universität Tübingen, Germany Sylvain Salvati, INRIA - Université de Bordeaux, France Sylvain Schmitz, ENS Cachan, France Kiril Simov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria Jesse Tseng, CNRS - Université de Toulouse, France Jørgen Villadsen, Technical University of Denmark LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITEE ========================= Chairs: Denys Duchier (LIFO - Université d'Orléans) Yannick Parmentier (LIFO - Université d'Orléans) Members: Guillaume Cleuziou (LIFO - Université d'Orléans) Thi-Bich-Hanh Dao (LIFO - Université d'Orléans) Abdelali Ed-Dbali (LIFO - Université d'Orléans) Matthieu Exbrayat (LIFO - Université d'Orléans) Matthieu Lopez (LIFO - Université d'Orléans) Lionel Martin (LIFO - Université d'Orléans) Simon Petitjean (LIFO - Université d'Orléans) Jacques-Henri Sublemontier (LIFO - Université d'Orléans) Information about the Workshop is available at the CSLP workshop website: E-mail:cslp2012 at From jongbokkim at Mon Mar 26 19:30:21 2012 From: jongbokkim at (Jong-Bok Kim) Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 16:30:21 -0700 Subject: 2nd CFP: Workshop on Ellipsis Message-ID: Workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar (co-located with HPSG 2012) Call for papers Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address linguistic, foundational, or computational issues relating to ellipsis phenomena and its interactions with formal syntax and semantics. The aim of the workshop is to further current research on ellipsis within the HPSG community, and to encourage cross-framework discussion of ellipsis and its interface to syntax and semantics. Thus, we strongly encourage researchers from outside the HPSG framework to submit. *Invited Speaker* Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh) *Workshop Format* There will be two sessions: a main session, with 30 minute presentations (plus 10 min discussion), and a poster session. The poster session is intended as a means of encouraging the presentation of work that is not yet fully developed. Prospective speakers may submit either a 5 page abstract for the main session, or a 2 page abstract for the poster session. Abstracts submitted initially for the main session may be accepted, at the discretion of the program committee, for presentation in the poster session instead. ** *Related Events* The workshop on ellipsis is part of this year's HPSG conference, which will take place in Daejeon, South Korea, on 18—21, July 2011. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials for “Experimental Design for Linguists” on 18 July given by Philip Hofmeister (University of Essex) and followed by the HPSG 2012 to be held on 19—20, July, 2011. ** *Submissions* We will use an online submission system. All abstracts should be submitted via the Easy Abstract System: Abstracts should be in PDF format. Please direct any questions to the Program Committee Chair: hpsg2012program at All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Abstracts should not include the authors' names, and authors are asked to avoid self-references. *Important Dates* Abstract submission deadline: 17 April, 2012 Notification of acceptance: 20 May 2011 Conference: July 19, July 2012 *Publication* The workshop proceedings will be published online by CSLI Publications. Only papers presented in the main workshop session will be included in the proceedings. A call for contributions to the proceedings will be issued after the conference. Proceedings of previous conferences are available at: The final deadline for receipt of written versions of conference papers is 15 November 2012 *Program Committee:* * * Doug Arnold, John Beavers, Rui Chaves, Jong-Bok Kim (Chair), Jason Merchant, Stefan Mueller, Myung-Kwan Park, Eric Potsdam, Ivan Sag, Mark Steedman, Tom Wasow, Shuichi Yatabe, Eun-Jung Yoo * * *Conference Web Site: *** * * *Local Arrangements Chair: ** Byong-Rae Ryu (Chungnam University, ** ryu at* *)* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From marco.passarotti at Tue Mar 27 11:28:31 2012 From: marco.passarotti at (Passarotti Marco Carlo) Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 17:28:31 +0200 Subject: ACRH-2: First Call for Papers Message-ID: FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS ---- Second Workshop on Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities (ACRH-2) ---- The second edition of the workshop on "Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities" (ACRH-2) will be held on November 29, 2012 at the University of Lisbon (Portugal) ( Submissions are invited for oral presentations and posters (with or without demonstrations) featuring high quality and previously unpublished research on the topics described below. Contributions should focus on results from completed as well as ongoing research, with an emphasis on novel approaches, methods, ideas, and perspectives, whether descriptive, theoretical, formal or computational. Proceedings will be published in time for the workshop by the Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa (CLUL). Publication will be online only. The workshop will be co-located with the Eleventh International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT-11), which will be held on November 30 - December 1, 2012 ( MOTIVATION AND AIMS Like in its first edition (held in Heidelberg on 5 January, 2012: proceedings available here:, the ACRH workshop aims at building a tighter collaboration between people working in various areas of the Humanities (such as literature, philology, history etc.) and the research community involved in developing, using and making accessible annotated corpora. Addressing topics related to annotated corpora for research in the Humanities is an interdisciplinary task, which involves corpus and computational linguists (mostly those working in literary computing), philologists, scholars in the Humanities and computer scientists. However, this interdisciplinarity is not fully realised yet. Indeed, philologists and scholars are not used to exploit NLP tools and language resources such as annotated corpora; in turn, computational linguists are more prone to develop language resources for NLP purposes only. For instance, although many corpora that play a relevant role for research in Humanities are today available in digital format (theatrical plays, contemporary novels, critical literature, literary reviews etc.), only a few of them are linguistically tagged, while most still lack linguistic tagging at all. Historical corpora are also a case of special interest, since their creation demands a strong interplay between computational linguistics and more traditional scholarship. Over the past few years a number of historical annotated corpora have been started, among which are treebanks for Middle, Early Modern and Old English, Early New High German, Medieval Portuguese, Ugaritic, Latin, Ancient Greek and several translations of the New Testament into Indo-European languages. The experience of these ever-growing group of projects can provide many suggestions on the methodology as well as on the practice of interaction between literary studies, philology and corpus linguistics. We believe that a tighter collaboration between people working in the Humanities and the research community involved in developing annotated corpora is now needed because, while annotating a corpus from scratch still remains a labor-intensive and time-consuming task, today this is simplified by intensively exploiting prior experience in the field. Indeed, such a collaboration is still quite far from being achieved, as a gap still holds between computational linguists (who sometimes do not involve humanists in developing and exploiting annotated corpora for the Humanities) and humanists (who sometimes just ignore that such corpora do exist and that automatic methods and standards to build them are today available). TOPICS To overcome the above mentioned issues, ACRH-2 aims at covering a wide range of topics related to the annotation of corpora for research in the Humanities. The topics to be addressed in the workshop include (but are not limited to) the following: - specific issues related to the annotation of corpora for research in the Humanities - annotated corpora as a basis for research in the Humanities - diachronic, historical and literary annotated corpora - use of annotated corpora for stylometrics and authorship attribution - philological issues, like different readings, textual variants, apparatus, non-standard orthography and spelling variation - annotation principles and schemes of corpora for research in the Humanities - adaptation of NLP tools for older language varieties. Specific features of tools for accessing and retrieving annotated corpora to address various research topics in the Humanities - examples of fruitful collaboration between Computational Linguistics and Humanities in building and exploiting annotated corpora INVITED SPEAKER Martin Wynne (University of Oxford, UK) IMPORTANT DATES Deadlines: always midnight, UTC ('Coordinated Universal Time'), ignoring DST ('Daylight Saving Time'): - Deadline for paper submission: September 2, 2012 - Notification of acceptance: October 7, 2012 - Final version of paper for workshop proceedings: October 28, 2012 - Workshop: November 29, 2012 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION We invite to submit full papers describing original, unpublished research related to the topics of the workshop. Papers should not exceed 12 pages. The language of the workshop is English. All papers must be submitted in well-checked English. Papers should be submitted in PDF format only. Submissions have to be made via the EasyChair page of the workshop at Please, first register at EasyChair if you do not have an EasyChair account. The style guidelines follow the specifications required by TLT. They can be found here: Please, note that as reviewing will be double-blind, the papers should not include the authors' names and affiliations or any references to web-sites, project names etc. revealing the authors' identity. Furthermore, any self-reference should be avoided. For instance, instead of "We previously showed (Brown, 2001)...", use citations such as "Brown previously showed (Brown, 2001)...". Each submitted paper will be reviewed by three members of the program committee. Submitted papers can be for oral or poster presentations (with or without demo). There is no difference between the different kinds of presentation both in terms of reviewing process and publication in the proceedings (the limit of 12 pages holds for both oral and poster presentations). ORAL PRESENTATION The oral presentations at the workshop will be 30 minutes long (25 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and discussion). PROGRAM COMMITTEE CHAIRS - Francesco Mambrini (University of Cologne, Germany) - Marco Passarotti (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy) - Caroline Sporleder (Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany) PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBERS - David Bamman (USA) - Gabriel Bodard (UK) - Lars Borin (Sweden) - Antonio Branco (Portugal) - Helma Dik (USA) - Anette Frank (Germany) - Dag Haug (Norway) - Erhard Hinrichs (Germany) - Beáta Megyesi (Sweden) - Martha Nell Smith (USA) - Petya Osenova (Bulgaria) - Martin Reynaert (the Netherlands) - Victoria Rosén (Norway) - Jeff Rydberg Cox (USA) - Melissa Terras (UK) - Manfred Thaller (Germany) - Martin Volk (Switzerland) LOCAL ORGANIZATION - Amalia Mendes - Iris Hendrickx - Sandra Antunes - Aida Cardoso - Sandra Perreira All CLUL, University of Lisbon, Portugal -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From afokkens at Wed Mar 28 15:36:25 2012 From: afokkens at (Antske Fokkens) Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 21:36:25 +0200 Subject: FYI: Final CFP: : SANCL 2012 - Workshop on Syntactic Analysis of Non-Canonical Language In-Reply-To: Message-ID: > FYI > > >> >> ******************************************************************************* >> SANCL 2012 - NAACL-HLT Workshop on Syntactic Analysis of Non-Canonical >> Language >> >> ******************************************************************************* >> >> The first Workshop on Syntactic Analysis of Non-Canonical Language will be >> held in conjunction with the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter >> of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language >> Technologies (NAACL-HLT 2012) which will take place in June, 3-8, 2012 in >> Montreal, Canada. >> >> >> Important Dates >> --------------- >> Apr 04, 2012 Paper submission deadline >> Apr 27, 2012 Notification of acceptance >> May 07, 2012 Camera-ready deadline >> Jun 08, 2012 SANCL workshop at NAACL-HLT 2012 >> >> >> Workshop Description >> -------------------- >> The SANCL workshop aims to provide a forum for all researchers interested >> in syntactic analysis and parsing of language that is “non-canonical”. By >> that term we mean structures with characteristics deviating from the >> standard written form of the language. A case in point is spoken language, >> but also the language of social media, computer-mediated communication in >> general, the interlanguage produced by language learners, or historical >> data. All of these pose challenges for parsing models trained on edited >> newspaper text as well as for the theoretical analysis of these >> structures. >> >> >> Scope and Topics >> ---------------- >> We aim to encourage a cross-fertilisation of ideas amongst researchers >> working on different but related problems, such as >> - What is the best strategy for parsing non-canonical language? >> - Should we treat parsing of non-canonical language as a problem of >> robustness or domain adaptation? >> - Or would it be better to develop new training data sets addressing >> the particular properties of the data? >> - What are the pros and cons of a one-size-fits-all annotation approach >> and of applying annotation schemes developed for standard written text >> to non-canonical data? >> - Can insights gained from parsing one type of non-canonical text help >> in parsing another? >> - What are the challenges of handling the often heterogeneous nature of >> the data (e.g. code-switching)? >> - What role does pre-processing play in the parsing of non-canonical >> data? >> - To what extent is it necessary or desirable to perform full parsing >> for some kinds of non-canonical text? >> - From a theoretical perspective, what are the appropriate