Ivan Sag tribute webpage

Arnold, Doug doug at essex.ac.uk
Mon May 27 23:10:01 UTC 2013

Dear Colleagues on HPSG-liste,

As most of you will know, Ivan is very ill, and has been for some time. Partly as a result, learning that he was neverthelss well enough to enjoy doing linguistics, some of Ivan's colleagues organised a small tribute workshop, with the customary associated musical event, a couple of weeks ago in Stanford. 

As an sort of virtual extension of this event, Stefan Mueller has set up a web page where individuals can post comments, tributes, reminiscences and the like. You can access it here (where there is also a link to the webpage of the workshop itself):


To add something you have to register and then write a new post. 

If you have queries, please contact Stefan (Stefan.Mueller at fu-berlin.de) or me.

Best wishes,
Doug Arnold
Chair, HPSG Standing Committee

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