analyses for >> non-canonical structures? >> - How should new linguistic forms emerging from social media be >> analysed, e.g. the use of hashtags in Twitter? >> - What is the optimal unit of analysis? >> - For non-sentential units (frequent in spoken language) and especially >> for elliptical utterances: what kind of information is necessary for a >> meaningful analysis? Depending on the application, categories like "NP" >> or "PP" might not sufficient. >> >> Contributions to the workshop should address the adequate syntactic >> representation as well as the unit of analysis for the task at hand. We >> welcome both theoretical and practical contributions for any grammatical >> framework, any parsing approach and any language. >> >> >> Submission Details >> ------------------ >> Authors are invited to submit long or short papers on original, >> unpublished work addressing these (or related) topics. Long papers may >> consist of up to 8 pages of content plus two extra pages for references; >> short papers may consist of 4 pages of content including references. >> Papers should be formatted according to the NAACL 2012 guidelines (for >> more information please visit >> >> >> As the reviewing will be blind, the paper must not include the authors' >> names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the >> author's identity, e.g., "We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ..." must be >> avoided. Instead, use citations such as "Smith previously showed (Smith, >> 1991) ..." Papers that do not conform to these requirements will be >> rejected without review. In addition, please do not post your submissions >> on the web until after the review process is complete. >> >> Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or >> publications must indicate this at submission time. Please visit the >> workshop web page ( for more >> details. >> >> Papers will be accepted until Apr 04, 2012, 11:59pm (PDT, GMT-8) in PDF >> format via the START system >> ( >> >> >> Shared Task >> ----------- >> The SANCL 2012 workshop will host the *first shared task on parsing >> English web text* organised by Google. A session in the workshop will be >> devoted to presenting and discussing the results of this shared task. For >> more details, please visit >> >> >> >> Workshop Organizers >> ------------------- >> Ozlem Cetinoglu (IMS Stuttgart, Germany) >> Jennifer Foster (NCLT, DCU, Ireland) >> Ines Rehbein (Potsdam University, Germany) >> >> >> Shared Task Organizers >> ---------------------- >> Slav Petrov (Google Research, USA) >> Ryan McDonald (Google Research, USA) >> >> >> Program Committee >> ----------------- >> Bernd Bohnet (IMS Stuttgart, Germany) >> Aoife Cahill (Educational Testing Service, USA) >> Marie Candito (University of Paris 7, France) >> John Carroll (University of Sussex, UK) >> Jinho Choi (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA) >> Eric de la Clergerie (INRIA, France) >> Markus Dickinson (Indiana University, USA) >> Steffi Dipper (University of Bochum, Germany) >> Gulsen Eryigit (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey) >> Stefan Evert (University of Darmstadt, Germany) >> Kim Gerdes (University of Paris 3, France) >> Masato Hagiwara (Rakuten Institute of Technology, USA) >> Ron Kaplan (Microsoft, USA) >> Jonas Kuhn (IMS Stuttgart, Germany) >> Sandra Kübler (Indiana University, USA) >> Joseph Le Roux (Université Paris-Nord, France) >> Anke Lüdeling (Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany) >> David McClosky (Stanford University, USA) >> Detmar Meurers (University of Tübingen, Germany) >> Joakim Nivre (Uppsala University, Sweden) >> Lilja Øvrelid (University of Oslo, Norway) >> Brian Roark (Oregon Health & Science University, USA) >> Kenji Sagae (University of Southern California, USA) >> Djamé Seddah (University of Paris 4, France) >> Reut Tsarfaty (Uppsala University, Sweden) >> Josef van Genabith (Dublin City University, Ireland) >> Heike Zinsmeister (University of Konstanz, Germany) >> >> >> Contact Information >> ------------------- >> For general questions about the workshop, please email >> sancl2012contact at For specific questions about the shared task, >> please email the shared task organizers (parsingtheweb at >> Additional information about SANCL 2012 can be found at >> >> >> > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From info at Thu Mar 29 09:18:07 2012 From: info at (ELRA ELDA Information) Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 15:18:07 +0200 Subject: MEDAR Grants for students from Arabic countries for LREC 2012 Message-ID: [Apologies for cross-postings] The MEDAR Consortium, involved in MEDAR and NEMLAR Projects on “Mediterranean Arabic Language and Speech Technology”, completed with the support by the European Commission, is awarding grants for students from Arabic countries to attend the 8th edition of the International conference LREC taking place in Istanbul on May 21 to 27, 2012. Each grant will cover the registration fees and support part of the travel and accommodation expenses. At the time of the application, applicants must be enrolled as Master’s or Ph.D students at a University in an Arabic country. To apply for a grant, send a message to medar-grants at no later then April 23rd, 2012. The applications will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis and notifications will be sent accordingly. MEDAR: LREC 2012: From oe at Thu Mar 29 17:43:49 2012 From: oe at (Stephan Oepen) Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 23:43:49 +0200 Subject: oslo: three-year researcher appointment in language technology Message-ID: with apologies for cross-posting, the Language Technology Group (LTG) at the University of Oslo announces a fixed-term researcher appointment for a duration of three years. for details and further background, please see: this position minimally requires an MSc or equivalent in Computational Linguistics, or Computer Science with a specialization in NLP; a PhD is most welcome and typically results in an appointment at a higher level of seniority (and salary :-). the closing date is sunday, april 22. please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information. best - oe +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ Universitetet i Oslo (IFI); Boks 1080 Blindern; 0316 Oslo; (+47) 2284 0125 +++    --- oe at; stephan at; --- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From jongbokkim at Fri Mar 30 02:00:30 2012 From: jongbokkim at (Jong-Bok Kim) Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 23:00:30 -0700 Subject: Final call for paper: HPSG 2012 Message-ID: Please note that New Abstract Submission Deadline is "April 10, 2012" ===================== The 19th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, HPSG-2012, will take place in July 18-21, 2012, at Chungnam National University in Daejeon, located in the center of South Korea. Call for Papers: Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address linguistic, foundational, or computational issues relating to the framework of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Invited Speakers: Hans Uszkoreit (Saarland University & DFKI) Conference Format: There will be two sessions: a main session, with 30 minute presentations, and a poster session. The poster session is intended as a means of encouraging the presentation of work that is not yet fully developed. Prospective speakers may submit either a 5 page abstract for the main session, or a 2 page abstract for the poster session. Abstracts submitted initially for the main session may be accepted, at the discretion of the program committee, for presentation in the poster session instead. Related Events: The conference will take place in Daejeon, South Korea, on 18-21, July 2011. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials for "Experimental Design for Linguists" on 18 July given by Philip Hofmeister (University of Essex) and a workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar on 19 July. There is a separate call for papers for the workshop. Submissions: We will use an online submission system. All abstracts should be submitted via Linguist List's Easy Abstracts System: Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Abstracts should not include the authors' names and authors are asked to avoid self-references. Please direct any questions to the Program Committee Chair, Jong-Bok Kim, at hpsg2012program at Important Dates: Extended Abstract submission deadline: April 10, 2012 Notification of acceptance: April 27, 2012 Conference: July 18-21, 2012 Program Committee: Anne Abeille, Doug Arnold, Emily M. Bender, Francis Bond, Oliver Bonami, Bob Borsley, Rui Chaves, Ann Copestake, Berthold Crysmann, Elisabet Engdahl, Dan Flickinger, Jong-Bok Kim (chair), Tibor Kiss, Jean-Pierre Koenig, Valia Kordoni, Bob Levine, Laura Michaelis, Stefan Mueller, Tsuneko Nakazawa, Jeff Runner, Ivan Sag, Manfred Sailer, Frank Van Eynde, Gert Webelhuth, Eun-Jung Yoo, Stephen Wechsler, Shuichi Yatabe Publication: The conference proceedings will be published online by CSLI publications. A call for contributions to the publications will be issued after the conference. Proceedings of previous conferences are available at The final deadline for receipt of written versions of conference papers is November 10, 2012. Conference Web Site: Local Organizing Committee Chair: Byong-Rae Ryu (Chungnam National University, hpsg2012 at Hosted by Chungnam National University =============== Supported by Department of Linguistics, Chungnam National University (CNU), Center for Speech-Language Pathology (CSLP), CNU, Center for Language and Communication Research (CLCR), CNU The Korean Society for Language and Information (KSLI), Korea Research Foundation (KRF), Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From anne.abeille at Fri Mar 30 07:31:34 2012 From: anne.abeille at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne_Abeill=E9?=) Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 13:31:34 +0200 Subject: Paris: postdoc on word order preferences In-Reply-To: Message-ID: POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW : Preferences of word order among complements offered by the Laboratoire d'excellence Empirical Foundations of Linguistics (PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité) 2011-2021 Location: Université Paris Diderot, 175 rue du chevaleret 75013 Paris Laboratories: laboratoire de linguistique formelle & Alpage 80%94%20Homepage htpp:// salary: 24 000 € net / year The position is offered by a 10-year project in linguistics entitled, "Empirical foundations of linguistics". The candidate will work in the Strand 2 : Experimental Grammar in a cross linguistic perspective, substrand Experimental Syntax . The candidate will identify the different factors influencing the relative ordering of verbal complements in a cross-linguistic perspective. S/he will be using annotated corpora (written and spoken treebanks) and designing psycholinguistic experiments (in production and comprehension). The candidate should be trained in syntax, annotated corpora, psycholinguistics and statistics. Knowledge of French or a verb final language will be a plus. S/he should have defended his/her PhD before dec 1st 2012. Please send before April 10th 2012 - CV with list of publications - Names and email adresses of two referents - Website where publications can be found address for applications: REF LABEX-WO1 marandin at contact information: bcrabbe at, abeille at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From info at Thu Mar 1 17:22:42 2012 From: info at (ELRA ELDA Information) Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:22:42 +0100 Subject: LREC 2012 - Registration is now OPEN! Message-ID: [Apologies for multiple postings] The online registration to LREC 2012 is now open at * * More information: Contact: registration at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From Sailer at Fri Mar 2 12:45:04 2012 From: Sailer at (Sailer at Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 13:45:04 +0100 Subject: Syntax-Semantics Interface: Doctoral Position, Goethe University Frankfurt Message-ID: * Apologies for multiple postings * The linguistics section of the English departement of the Goethe University Frankfurt (Institut f?r England- und Amerikastudien) invites applications for a 3-year doctoral position (half-time E 13 TV-G-U; a renewal is possible). The official job announcement can be found at: The candidate is supposed to carry out the following tasks: - teaching in English linguistics (1 course per term), - research for a doctoral dissertation in the area of the syntax-semantics interface in constraint-based grammar, - support in the organization and administration of the department. Qualifications: - Master or an equivalent degree in English linguistics or general linguistics, - very good command of English and German, - knowledge in formal semantics, - knowledge in constraint-based grammar formalisms is a plus. All applications received by March 13 will receive full consideration. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Goethe University Frankfurt encourages applications from women. Please send your application together with the usual documents in electronic form to sailer at For any inquiries please contact: Manfred Sailer (sailer at From info at Fri Mar 2 17:05:11 2012 From: info at (ELRA ELDA Information) Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 18:05:11 +0100 Subject: LREC 2012 Workshop, CfP: CoCo-FLaRE: Reinforcing International Collaboration on Language Resources and Evaluation Message-ID: [Apologies for cross-postings] CoCo-FLaRE: Reinforcing International Collaboration on Language Resources and Evaluation A joint COCOSDA -- FLaReNet Workshop at LREC 2012 Saturday, May 26th, 2012 CALL for PARTICIPATION Language Resources and Evaluation are gathering more and more momentum, with the increasing success of the LREC conference and of the LRE journal, and with new program initiatives flourishing in Europe (FLaReNet, META-SHARE, CLARIN, etc.), as well as in other parts of the world (TDIL, NHN, Language GRID, ALAGIN, BOLT, SILT etc.). COCOSDA, the Coordinating Committee on Speech Databases and Speech I/O Systems Assessment, paved the way with its pioneering creation in 1991 to serve the international speech processing community. Since then, COCOSDA continues to gather the international speech community under its informal umbrella, while the European initiatives extend their scope to language in general, through ELRA and LREC, and Oriental COCOSDA fosters spoken language resources with an increasing participation of Asian countries in its annual conferences. This 2012 workshop will be the occasion to share views on ways to reinforce international collaboration in the field of Language Resources and Evaluation at a time when data sharing is coming to the forefront of science, in many different areas such as biology, astrophysics, humanities, etc. The workshop will comprise two parts: a morning session specifically devoted to spoken language resources and evaluation, organized by COCOSDA, and an afternoon session enlarging the scope to speech & language in general. A final discussion will aim at proposing new measures to increase and improve international collaboration and coordination, in order to foster Language Resources and Evaluation. The workshop is open to all interested parties at no charge, but registration is mandatory. Those wishing to contribute topics at the workshop are invited to contact the organizers by March 15th. Organizers: - Nicoletta Calzolari (glottolo at (Co-Chair) - Dafydd Gibbon (gibbon at (Co-Chair) - Nick Campbell (nick at - Khalid Choukri (choukri at - Joseph Mariani (Joseph.Mariani at Morning session "COCOSDA: New developments in multimodal resources and assessment" This session will consist of regional and topical reports, with discussion, by COCOSDA members and invited presenters. A central push forward in multimodal speech research has come from the increasing amount of work on the languages of smaller speech communities, resulting in large amounts of new data from typologically very different languages with very different sound inventories, prosody, grammar, and speech dialogue conventions. Tentative Schedule: Introduction (D. Gibbon) Part 1: Topical reports with a special emphasis on resources and evaluation for : ? speech interaction with robotic and virtual agents, ? types of multimodal systems, ? types of mobile systems, ? under-resourced languages. Coffee break Part 2: Regional reports Presentations will summarize regional developments in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania in current major topic areas. Part 3: Information exchange and discussion Lunch Break Afternoon session "International collaboration and coordination on Language Resources and Evaluation" This session will be devoted to the various aspects of international collaboration on Language Resources and Evaluation such as: ? Charting the field ? Ensuring the best possible language coverage ? Fostering language resources ? Sharing language resources ? Identifying and tracking the resources ? Recognizing the merits of LR producers and LT evaluators ? Networking the community, etc. It will rely on the activities conducted in this area in various part of the world, including the recent conclusions and recommendations of the FLaReNet project. Tentative Schedule: Introduction (N. Calzolari) Part 1: Information and Instruments ? Charting the field LRE Map and Language Matrices, FLaReNet International Wiki survey and National Contact Points, META-NET Language White Papers and Tables, ... ? Ensuring the best possible language coverage Highlights of National Programs on LR, Endangered and local languages, ... ? Sharing Resources META-SHARE, Language Grid, NSF policy, the Language Library, ... Coffee break Part 2: Actions ? Fostering language resources The FLaReNet Strategic Language Resource Agenda ? Identifying and tracking resources The new ISLRN initiative ? Recognizing the merits of LR producers and LT evaluators Towards a Language Resource Impact Factor? ? Networking the community The LRE Forum Part 3: General discussion: The way forward -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From Stefan.Mueller at Fri Mar 2 21:22:29 2012 From: Stefan.Mueller at (=?UTF-8?B?U3RlZmFuIE3DvGxsZXI=?=) Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 22:22:29 +0100 Subject: New Submissions to the HPSG Bib Message-ID: Hi, Please find below a list of entries that were submitted to the HPSG Bibliography during the last three month. There were 12 new submissions. Thanks to everybody who submitted something. We have 1245 publications in total now. Please submit further entries at You may also send me BibTeX entries and I will integrate them. Best wishes Stefan @incollection{Allegranza:98, address = "Stanford", author = "Valerio Allegranza", booktitle = "Romance in HPSG", email = "v.allegranza at", editor = "Sergio Balari and Luca Dini", homepage = "", pages = "55--108", publisher = "CSLI Publications", title = "Determiners as functors: NP structure in Italian", url = "", year = "1998" } @incollection{Allegranza:98b, address = "Luxembourg", author = "Valerio Allegranza", booktitle = "Linguistic Specifications for Typed Feature Structure Formalisms", email = "v.allegranza at", homepage = "", pages = "281--314", publisher = "Official Publications of the European Communities", title = "Determination and Quantification", url = "", volume = "10", year = "1998" } @book{Allegranza:07, address = "Frankfurt am Main", author = "Valerio Allegranza", email = "v.allegranza at", homepage = "", publisher = "Peter Lang", series = "SABEST: Saarbr?cker Beitr?ge zur Sprach- und Translationswissenschaft", title = "The Signs of Determination. Constraint-Based Modelling Across Languages", url = "", volume = "16", year = "2007" } @phdthesis{Bader:95, author = "Thomas Bader", school = "Philosophisch-historische Fakult{\"a}t der Universit{\"a}t Bern", title = "The Analysis of Passive and Raising Constructions in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar} and {Arc Pair Grammar}", type = "Inauguraldissertation", url = "", url_checked = "02.26.12", year = "1995" } @inproceedings{Beutler:Kaufmann:ea:05, address = "Philadelphia", author = "Ren{\'e} Beutler and Tobias Kaufmann and Beat Pfister", booktitle = "Proceedings of the ICASSP 2005", pages = "829--832", title = "Using Rule-Based Knowledge to Improve {LVCSR}", volume = "5", year = "2005" } @inproceedings{Beutler:Kaufmann:ea:05b, author = "Ren{\'e} Beutler and Tobias Kaufmann and Beat Pfister", booktitle = "2005 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding", organization = "IEEE", pages = "104--109", title = "Integrating a Non-Probabilistic Grammar into Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition", year = "2005" } @phdthesis{Beutler:07, author = "Ren{\'e} Beutler", school = "Swiss Federal Instiute of Technology Zurich", title = "Improving Speech Recognition through Linguistic Knowledge", type = "Diss ETH No. 17039", year = "2007" } @article{Bjerre:Bjerre:07c, author = "Anne Bjerre and Tavs Bjerre", journal = "Nordic Journal of Linguistics", number = "1", pages = "5--53", title = "Perfect and Periphrastic Passive Constructions in {Danish}", volume = "30", year = "2007" } @inproceedings{Blunsom:Baldwin:06, address = "Sydney, Australia", author = "Blunsom, Phil and Timothy Baldwin", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing", editor = "Dan Jurafsky and Eric Gaussier", pages = "164--171", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", title = "Multilingual Deep Lexical Acquisition for {HPSG}s via Supertagging", year = "2006" } @techreport{Borsley:11, author = "Robert D. Borsley", number = "61.1", pages = "1--26", title = "Apparent Filler-Gap Mismatches in {Welsh}", type = "Essex Research Reports in Linguistics", url = "", url_checked = "02.26.12", year = "2011" } @phdthesis{Kaufmann:09, author = "Tobias Kaufmann", school = "Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Z{\"u}rich", title = "A Rule-based Language Model for Speech Recognition", year = "2009" } @incollection{Sailer:12, address = "Stuttgart", author = "Manfred Sailer", booktitle = "Idiome, Konstruktionen, "verbl\"umte rede". Beitr\"age zur Geschichte der germanistischen Phraseologieforschung", email = "sailer at", editor = "Michael Prinz and Ulrike Richter-Vapaatalo", number = "3", pages = "241--262", publisher = "S.\@ Hirzel Verlag", series = "Beitr\"age zur Geschichte der Germanistik", title = "Phraseologie und Syntax (Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar)", year = "2012" } -- Stefan M?ller Tel: (+49) (+30) 838 52973 Fax: (+49) (030) 838 4 52973 Institut f?r Deutsche und Niederl?ndische Philologie Deutsche Grammatik Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14 195 Berlin From yaoziyuan at Sat Mar 3 18:54:34 2012 From: yaoziyuan at (Ziyuan Yao) Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2012 02:54:34 +0800 Subject: Free ebook available: Breaking the Language Barrier: A Game-Changing Approach v0.18 Message-ID: Dear All, I'm pleased to announce my free ebook "Breaking the Language Barrier: A Game-Changing Approach", version 0.18. The ebook has undergone significant updates since its initial release (version 0.09 in April 2010). Almost every part has significant new developments, so I suggest existing readers take it anew. Perhaps nothing can explain this ebook better than its own Overview and Table of Contents, which are attached below. View or download it (free) from: Best Regards, Ziyuan Yao # # # # # Overview In today's world, the goal of breaking the language barrier is pursued on two fronts: language teachers teaching students a second language, thus enabling humans to manually break the language barrier, and computational linguists building increasingly better machine translation systems to automatically break the language barrier. However, I see important, unfulfilled opportunities on both fronts: In second language teaching, amazingly efficient teaching methods have not gone mainstream and not drawn enough attention from computational linguists (so that these methods could be automated and truly powerful). For example, imagine if you're browsing a Web page in your native language, and a Web browser extension automatically detects the topic of this page and inserts relevant foreign language micro-lessons in it, so that you can incidentally learn a foreign language while browsing interesting native language information :-) This AdSense-like "L1-driven L2 teaching" will be the future of second language teaching. In machine translation, computational linguists only pay attention to computer capabilities to process natural language (known as natural language processing, NLP), and totally ignore human capabilities to share some burden from the computer in language processing, which can lead to significantly better results. For example, theory and practice have proven that syntax disambiguation is a much harder task than word sense disambiguation, and therefore machine translation tends to screw up the word order of the translation result if the language pair has disparate word orders; but what if machine translation preserves the source language's word order in the translation result, and teaches the end user about the source language's word order so that he can manually figure out the logic of the translation result? If the end user is willing to commit some of his own natural intelligence in the man-machine joint effort to break the language barrier, he will get the job done better. Therefore this ebook presents emerging ideas and implementations in computer-assisted language learning (CALL), reading, writing and machine translation (MT) that strive to leverage both human and machine language processing potential and capabilities, and will redefine the way people break the language barrier. Approaches whose titles have an exclamation mark (!) are stirring game-changing technologies which are the driving forces behind this initiative. # # # # # Table of Contents Overview 3 Chapter 1: Breaking the Language Barrier with Language Learning 4 1.1. Foreign Language Acquisition 4 1.1.1. L1-Driven L2 Teaching! (L1DL2T) 4 The Idea 4 Historical Developments 6 An Example System Design 8 Overview 8 ATLAS Mission Profiles 9 ATLAS User Profiles 15 Data Acquisition Strategies 17 1.1.2. Word Mnemonics 17 Essential Mnemonics 18 Phonetically Intuitive English! (PIE) 18 Etymology and Free Association 22 Why Are They Essential? A Proof 23 Other Mnemonics 24 Orthographically Intuitive English (OIE) 24 Progressive Word Acquisition (PWA) 25 Principles Learned 26 1.2. Foreign Language Writing Aids 27 1.2.1. Predictive vs. Corrective Writing Aids 27 1.2.2. Input-Driven Syntax Aid! (IDSA) 27 1.2.3. Input-Driven Ontology Aid! (IDOA) 28 1.3. Foreign Language Reading Aids 28 Chapter 2: Breaking the Language Barrier with Little Learning 30 2.1. Foreign Language Understanding 30 2.1.1. Syntax-Preserving Machine Translation! (SPMT) 30 2.2. Foreign Language Generation 32 2.2.1. Formal Language Machine Translation! (FLMT) 33 From doug at Sun Mar 4 21:35:11 2012 From: doug at (Arnold, Douglas J) Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2012 21:35:11 +0000 Subject: Studentships in Linguistics at the University of Essex Message-ID: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funding opportunities at the University of Essex Deadline for applications: 23 March 2012 The University of Essex has AHRC funding for a large number of postgraduate courses, including three years of PhD study. Studentships are available for 2012/13 across a range of subject areas, including Linguistics. The Department of Language and Linguistics has more than 40 specialist teaching and research staff, and has a 40-year tradition of excellence in Theoretical and Descriptive Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Applied Linguistics and ELT. In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, we were rated as having the highest proportion of Linguistics research which is "world-leading in terms of originality, significance and rigour" of any university in England. Studentships are open to UK and EU students. For more information about AHRC studentships, please To apply online for a postgraduate place and then for an AHRC studentship, please see From strunk at Tue Mar 6 13:21:53 2012 From: strunk at (Jan Strunk) Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2012 14:21:53 +0100 Subject: Call for Papers: The Meaning of P (with a special session on spatial polysemy) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Call for Papers The Meaning of P (with a special session on spatial polysemy) A conference organized by the Department of Linguistics (Sprachwissenschaftliches Institut) of Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum. Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum, Bochum, Germany, November 21-23, 2012 There is general agreement among linguists that prepositions are highly ambiguous. There is much less agreement about the origin of the ambiguity (homonymy, polysemy); but even more surprisingly, only few attempts have been undertaken to characterize the spectrum of possible meanings of large sets of prepositions in individual languages, let alone cross-linguistically. Recent research has shown that analyses of preposition senses not only have to account for their ambiguity, but also for the near-synonymy of prepositions. Meanings of prepositions have mostly been investigated by lexicographers, but quite often without the provision of clear criteria for determining individual meanings. Consequently, recent research may show that senses attributed to particular prepositions can actually be derived compositionally from the syntactic context of the preposition, which raises the question concerning the proper sense of the preposition in such contexts. Our conference aims at a comprehensive picture of preposition meanings. Thus, we invite work addressing all questions touching on the interpretation of prepositions, including the following issues: - Typological, theoretical, and computational approaches to a comprehensive analysis of preposition meanings. - Annotation schemata for preposition senses. - In-depth compositional analyses of prepositions in all kinds of syntactic and semantic frameworks. - Attempts to define basic semantic or ontological relations onto which preposition meanings can be mapped. Special session on spatial polysemy Recent research on preposition meanings has produced a large corpus of work on spatial polysemy. We therefore devote part of the conference to a special workshop on spatial polysemy, which will not only deal with spatial interpretations of prepositions, but with the general role of spatiality in interpretations. Invited speakers: Claudia Maienborn (Universit?t T?bingen, D) James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University, USA) Joost Zwarts (Universiteit Utrecht, NL) N.N. Conference website: Paper submission: Please submit an electronic abstract (PDF, 5 pages including figures and references) to Anneli von K?nemann (vonkoenemann at, indicating whether the paper is submitted to the main conference or to the special session on spatial polysemy. Deadline for submissions: May 31, 2012 Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2012 Please direct your inquiries to Antje M?ller (mueller at, Tibor Kiss (tibor at, or Anneli von K?nemann (vonkoenemann at From sag at Thu Mar 8 19:30:25 2012 From: sag at (Ivan A Sag) Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2012 11:30:25 -0800 Subject: CFP In-Reply-To: Message-ID: ** Apologies for cross-posting ** CALL FOR PAPERS The Eleventh International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+11) 26-28 September 2012 University Paris-Diderot Paris, France The Workshop on Tree-Adjoining Grammars and related formalisms (TAG+) is a biennial workshop series that fosters exchange of ideas among linguists, psycholinguists and computer scientists interested in modeling natural language using formal grammars. The workshop series, since 1990, has demonstrated productive interactions among researchers and practitioners interested in various aspects of the Tree-Adjoining Grammar formalism and its relationship to other grammar formalisms, such as combinatory categorial grammar, dependency grammars, Minimalist grammars, HPSG, and LFG; hence the "+" in the name of the workshop. Tree-Adjoining Grammars (TAG) and related lexicalized grammar formalisms provide mathematical tools to model natural language and the scaffolding to encode linguistic generalizations in a principled manner. In the past, this workshop has helped identify similarities and differences between the above formalisms, leading to the shared development of broad-coverage grammars, transfer of parsing and machine learning algorithms from one formalism to another and to new insights into the properties of different formalisms and their capacity for linguistic explanation. It is our expectation that this edition of the workshop will continue enabling cross-fertilization of ideas that combine the representational flexibility of TAG-like grammar formalisms with the robustness afforded by machine learning techniques to produce a deeper insight into modeling of natural language. The first day of the meeting will be devoted to a series of tutorial presentations, designed to introduce attendees to a range of TAG-related topics. Invited Speakers: * Kevin Knight, University of Southern California (USA) * Bonnie Webber, University of Edinburgh (Scotland) Tutorial Speakers: * David Chiang ? USC Information Sciences Institute (USA) * Laura Kallmeyer ? University of D?sseldorf (Germany) * Andreas Maletti ? University of Stuttgart (Germany) Topics of Interest: We invite submissions on all aspects of TAG and related grammatical formalisms including the following topics: * syntactic and semantic theory; * mathematical properties; * computational and algorithmic studies of parsing, interpretation and language generation; * machine learning models using TAG-like representations; * corpus-based research and grammar development using TAG; * psycholinguistic modeling; and * applications to natural language processing or biological sequence modeling. Special Session: We plan to organize a special session on formalisms based on synchronous tree rewriting. We especially encourage submissions on topics related to synchronous tree rewriting, including theoretical aspects, applications to machine translation and syntax-semantics interface. Submission Details: Anonymous abstracts may be submitted for two types of presentations at the workshop: oral presentations and poster presentations. Poster presentations are particularly appropriate for brief descriptions of specialized implementations, resources under development and work in progress. Regardless of the type of submission, abstracts may not exceed two pages in length (not including data, figures and references). Both one-column or two-column abstracts are permissible. However do not use a font that is smaller than 11pt. If you are using LaTeX for document preparation, then any recent ACL style file can be used. The final camera ready version of the full paper for the proceedings must be in two-column format conforming to the most recent ACL style file. The abstract must be submitted electronically in PDF format, using the EasyChair electronic submission website at The submission instructions can be found at Proceedings including full papers for accepted abstracts (both oral and poster presentations) will be available on-line before the workshop dates. Important dates: * Deadline for submission of abstracts: June 15, 2012. * Notification to authors of decision: July 30, 2012. * Deadline for camera-ready submission: September 7, 2012. * Workshop dates: September 26 to 28, 2012. Contact Information: The workshop website is at Email contact: tagplus11 at Organization: Program Chairs * Chung-hye Han, Simon Fraser University (Canada) * Giorgio Satta, University of Padova (Italy) Program Committee * Srinivas Bangalore, AT&T Research (USA) * Rajesh Bhatt, UMass (USA) * David Chiang, USC Information Sciences Institute (USA) * Benoit Crabb? University Paris-Diderot (France) * Robert Frank, Yale University (USA) * Claire Gardent, Loria (France) * Daniel Gildea, University of Rochester (USA) * Julia Hockenmaier, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) * Liang Huang, USC Information Sciences Institute (USA) * Aravind Joshi, University of Pennsylvania (USA) * Laura Kallmeyer, University of Duesseldorf (Germany) * Makoto Kanazawa, National Institute of Informatics (Japan) * Alexander Koller, University of Potsdam (Germany) * Marco Kuhlmann, Uppsala University (Sweden) * Andreas Maletti, University of Stuttgart (Germany) * Yusuke Miyao, University of Tokyo (Japan) * Mark-Jan Nederhof, University of St Andrews (Scotland) * Steve DeNeefe, USC Information Sciences Institute (USA) * Owen Rambow, Columbia University (USA) * Maribel Romero, University of Konstanz (Germany) * Tatjana Scheffler, DFKI (Germany) * Anoop Sarkar, Simon Fraser University (Canada) * William Schuler, The Ohio State University (USA) * Stuart Shieber, Harvard University (USA) * Mark Steedman, University of Edinburgh (UK) * Matthew Stone, Rutgers University (USA) * Sylvain Salvati, INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest (France) * Bonnie Webber, University of Edinburgh (UK) * Fei Xia, University of Washington (USA) Local Arrangements Chairs * ?ric de la Clergerie ? INRIA Paris Rocquencourt * Djam? Seddah ? University Paris Sorbonne Paris 4 * Laurence Danlos, University Paris-Diderot * Chantal Girodon, INRIA Paris Rocquencourt TAG+ 11 is endorsed by EACL (the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics). _______________________________________________ FormalGrammar mailing list FormalGrammar at The material posted is under the full responsibility of whoever posted it and under their sole responsibility and liability. The University takes no responsibility whatsoever for any material or other damage, direct or indirect, that may incur from publications in the forum and/or distribution list. Nor is it responsible for the authenticity of any data and material posted in the forum and/or distribution list, their legality, accuracy, credibility or their completeness -- ____________________________________________________ Ivan A. Sag Sadie Dernham Patek Professor in Humanities & Professor of Linguistics and Symbolic Systems Department of Linguistics__________Msg: 650-723-4284 Stanford University________________Fax: 650-723-5666 Stanford, CA 94305__________Email: sag at USA____________________ From jongbokkim at Fri Mar 9 22:37:31 2012 From: jongbokkim at (Jong-Bok Kim) Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 14:37:31 -0800 Subject: Workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar Message-ID: *Workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar (co-located with HPSG 2012) * Call for papers Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address linguistic, foundational, or computational issues relating to ellipsis phenomena and its interactions with formal syntax and semantics. The aim of the workshop is to further current research on ellipsis within the HPSG community, and to encourage cross-framework discussion of ellipsis and its interface to syntax and semantics. Thus, we strongly encourage researchers from outside the HPSG framework to submit. *Invited Speaker* Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh) ** *Workshop Format* There will be two sessions: a main session, with 30 minute presentations (plus 10 min discussion), and a poster session. The poster session is intended as a means of encouraging the presentation of work that is not yet fully mature. Prospective speakers may submit either a 5 page abstract for the main session, or a 2 page abstract for the poster session. Abstracts submitted initially for the main session may be accepted, at the discretion of the program committee, for presentation in the poster session instead. ** *Related Events* The workshop on ellipsis is part of this year's HPSG conference, which will take place in Daejon, South Korea, on 18?21, July 2011. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials for ?Experimental Design for Linguists? on 18 July given by Philip Hofmeister (University of Essex). ** *Submissions* We will use an online submission system. All abstracts should be submitted via the Easy Abstract System: Abstracts should be in PDF format. Please direct any questions to the Program Committee Chair: hpsg2012program at All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Abstracts should not include the authors' names, and authors are asked to avoid self-references. ** *Important Dates* Abstract submission deadline: 17 April, 2012 Notification of acceptance: 20 May 2011 Conference: July 19, July 2012 ** *Publication* The workshop proceedings will be published online by CSLI Publications. Only papers presented in the main workshop session will be included in the proceedings. A call for contributions to the proceedings will be issued after the conference. Proceedings of previous conferences are available at: The final deadline for receipt of written versions of conference papers is 15 November 2012 ** *Program Committee:* Doug Arnold, John Beavers, Rui Chaves, Jong-Bok Kim (Chair), Jason Merchant, Stefan Muller, Myung-Kwan Park, Eric Potsdam, Mark Steedman, Tom Wasow, Suichi Yatabe * * *Conference Web Site:* * * *Local Arrangements Chair: ** Byong-Rae Ryu (Chungnam University, ryu at* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From jongbokkim at Fri Mar 9 23:18:35 2012 From: jongbokkim at (Jong-Bok Kim) Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 15:18:35 -0800 Subject: Workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar In-Reply-To: Message-ID: *Workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar (co-located with HPSG 2012) * Call for papers Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address linguistic, foundational, or computational issues relating to ellipsis phenomena and its interactions with formal syntax and semantics. The aim of the workshop is to further current research on ellipsis within the HPSG community, and to encourage cross-framework discussion of ellipsis and its interface to syntax and semantics. Thus, we strongly encourage researchers from outside the HPSG framework to submit. *Invited Speaker* Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh) ** *Workshop Format* There will be two sessions: a main session, with 30 minute presentations (plus 10 min discussion), and a poster session. The poster session is intended as a means of encouraging the presentation of work that is not yet fully mature. Prospective speakers may submit either a 5 page abstract for the main session, or a 2 page abstract for the poster session. Abstracts submitted initially for the main session may be accepted, at the discretion of the program committee, for presentation in the poster session instead. ** *Related Events* The workshop on ellipsis is part of this year's HPSG conference, which will take place in Daejon, South Korea, on 18?21, July 2011. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials for ?Experimental Design for Linguists? on 18 July given by Philip Hofmeister (University of Essex). ** *Submissions* We will use an online submission system. All abstracts should be submitted via the Easy Abstract System: Abstracts should be in PDF format. Please direct any questions to the Program Committee Chair: hpsg2012program at All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Abstracts should not include the authors' names, and authors are asked to avoid self-references. ** *Important Dates* Abstract submission deadline: 17 April, 2012 Notification of acceptance: 20 May 2011 Conference: July 19, July 2012 ** *Publication* The workshop proceedings will be published online by CSLI Publications. Only papers presented in the main workshop session will be included in the proceedings. A call for contributions to the proceedings will be issued after the conference. Proceedings of previous conferences are available at: The final deadline for receipt of written versions of conference papers is 15 November 2012. ** *Program Committee:* Doug Arnold, John Beavers, Rui Chaves, Jong-Bok Kim (Chair), Jason Merchant, Stefan Muller, Myung-Kwan Park, Eric Potsdam, Ivan Sag, Mark Steedman, Tom Wasow, Suichi Yatabe * * *Conference Web Site:* * * *Local Arrangements Chair: ** Byong-Rae Ryu (Chungnam University, ryu at* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From strunk at Mon Mar 12 11:45:07 2012 From: strunk at (Jan Strunk) Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 12:45:07 +0100 Subject: Correction: The Meaning of P (with a special session on spatial polysemy) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Corrected First Call for Papers *** Please note the corrected date: November 23-25, 2012 *** *** Apologies for the confusion! *** The Meaning of P (with a special session on spatial polysemy) A conference organized by the Department of Linguistics (Sprachwissenschaftliches Institut) of Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum. Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum, Bochum, Germany, November 23-25, 2012 There is general agreement among linguists that prepositions are highly ambiguous. There is much less agreement about the origin of the ambiguity (homonymy, polysemy); but even more surprisingly, only few attempts have been undertaken to characterize the spectrum of possible meanings of large sets of prepositions in individual languages, let alone cross-linguistically. Recent research has shown that analyses of preposition senses not only have to account for their ambiguity, but also for the near-synonymy of prepositions. Meanings of prepositions have mostly been investigated by lexicographers, but quite often without the provision of clear criteria for determining individual meanings. Consequently, recent research may show that senses attributed to particular prepositions can actually be derived compositionally from the syntactic context of the preposition, which raises the question concerning the proper sense of the preposition in such contexts. Our conference aims at a comprehensive picture of preposition meanings. Thus, we invite work addressing all questions touching on the interpretation of prepositions, including the following issues: - Typological, theoretical, and computational approaches to a comprehensive analysis of preposition meanings. - Annotation schemata for preposition senses. - In-depth compositional analyses of prepositions in all kinds of syntactic and semantic frameworks. - Attempts to define basic semantic or ontological relations onto which preposition meanings can be mapped. Special session on spatial polysemy Recent research on preposition meanings has produced a large corpus of work on spatial polysemy. We therefore devote part of the conference to a special workshop on spatial polysemy, which will not only deal with spatial interpretations of prepositions, but with the general role of spatiality in interpretations. Invited speakers: Claudia Maienborn (Universit?t T?bingen, D) James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University, USA) Joost Zwarts (Universiteit Utrecht, NL) N.N. Conference website: Paper submission: Please submit an electronic abstract (PDF, 5 pages including figures and references) to Anneli von K?nemann (vonkoenemann at, indicating whether the paper is submitted to the main conference or to the special session on spatial polysemy. Deadline for submissions: May 31, 2012 Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2012 Please direct your inquiries to Antje M?ller (mueller at, Tibor Kiss (tibor at, or Anneli von K?nemann (vonkoenemann at On behalf of the conference organizers Jan Strunk strunk at Sprachwissenschaftliches Institut Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum, Germany From philip.miller at Mon Mar 12 15:56:49 2012 From: philip.miller at (Philip Miller) Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 16:56:49 +0100 Subject: PhD post: Universit=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E9_?=Paris-Diderot (Paris 7)---language acquisition, dialogue, semantics, machine learning In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: PhD post: Universit? Paris-Diderot (Paris 7)---language acquisition, dialogue, semantics, machine learning Applicants are invited for a full time PhD post to work within the 10-year project Labaratory of Excellence (LabEx) "Empirical foundations of linguistics" ( The candidate will work in Strand 4: Language representation and processing in a lifespan perspective. The successful applicant, who will be based at the Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle (LLF), Universit? Paris-Diderot (Paris 7) ( ) . She or he should have qualifications in linguistics, computer science, or psycholinguistics at the Master's level or equivalent. The thesis, which can be written in English, will involve research within a project developing a model of language acquisition that integrates parent-child interaction as part of the primary data. The empirical basis will be corpus studies of multimodal child-parent interaction. Modelling will involve developing techniques that integrate dialogue modelling and machine learning as the basis for a theory of how grammar emerges at the very early stages of language acquisition. Research will also involve development of grammars for early child utterances and induction algorithms that will allow such grammars to change on the basis of interactions. The applicant will be working in an international interdisciplinary research team. Applicants will be assessed by committee from the LabEx EFL. The main emphasis of the assessment will be on the applicant's potential for research, as evident from: Master's thesis or other equivalent scholarly works. Please attach with your application: - letter of application - CV - two names of referees (with email address) - web address with publications. Contact: Jonathan Ginzburg Contact email: Duration:36 months starting september 2012 Salary: in accordance with the French state regulated PhD salary scale Application deadline: 10/04/2012 Application email: Application reference: EFL-OLA8 ---- Yonatan Ginzburg yonatan.ginzburg at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From info at Wed Mar 14 16:30:24 2012 From: info at (ELRA ELDA Information) Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 17:30:24 +0100 Subject: LREC 2012: DEADLINE EXTENSION for Final Submission & Early Registration Message-ID: **** EXTENDED DEADLINE ************************************************************* The deadline for *Final Submission* and *Early Registration* has been moved to *March, 21st, 2012*. We take the occasion for reminding you that it is strongly advisable to complete the hotel reservation when registering to LREC. May is the high season in Istanbul. ************************************************************************************ LREC 2012 - May 21-27 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation ICEC Conference Center Istanbul, Turkey Submit your paper: Register online: Book a hotel room for the conference: Contact us: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From fackerman at Thu Mar 15 16:55:17 2012 From: fackerman at (farrell ackerman) Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 09:55:17 -0700 Subject: First American International Morphology Meeting - Final Call Message-ID: CALL FOR PAPERS ? 1st International Morphology Meeting (AIMM) The first American International Morphology Meeting (AIMM) will take place September 22, 2012 at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. It is anticipated that the second meeting of AIMM will take place at the University of California, San Diego, and that thereafter it will alternate between the east and west coasts. One of the main purposes of the American International Morphology Meeting is to provide a forum for young investigators to present work in morphology, and students and recent Ph.D.s are especially encouraged to submit abstracts. The keynote speaker is Gregory Stump (University of Kentucky). The title and abstract of his lecture will be available at a later date. For the 2012 meeting, the theme will be Multiple Exponence, though abstracts on any topic in morphology will be welcome. We will have a small poster session in addition to regular sessions. Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail to aimm at by March 15. They should adhere to the following guidelines: ? Up to two pages, including examples and references ? Twelve-point type ? One-inch margins ? Anonymous ? pdf format ? In the body of the e-mail provide the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), title of the abstract, e-mail address, and whether the submission is for the thematic session or the other session. ? Also specify in the body of the e-mail which of the following categories you want the paper considered in B paper only, poster only, poster if not accepted as paper. The selection and advisory committee is composed of the following scholars: Farrell Ackerman (UCSD), Mark Aronoff (Stony Brook), Gabriela Caballero (UCSD), Greville Corbett (Surrey), Gregory Stump (Kentucky). The organizing committee is Alice Harris, Seth Cable, and John McCarthy. Farrell -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From monica_laura_lau at Fri Mar 16 13:09:41 2012 From: monica_laura_lau at (Monica Lau) Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 06:09:41 -0700 Subject: Final CFP & Deadline Extension: The Nature of Evidential=?utf-8?Q?=E2=80=8B=E2=80=8B=E2=80=8Bity_?=(TNE2012) Message-ID: [Apologies for cross-posting] ? DEADLINE EXTENSION: to? MARCH 31, 2012 ? Final Call for Papers ? The Nature of Evidentiality (TNE2012), Leiden, The Netherlands, 14-16 JUNE 2012 ? ? MEETING DESCRIPTION: ? The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers working on various language families and from various subdisciplines of linguistics to discuss the linguistic nature of evidentiality. We welcome any descriptive, theoretical, comparative or historical perspective, as long as one or more of the following topics is addressed: ? Theory: the nature of the network of relationships between evidential categories, and the descriptors that are needed to accurately map these relationships. ? Description: fresh data or novel analyses that throw a new light on theoretical and typological assumptions about evidentiality. ? Criteria: rigorous syntactic, morphological, and semantic tests for describing the differences between evidential categories. ? Evidential systems: the nature of the interaction of various evidential markers within a given evidential system. ? Beyond evidentiality: the relationships of evidentials with other linguistic categories such as tense, aspect, and modality. ? INVITED SPEAKERS: ? Rose-Marie D?chaine (UBC) Ferdinand de Haan (Oracle) Daniel J. Hintz (SIL) Matthias Schenner (ZAS Berlin) Peggy Speas (UMass, Amherst) FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS: ? We are accepting abstracts on any of the topics above only through the EasyChair abstract submission system, which can be found at: Abstracts should not exceed two pages, including data and references, and have at least 11-point font on either A4 or letter paper with one-inch (2.5cm) margins. Abstracts must be anonymous and submissions are limited to 2 per author, at least one of which is co-authored. Selected talks will be 30 minutes long: 20 min. for presentation and 10 min. for discussion. ? IMPORTANT DATES: ? Submission deadline: March 15, 2012??? *EXTENDED TO MARCH 31, 2012* Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2012 Registration deadline: May 15, 2012 Conference: June 14 to June 16, 2012 ? ORGANIZING? COMMITTEE: ? Johan Rooryck (LUCL) Tyler Peterson (LUCL) Monica Lau? (LUCL) Willem Adelaar (LUCL) ? CONTACT INFORMATION: evidentiality at ? ? In addition to the main conference, we are also hosting a? one-day workshop on June 13 dedicated to semantic fieldwork and evidentials. In? the past 25 years research on evidentiality has greatly expanded its? cross-linguistic scope, and we now have many fine-grained descriptions of evidentials in individual? languages. This research has led to the development of many empirical, experimental, and theoretical tools for? documenting evidentiality. These advances have also revealed the challenges in? adequately describing evidentials. As such, the purpose of this workshop is to? bring field researchers together who work on evidentiality, and to provide a? forum for exchanging methodologies and experiences in probing evidential? meaning. If you are interested in making a short presentation at the workshop, please include a one-paragraph abstract along? with your main conference abstract. There are a limited number of presentation? slots, but we hope to accommodate as many people as possible. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From Stefan.Mueller at Sun Mar 18 13:27:06 2012 From: Stefan.Mueller at (=?UTF-8?B?U3RlZmFuIE3DvGxsZXI=?=) Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 14:27:06 +0100 Subject: Changes to the Proceedings Message-ID: Hi everybody, There have been some minor changes to all the pdf files of the HPSG proceedings since 2003. I changed the font of the title of each paper. I did this since google scholar attributed all papers to me. For instance for "Pseudocoordination in Danish Anne Bjerre & Tavs Bjerre University of Southern Denmark & Aarhus University, Denmark Proceedings of the HPSG07 Conference Stanford Department of Linguistics and CSLI?s LinGO LAB Stanford University, CA, USA Stefan M?ller (Editor)" they categorized everything before my name as the title and attributed this publication to me. I hope that the bold face title will now help to avoid such missclassifications. Please go to and check all proceedings for you papers and verify that I did not break anything. Thanks! Best wishes Stefan -- Stefan M?ller Tel: (+49) (+30) 838 52973 Fax: (+49) (030) 838 4 52973 Institut f?r Deutsche und Niederl?ndische Philologie Deutsche Grammatik Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14 195 Berlin From jongbokkim at Sun Mar 18 23:48:32 2012 From: jongbokkim at (Jong-Bok Kim) Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 16:48:32 -0700 Subject: Second CFP: HPSG 2012 (deadline extended) Message-ID: The 19th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, HPSG-2012, will take place in July 17-20, 2012, at Chungnam National University in Daejeon, located in the center of South Korea. Call for Papers: Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address linguistic, foundational, or computational issues relating to the framework of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Invited Speakers: Hans Uszkoreit (Saarland University & DFKI) Conference Format: There will be two sessions: a main session, with 30 minute presentations, and a poster session. The poster session is intended as a means of encouraging the presentation of work that is not yet fully developed. Prospective speakers may submit either a 5 page abstract for the main session, or a 2 page abstract for the poster session. Abstracts submitted initially for the main session may be accepted, at the discretion of the program committee, for presentation in the poster session instead. Related Events: The conference will take place in Daejeon, South Korean, on 18-21, July 2011. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials for "Experimental Design for Linguists" on 18 July given by Philip Hofmeister (University of Essex) and a workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar on 19 July. There is a separate call for papers for the workshop. Submissions: We will use an online submission system. All abstracts should be submitted via Linguist List's Easy Abstracts System: Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Abstracts should not include the authors' names and authors are asked to avoid self-references. Please direct any questions to the Program Committee Chair, Jong-Bok Kim, at hpsg2012program at Important Dates: Extended Abstract submission deadline: April 10, 2012 (March 31, 2012) Notification of acceptance: April 27, 2012 Conference: July 17-20, 2012 Program Committee: Anne Abeille, Doug Arnold, Emily M. Bender, Francis Bond, Oliver Bonami, Bob Borsley, Rui Chaves, Ann Copestake, Berthold Crysmann, Elisabet Engdahl, Dan Flickinger, Jong-Bok Kim (chair), Tibor Kiss, Jean-Pierre Koenig, Valia Kordoni, Bob Levine, Laura Michaelis, Stefan Muller, Tsuneko Nakazawa, Jeff Runner, Ivan Sag, Manfred Sailer, Frank Van Eynde, Gert Webelhuth, Eun-Jung Yoo, Stephen Wechsler, Schuichi Yatabe Publication: The conference proceedings will be published online by CSLI publications. A call for contributions to the publications will be issued after the conference. Proceedings of previous conferences are available at The final deadline for receipt of written versions of conference papers is November 10, 2012. Submission Web Site: Conference Web Site: Local Organizing Committee Chair: Byong-Rae Ryu (Chungnam National University, hpsg2012 at Hosted by Chungnam National University =============== Supported by Department of Linguistics, Chungnam National University (CNU), Center for Speech-Language Pathology (CSLP), CNU, Center for Language and Communication Research (CLCR), CNU The Korean Society for Language and Information (KSLI), Korea Research Foundation (KRF), Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From jongbokkim at Mon Mar 19 00:06:58 2012 From: jongbokkim at (Jong-Bok Kim) Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 17:06:58 -0700 Subject: CFP HPSG-2012 (deadline extended) Message-ID: Apologies for multiple postings. --------------- The 19th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, HPSG-2012, will take place in July 18-21, 2012, at Chungnam National University in Daejeon, located in the center of South Korea. Call for Papers: Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address linguistic, foundational, or computational issues relating to the framework of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Invited Speakers: Hans Uszkoreit (Saarland University & DFKI) Conference Format: There will be two sessions: a main session, with 30 minute presentations, and a poster session. The poster session is intended as a means of encouraging the presentation of work that is not yet fully developed. Prospective speakers may submit either a 5 page abstract for the main session, or a 2 page abstract for the poster session. Abstracts submitted initially for the main session may be accepted, at the discretion of the program committee, for presentation in the poster session instead. Related Events: The conference will take place in Daejeon, South Korea, on 18-21, July 2011. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials for "Experimental Design for Linguists" on 18 July given by Philip Hofmeister (University of Essex) and a workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar on 19 July. There is a separate call for papers for the workshop. Submissions: We will use an online submission system. All abstracts should be submitted via Linguist List's Easy Abstracts System: Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Abstracts should not include the authors' names and authors are asked to avoid self-references. Please direct any questions to the Program Committee Chair, Jong-Bok Kim, at hpsg2012program at Important Dates: Extended Abstract submission deadline: April 10, 2012 Notification of acceptance: April 27, 2012 Conference: July 18-21, 2012 Program Committee: Anne Abeille, Doug Arnold, Emily M. Bender, Francis Bond, Oliver Bonami, Bob Borsley, Rui Chaves, Ann Copestake, Berthold Crysmann, Elisabet Engdahl, Dan Flickinger, Jong-Bok Kim (chair), Tibor Kiss, Jean-Pierre Koenig, Valia Kordoni, Bob Levine, Laura Michaelis, Stefan Mueller, Tsuneko Nakazawa, Jeff Runner, Ivan Sag, Manfred Sailer, Frank Van Eynde, Gert Webelhuth, Eun-Jung Yoo, Stephen Wechsler, Shuichi Yatabe Publication: The conference proceedings will be published online by CSLI publications. A call for contributions to the publications will be issued after the conference. Proceedings of previous conferences are available at The final deadline for receipt of written versions of conference papers is November 10, 2012. Submission Web Site: Conference Web Site: Local Organizing Committee Chair: Byong-Rae Ryu (Chungnam National University, hpsg2012 at Hosted by Chungnam National University =============== Supported by Department of Linguistics, Chungnam National University (CNU), Center for Speech-Language Pathology (CSLP), CNU, Center for Language and Communication Research (CLCR), CNU The Korean Society for Language and Information (KSLI), Korea Research Foundation (KRF), Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof. School of English Director, Institute for the Study of Language and Information Kyung Hee Unversity, Seoul, Korea 130-701 Tel: 82-2-961-0892/070-8265-0892 (Kor), 714-446-9391 (USA) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From info at Tue Mar 20 17:37:22 2012 From: info at (ELRA ELDA Information) Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 18:37:22 +0100 Subject: LREC 2012 What=?windows-1252?Q?=92s_?=New #2 - March 2012 Message-ID: *[Apologies for cross-postings]** *LREC 2012 What?s New**is a short bulletin meant to give you a quick overview of the latest information on the conference organization. *Important Dates* Final Submission of accepted papers: 21 March 2012 Early-bird Registration Deadline : 21 March 2012 Conference: 23 - 24 - 25 May 2012 Pre-conference workshops and tutorials: 21 and 22 May 2012 Post-conference workshops and tutorials: 26 and 27 May 2012 *Content* 1.Final Submission 2.Registration 3.MEDAR Grants for Students from Arabic countries 4.EU Village 5.List of accepted papers 6.Scientific Committee 7.Sponsors 8.Travel & Accommodation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *1. Final Submission* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *The deadline for submitting your final paper on START is: March 21^st 2012, 23:59 GMT+1.*. Don?t forget to update the LRE Map and/or to contribute to the Language Library . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *2. Registration* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Early-Bird Registration for LREC 2012 deadline: March 21^st 2012, 23:59 GMT+1.* The Registration fees for Conference and Workshops/Tutorials are available at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *3. **MEDAR Grants for students from Arabic countries*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The MEDAR Consortium (involved in MEDAR and NEMLAR Projects on ?Mediterranean Arabic Language and Speech Technology?, completed with the support by the European Commission), is awarding grants for students from Arabic countries to LREC 2012. At the time of the application, applicants must be currently enrolled as Master?s or Ph.D students at a University in an Arabic country. Each grant will cover the registration fees and support part of the travel and accommodation expenses. To apply for a grant, send a message to medar-grants at . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *4. EU-Projects Village* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *20 booths*have already been booked by European projects at the EU Village, a Projects Village to be set up at LREC 2012 with the support of the European Commission. The main objective of this exhibition for on-going EC-sponsored projects is to disseminate information by describing the activities/objectives and showing progress, either through demos, or through brochures or leaflets if the project is still at an early stage. The cost of participating to the EU Village is an eligible cost under "Information Dissemination" item. The EU projects Village will be open from May 23 to 25, 2012 during the Main conference days. More information: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *5. List of accepted Papers* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The list of the accepted papers to the Main conference is available: Acceptance rate: 68% of the submitted papers have been accepted (to compare to 69% for LREC 2010). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *6. Scientific Committee* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The list of Scientific Committee members is available at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *7. Sponsors* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LREC 2012 gratefully acknowledges the following institutions for their sponsorship of this year?s conference: */Silver sponsors/*// NUANCE: CELI: */Bronze sponsors/* EML: IMMI: META-NET: QUAERO: If your institution would like to support LREC, please check the opportunities: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *8. Travel & Accommodation* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */Hotels /**/ /*Special rates have been negotiated for LREC participants in a number of hotels by our local agency Dekon. The list can be found at May is the beginning of the high season in Istanbul, *so it is highly recommended to book your room as soon as you can*. Don?t hesitate to contact Dekon if you need support for organizing your trip. */Flying to Istanbul/**/ /*The Star Alliance? Members Airlines have been appointed as the Official Airline Network for LREC 2012. LREC Participants can obtain discounts (up to 20%) on their flights to/from Istanbul. More information: ___________________________________________ *LREC 2012 in Istanbul: **Contact: lrec at* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From yannick.parmentier at Thu Mar 22 16:23:46 2012 From: yannick.parmentier at (Yannick Parmentier) Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 17:23:46 +0100 Subject: CSLP 2012 - Call for papers Message-ID: [APOLOGIES FOR CROSS-POSTING] CALL FOR PAPERS ======================================================== Constraint Solving and Language Processing - CSLP 2012 - Seventh International Workshop Universit? d'Orl?ans, Orl?ans, France September 13-14, 2012 ======================================================== INTRODUCTION ============ The Constraint Solving and Language Processing (CSLP) workshop considers the role of constraints in the representation of language and the implementation of language processing from an interdisciplinary perspective. This theme should be interpreted inclusively: contributions from linguistics, computer science, psycholinguistics and related areas are welcome, and an interdisciplinary perspective is of particular interest. Constraints are widely used in linguistics, computer science, and psychology. How they are used, however, varies widely according to the research domain: knowledge representation, cognitive modelling, problem solving mechanisms, etc. These different perspectives are complementary, each one adding a piece to the puzzle. For example, linguistics proposes in-depth descriptions implementing constraints in order to filter out structures by means of description languages, constraint ranking, etc. The constraint programming paradigm, on the other hand, shows that constraints have to be taken as a systematic whole and can thus play a role in building the structures (or can even replace structures). Finally, psycholinguistics experiment have been made, investigating the role of constraint systems for cognitive processes in comprehension and production, as well as addressing how they can be acquired. TOPICS ====== CSLP is open to submissions on topics including, but not limited to: * Constraints in human language comprehension and production * Context modelling and discourse interpretation * Acquisition of constraints * Constraints and learning * Cross-theoretical view of the notion of constraint * New advances in constraint-based linguistic theories * Constraint satisfaction (CS) technologies for NLP * Linguistic analysis and linguistic theories biased towards CS or constraint logic programming (CLP) * Application of CS or CLP for NLP * CS and CLP for other than textual or spoken languages, e.g., sign languages and biological, multimodal human-computer interaction, visual languages * Probabilistic constraint-based reasoning for NLP and context comprehension PREVIOUS EDITIONS ================= Six CSLP workshops have been organized in the past in: Karlsruhe, Germany (2011), Hamburg, Germany (2008), Roskilde, Denmark (2007), Sydney, Australia (2006), Sitges, Spain (2005), Roskilde, Denmark (2004). IMPORTANT DATES =============== Submission Deadline: June 10, 2012 Notification: August 1st, 2012 Camera-ready Version: September 1st, 2012 Workshop Dates: September 13-14, 2012 SUBMISSIONS =========== Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files and be prepared using the Springer LNAI/LNCS format. Detailed formatting instructions can be found at: Papers should present original, unpublished work. Simultaneous submission to other venues with published proceedings is prohibited. CSLP accepts two kinds of submissions: - full papers (12 pages including references) reporting completed, significant research, - short papers (6 pages including references) reporting ongoing work and partial results. Each submission will be reviewed by three program committee members. Accepted long papers will be presented within 20 minutes talks plus 10 minutes for questions. Accepted short papers will be presented within 10 minutes talks plus 5 minutes for questions. Both paper types will be published in the workshop proceedings. Since reviewing will be blind, the submission should not include the authors' names and affiliations. Other identifying information such as obvious self-references (e.g., "We showed in [12] ...") and financial or personal acknowledgements should be omitted in the submitted papers whenever feasible. Papers have to be submitted via the easychair conference management system using the following link: A volume at an international publisher will be considered for selected and revised papers, if number and quality of submissions permits. KEYNOTE SPEAKER =============== To be announced PROGRAM COMMITEE ================ Philippe Blache, CNRS - Universit? de Provence, France Adriane Boyd, Universit?t T?bingen, Germany Aoife Cahill, ETS Princeton, USA Henning Christiansen, Roskilde University, Denmark Berthold Crysmann, CNRS - Paris 7, France Ver?nica Dahl, Simon Fraser University, Canada Helen de Hoop, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands Eric De La Clergerie, INRIA - Paris 7, France Denys Duchier, Universit? d'Orl?ans, France Claire Gardent, CNRS - LORIA, France Barbara Hemforth, Universit? Paris Descartes, France Maria Dolores Jim?nez-L?pez, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain Laura Kallmeyer, Heinrich Heine Universit?t, D?sseldorf, Germany Ruth Kempson, King's College London, UK Stephan Kepser, Codecentric AG D?sseldorf, Germany Patrick McCrae, Langtec Hamburg, Germany Wolfgang Menzel, Universit?t Hamburg, Germany Detmar Meurer, Universit?t T?bingen, Germany V?ronique Moriceau, Universit? Paris XI, France Jean-Philippe Prost, Universit? de Montpellier, France Adam Przepi?rkowski, IPIPAN, Warsaw, Poland Christian R?tor?, Universit? de Bordeaux, France Frank Richter, Universit?t T?bingen, Germany Sylvain Salvati, INRIA - Universit? de Bordeaux, France Sylvain Schmitz, ENS Cachan, France Kiril Simov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria Jesse Tseng, CNRS - Universit? de Toulouse, France J?rgen Villadsen, Technical University of Denmark LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITEE ========================= Chairs: Denys Duchier (LIFO - Universit? d'Orl?ans) Yannick Parmentier (LIFO - Universit? d'Orl?ans) Members: Guillaume Cleuziou (LIFO - Universit? d'Orl?ans) Thi-Bich-Hanh Dao (LIFO - Universit? d'Orl?ans) Abdelali Ed-Dbali (LIFO - Universit? d'Orl?ans) Matthieu Exbrayat (LIFO - Universit? d'Orl?ans) Matthieu Lopez (LIFO - Universit? d'Orl?ans) Lionel Martin (LIFO - Universit? d'Orl?ans) Simon Petitjean (LIFO - Universit? d'Orl?ans) Jacques-Henri Sublemontier (LIFO - Universit? d'Orl?ans) Information about the Workshop is available at the CSLP workshop website: E-mail:cslp2012 at From jongbokkim at Mon Mar 26 23:30:21 2012 From: jongbokkim at (Jong-Bok Kim) Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 16:30:21 -0700 Subject: 2nd CFP: Workshop on Ellipsis Message-ID: Workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar (co-located with HPSG 2012) Call for papers Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address linguistic, foundational, or computational issues relating to ellipsis phenomena and its interactions with formal syntax and semantics. The aim of the workshop is to further current research on ellipsis within the HPSG community, and to encourage cross-framework discussion of ellipsis and its interface to syntax and semantics. Thus, we strongly encourage researchers from outside the HPSG framework to submit. *Invited Speaker* Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh) *Workshop Format* There will be two sessions: a main session, with 30 minute presentations (plus 10 min discussion), and a poster session. The poster session is intended as a means of encouraging the presentation of work that is not yet fully developed. Prospective speakers may submit either a 5 page abstract for the main session, or a 2 page abstract for the poster session. Abstracts submitted initially for the main session may be accepted, at the discretion of the program committee, for presentation in the poster session instead. ** *Related Events* The workshop on ellipsis is part of this year's HPSG conference, which will take place in Daejeon, South Korea, on 18?21, July 2011. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials for ?Experimental Design for Linguists? on 18 July given by Philip Hofmeister (University of Essex) and followed by the HPSG 2012 to be held on 19?20, July, 2011. ** *Submissions* We will use an online submission system. All abstracts should be submitted via the Easy Abstract System: Abstracts should be in PDF format. Please direct any questions to the Program Committee Chair: hpsg2012program at All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Abstracts should not include the authors' names, and authors are asked to avoid self-references. *Important Dates* Abstract submission deadline: 17 April, 2012 Notification of acceptance: 20 May 2011 Conference: July 19, July 2012 *Publication* The workshop proceedings will be published online by CSLI Publications. Only papers presented in the main workshop session will be included in the proceedings. A call for contributions to the proceedings will be issued after the conference. Proceedings of previous conferences are available at: The final deadline for receipt of written versions of conference papers is 15 November 2012 *Program Committee:* * * Doug Arnold, John Beavers, Rui Chaves, Jong-Bok Kim (Chair), Jason Merchant, Stefan Mueller, Myung-Kwan Park, Eric Potsdam, Ivan Sag, Mark Steedman, Tom Wasow, Shuichi Yatabe, Eun-Jung Yoo * * *Conference Web Site: *** * * *Local Arrangements Chair: ** Byong-Rae Ryu (Chungnam University, ** ryu at* *)* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From marco.passarotti at Tue Mar 27 15:28:31 2012 From: marco.passarotti at (Passarotti Marco Carlo) Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 17:28:31 +0200 Subject: ACRH-2: First Call for Papers Message-ID: FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS ---- Second Workshop on Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities (ACRH-2) ---- The second edition of the workshop on "Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities" (ACRH-2) will be held on November 29, 2012 at the University of Lisbon (Portugal) ( Submissions are invited for oral presentations and posters (with or without demonstrations) featuring high quality and previously unpublished research on the topics described below. Contributions should focus on results from completed as well as ongoing research, with an emphasis on novel approaches, methods, ideas, and perspectives, whether descriptive, theoretical, formal or computational. Proceedings will be published in time for the workshop by the Centro de Lingu?stica da Universidade de Lisboa (CLUL). Publication will be online only. The workshop will be co-located with the Eleventh International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT-11), which will be held on November 30 - December 1, 2012 ( MOTIVATION AND AIMS Like in its first edition (held in Heidelberg on 5 January, 2012: proceedings available here:, the ACRH workshop aims at building a tighter collaboration between people working in various areas of the Humanities (such as literature, philology, history etc.) and the research community involved in developing, using and making accessible annotated corpora. Addressing topics related to annotated corpora for research in the Humanities is an interdisciplinary task, which involves corpus and computational linguists (mostly those working in literary computing), philologists, scholars in the Humanities and computer scientists. However, this interdisciplinarity is not fully realised yet. Indeed, philologists and scholars are not used to exploit NLP tools and language resources such as annotated corpora; in turn, computational linguists are more prone to develop language resources for NLP purposes only. For instance, although many corpora that play a relevant role for research in Humanities are today available in digital format (theatrical plays, contemporary novels, critical literature, literary reviews etc.), only a few of them are linguistically tagged, while most still lack linguistic tagging at all. Historical corpora are also a case of special interest, since their creation demands a strong interplay between computational linguistics and more traditional scholarship. Over the past few years a number of historical annotated corpora have been started, among which are treebanks for Middle, Early Modern and Old English, Early New High German, Medieval Portuguese, Ugaritic, Latin, Ancient Greek and several translations of the New Testament into Indo-European languages. The experience of these ever-growing group of projects can provide many suggestions on the methodology as well as on the practice of interaction between literary studies, philology and corpus linguistics. We believe that a tighter collaboration between people working in the Humanities and the research community involved in developing annotated corpora is now needed because, while annotating a corpus from scratch still remains a labor-intensive and time-consuming task, today this is simplified by intensively exploiting prior experience in the field. Indeed, such a collaboration is still quite far from being achieved, as a gap still holds between computational linguists (who sometimes do not involve humanists in developing and exploiting annotated corpora for the Humanities) and humanists (who sometimes just ignore that such corpora do exist and that automatic methods and standards to build them are today available). TOPICS To overcome the above mentioned issues, ACRH-2 aims at covering a wide range of topics related to the annotation of corpora for research in the Humanities. The topics to be addressed in the workshop include (but are not limited to) the following: - specific issues related to the annotation of corpora for research in the Humanities - annotated corpora as a basis for research in the Humanities - diachronic, historical and literary annotated corpora - use of annotated corpora for stylometrics and authorship attribution - philological issues, like different readings, textual variants, apparatus, non-standard orthography and spelling variation - annotation principles and schemes of corpora for research in the Humanities - adaptation of NLP tools for older language varieties. Specific features of tools for accessing and retrieving annotated corpora to address various research topics in the Humanities - examples of fruitful collaboration between Computational Linguistics and Humanities in building and exploiting annotated corpora INVITED SPEAKER Martin Wynne (University of Oxford, UK) IMPORTANT DATES Deadlines: always midnight, UTC ('Coordinated Universal Time'), ignoring DST ('Daylight Saving Time'): - Deadline for paper submission: September 2, 2012 - Notification of acceptance: October 7, 2012 - Final version of paper for workshop proceedings: October 28, 2012 - Workshop: November 29, 2012 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION We invite to submit full papers describing original, unpublished research related to the topics of the workshop. Papers should not exceed 12 pages. The language of the workshop is English. All papers must be submitted in well-checked English. Papers should be submitted in PDF format only. Submissions have to be made via the EasyChair page of the workshop at Please, first register at EasyChair if you do not have an EasyChair account. The style guidelines follow the specifications required by TLT. They can be found here: Please, note that as reviewing will be double-blind, the papers should not include the authors' names and affiliations or any references to web-sites, project names etc. revealing the authors' identity. Furthermore, any self-reference should be avoided. For instance, instead of "We previously showed (Brown, 2001)...", use citations such as "Brown previously showed (Brown, 2001)...". Each submitted paper will be reviewed by three members of the program committee. Submitted papers can be for oral or poster presentations (with or without demo). There is no difference between the different kinds of presentation both in terms of reviewing process and publication in the proceedings (the limit of 12 pages holds for both oral and poster presentations). ORAL PRESENTATION The oral presentations at the workshop will be 30 minutes long (25 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and discussion). PROGRAM COMMITTEE CHAIRS - Francesco Mambrini (University of Cologne, Germany) - Marco Passarotti (Universit? Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy) - Caroline Sporleder (Saarland University, Saarbr?cken, Germany) PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBERS - David Bamman (USA) - Gabriel Bodard (UK) - Lars Borin (Sweden) - Antonio Branco (Portugal) - Helma Dik (USA) - Anette Frank (Germany) - Dag Haug (Norway) - Erhard Hinrichs (Germany) - Be?ta Megyesi (Sweden) - Martha Nell Smith (USA) - Petya Osenova (Bulgaria) - Martin Reynaert (the Netherlands) - Victoria Ros?n (Norway) - Jeff Rydberg Cox (USA) - Melissa Terras (UK) - Manfred Thaller (Germany) - Martin Volk (Switzerland) LOCAL ORGANIZATION - Amalia Mendes - Iris Hendrickx - Sandra Antunes - Aida Cardoso - Sandra Perreira All CLUL, University of Lisbon, Portugal -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From afokkens at Wed Mar 28 19:36:25 2012 From: afokkens at (Antske Fokkens) Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 21:36:25 +0200 Subject: FYI: Final CFP: : SANCL 2012 - Workshop on Syntactic Analysis of Non-Canonical Language In-Reply-To: Message-ID: > FYI > > >> >> ******************************************************************************* >> SANCL 2012 - NAACL-HLT Workshop on Syntactic Analysis of Non-Canonical >> Language >> >> ******************************************************************************* >> >> The first Workshop on Syntactic Analysis of Non-Canonical Language will be >> held in conjunction with the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter >> of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language >> Technologies (NAACL-HLT 2012) which will take place in June, 3-8, 2012 in >> Montreal, Canada. >> >> >> Important Dates >> --------------- >> Apr 04, 2012 Paper submission deadline >> Apr 27, 2012 Notification of acceptance >> May 07, 2012 Camera-ready deadline >> Jun 08, 2012 SANCL workshop at NAACL-HLT 2012 >> >> >> Workshop Description >> -------------------- >> The SANCL workshop aims to provide a forum for all researchers interested >> in syntactic analysis and parsing of language that is ?non-canonical?. By >> that term we mean structures with characteristics deviating from the >> standard written form of the language. A case in point is spoken language, >> but also the language of social media, computer-mediated communication in >> general, the interlanguage produced by language learners, or historical >> data. All of these pose challenges for parsing models trained on edited >> newspaper text as well as for the theoretical analysis of these >> structures. >> >> >> Scope and Topics >> ---------------- >> We aim to encourage a cross-fertilisation of ideas amongst researchers >> working on different but related problems, such as >> - What is the best strategy for parsing non-canonical language? >> - Should we treat parsing of non-canonical language as a problem of >> robustness or domain adaptation? >> - Or would it be better to develop new training data sets addressing >> the particular properties of the data? >> - What are the pros and cons of a one-size-fits-all annotation approach >> and of applying annotation schemes developed for standard written text >> to non-canonical data? >> - Can insights gained from parsing one type of non-canonical text help >> in parsing another? >> - What are the challenges of handling the often heterogeneous nature of >> the data (e.g. code-switching)? >> - What role does pre-processing play in the parsing of non-canonical >> data? >> - To what extent is it necessary or desirable to perform full parsing >> for some kinds of non-canonical text? >> - From a theoretical perspective, what are the appropriate analyses for >> non-canonical structures? >> - How should new linguistic forms emerging from social media be >> analysed, e.g. the use of hashtags in Twitter? >> - What is the optimal unit of analysis? >> - For non-sentential units (frequent in spoken language) and especially >> for elliptical utterances: what kind of information is necessary for a >> meaningful analysis? Depending on the application, categories like "NP" >> or "PP" might not sufficient. >> >> Contributions to the workshop should address the adequate syntactic >> representation as well as the unit of analysis for the task at hand. We >> welcome both theoretical and practical contributions for any grammatical >> framework, any parsing approach and any language. >> >> >> Submission Details >> ------------------ >> Authors are invited to submit long or short papers on original, >> unpublished work addressing these (or related) topics. Long papers may >> consist of up to 8 pages of content plus two extra pages for references; >> short papers may consist of 4 pages of content including references. >> Papers should be formatted according to the NAACL 2012 guidelines (for >> more information please visit >> >> >> As the reviewing will be blind, the paper must not include the authors' >> names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the >> author's identity, e.g., "We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ..." must be >> avoided. Instead, use citations such as "Smith previously showed (Smith, >> 1991) ..." Papers that do not conform to these requirements will be >> rejected without review. In addition, please do not post your submissions >> on the web until after the review process is complete. >> >> Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or >> publications must indicate this at submission time. Please visit the >> workshop web page ( for more >> details. >> >> Papers will be accepted until Apr 04, 2012, 11:59pm (PDT, GMT-8) in PDF >> format via the START system >> ( >> >> >> Shared Task >> ----------- >> The SANCL 2012 workshop will host the *first shared task on parsing >> English web text* organised by Google. A session in the workshop will be >> devoted to presenting and discussing the results of this shared task. For >> more details, please visit >> >> >> >> Workshop Organizers >> ------------------- >> Ozlem Cetinoglu (IMS Stuttgart, Germany) >> Jennifer Foster (NCLT, DCU, Ireland) >> Ines Rehbein (Potsdam University, Germany) >> >> >> Shared Task Organizers >> ---------------------- >> Slav Petrov (Google Research, USA) >> Ryan McDonald (Google Research, USA) >> >> >> Program Committee >> ----------------- >> Bernd Bohnet (IMS Stuttgart, Germany) >> Aoife Cahill (Educational Testing Service, USA) >> Marie Candito (University of Paris 7, France) >> John Carroll (University of Sussex, UK) >> Jinho Choi (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA) >> Eric de la Clergerie (INRIA, France) >> Markus Dickinson (Indiana University, USA) >> Steffi Dipper (University of Bochum, Germany) >> Gulsen Eryigit (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey) >> Stefan Evert (University of Darmstadt, Germany) >> Kim Gerdes (University of Paris 3, France) >> Masato Hagiwara (Rakuten Institute of Technology, USA) >> Ron Kaplan (Microsoft, USA) >> Jonas Kuhn (IMS Stuttgart, Germany) >> Sandra K?bler (Indiana University, USA) >> Joseph Le Roux (Universit? Paris-Nord, France) >> Anke L?deling (Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany) >> David McClosky (Stanford University, USA) >> Detmar Meurers (University of T?bingen, Germany) >> Joakim Nivre (Uppsala University, Sweden) >> Lilja ?vrelid (University of Oslo, Norway) >> Brian Roark (Oregon Health & Science University, USA) >> Kenji Sagae (University of Southern California, USA) >> Djam? Seddah (University of Paris 4, France) >> Reut Tsarfaty (Uppsala University, Sweden) >> Josef van Genabith (Dublin City University, Ireland) >> Heike Zinsmeister (University of Konstanz, Germany) >> >> >> Contact Information >> ------------------- >> For general questions about the workshop, please email >> sancl2012contact at For specific questions about the shared task, >> please email the shared task organizers (parsingtheweb at >> Additional information about SANCL 2012 can be found at >> >> >> > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From info at Thu Mar 29 13:18:07 2012 From: info at (ELRA ELDA Information) Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 15:18:07 +0200 Subject: MEDAR Grants for students from Arabic countries for LREC 2012 Message-ID: [Apologies for cross-postings] The MEDAR Consortium, involved in MEDAR and NEMLAR Projects on ?Mediterranean Arabic Language and Speech Technology?, completed with the support by the European Commission, is awarding grants for students from Arabic countries to attend the 8th edition of the International conference LREC taking place in Istanbul on May 21 to 27, 2012. Each grant will cover the registration fees and support part of the travel and accommodation expenses. At the time of the application, applicants must be enrolled as Master?s or Ph.D students at a University in an Arabic country. To apply for a grant, send a message to medar-grants at no later then April 23rd, 2012. The applications will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis and notifications will be sent accordingly. MEDAR: LREC 2012: From oe at Thu Mar 29 21:43:49 2012 From: oe at (Stephan Oepen) Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 23:43:49 +0200 Subject: oslo: three-year researcher appointment in language technology Message-ID: with apologies for cross-posting, the Language Technology Group (LTG) at the University of Oslo announces a fixed-term researcher appointment for a duration of three years. for details and further background, please see: this position minimally requires an MSc or equivalent in Computational Linguistics, or Computer Science with a specialization in NLP; a PhD is most welcome and typically results in an appointment at a higher level of seniority (and salary :-). the closing date is sunday, april 22. please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information. best - oe +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ Universitetet i Oslo (IFI); Boks 1080 Blindern; 0316 Oslo; (+47) 2284 0125 +++ ? ?--- oe at; stephan at; --- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From jongbokkim at Fri Mar 30 06:00:30 2012 From: jongbokkim at (Jong-Bok Kim) Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 23:00:30 -0700 Subject: Final call for paper: HPSG 2012 Message-ID: Please note that New Abstract Submission Deadline is "April 10, 2012" ===================== The 19th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, HPSG-2012, will take place in July 18-21, 2012, at Chungnam National University in Daejeon, located in the center of South Korea. Call for Papers: Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address linguistic, foundational, or computational issues relating to the framework of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Invited Speakers: Hans Uszkoreit (Saarland University & DFKI) Conference Format: There will be two sessions: a main session, with 30 minute presentations, and a poster session. The poster session is intended as a means of encouraging the presentation of work that is not yet fully developed. Prospective speakers may submit either a 5 page abstract for the main session, or a 2 page abstract for the poster session. Abstracts submitted initially for the main session may be accepted, at the discretion of the program committee, for presentation in the poster session instead. Related Events: The conference will take place in Daejeon, South Korea, on 18-21, July 2011. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials for "Experimental Design for Linguists" on 18 July given by Philip Hofmeister (University of Essex) and a workshop on Ellipsis and Formal Grammar on 19 July. There is a separate call for papers for the workshop. Submissions: We will use an online submission system. All abstracts should be submitted via Linguist List's Easy Abstracts System: Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Abstracts should not include the authors' names and authors are asked to avoid self-references. Please direct any questions to the Program Committee Chair, Jong-Bok Kim, at hpsg2012program at Important Dates: Extended Abstract submission deadline: April 10, 2012 Notification of acceptance: April 27, 2012 Conference: July 18-21, 2012 Program Committee: Anne Abeille, Doug Arnold, Emily M. Bender, Francis Bond, Oliver Bonami, Bob Borsley, Rui Chaves, Ann Copestake, Berthold Crysmann, Elisabet Engdahl, Dan Flickinger, Jong-Bok Kim (chair), Tibor Kiss, Jean-Pierre Koenig, Valia Kordoni, Bob Levine, Laura Michaelis, Stefan Mueller, Tsuneko Nakazawa, Jeff Runner, Ivan Sag, Manfred Sailer, Frank Van Eynde, Gert Webelhuth, Eun-Jung Yoo, Stephen Wechsler, Shuichi Yatabe Publication: The conference proceedings will be published online by CSLI publications. A call for contributions to the publications will be issued after the conference. Proceedings of previous conferences are available at The final deadline for receipt of written versions of conference papers is November 10, 2012. Conference Web Site: Local Organizing Committee Chair: Byong-Rae Ryu (Chungnam National University, hpsg2012 at Hosted by Chungnam National University =============== Supported by Department of Linguistics, Chungnam National University (CNU), Center for Speech-Language Pathology (CSLP), CNU, Center for Language and Communication Research (CLCR), CNU The Korean Society for Language and Information (KSLI), Korea Research Foundation (KRF), Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- From anne.abeille at Fri Mar 30 11:31:34 2012 From: anne.abeille at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne_Abeill=E9?=) Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 13:31:34 +0200 Subject: Paris: postdoc on word order preferences In-Reply-To: Message-ID: POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW : Preferences of word order among complements offered by the Laboratoire d'excellence Empirical Foundations of Linguistics (PRES Sorbonne Paris Cit?) 2011-2021 Location: Universit? Paris Diderot, 175 rue du chevaleret 75013 Paris Laboratories: laboratoire de linguistique formelle & Alpage 80%94%20Homepage htpp:// salary: 24 000 ? net / year The position is offered by a 10-year project in linguistics entitled, "Empirical foundations of linguistics". The candidate will work in the Strand 2 : Experimental Grammar in a cross linguistic perspective, substrand Experimental Syntax . The candidate will identify the different factors influencing the relative ordering of verbal complements in a cross-linguistic perspective. S/he will be using annotated corpora (written and spoken treebanks) and designing psycholinguistic experiments (in production and comprehension). The candidate should be trained in syntax, annotated corpora, psycholinguistics and statistics. Knowledge of French or a verb final language will be a plus. S/he should have defended his/her PhD before dec 1st 2012. Please send before April 10th 2012 - CV with list of publications - Names and email adresses of two referents - Website where publications can be found address for applications: REF LABEX-WO1 marandin at contact information: bcrabbe at, abeille at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part --------------