First CfP: EACL 2014 Workshop on Workshop on Deep Language Processing for Quality Applications

Kiril Simov kivs at BULTREEBANK.ORG
Wed Nov 13 18:17:04 UTC 2013

First Call for Papers

  Workshop on Deep Language Processing for Quality Applications
One day workshop to be held together with EACL 2014 conference
                Gothenburg, Sweden, 26 April 2014


In the last decade, research on language technology applications, such as
machine translation (MT), information retrieval and extraction (also
cross-linguistic), etc. has benefited from the significant advances obtained
with the exploitation of increasingly sophisticated statistical approaches.
To a large extent, this advancement has been achieved also by encompassing a
host of subsidiary and increasingly more fine-grained linguistic
distinctions at the syntactic and semantic levels.

Thus, the NLP mainstream has headed towards the modeling of multilayered
linguistic knowledge. To leap forward in terms of the quality of its output,
machine translation and other technologies are taking advantage of enhanced
capacities for deeper analysis of natural language and massive open online
world knowledge that are now becoming available. The following initiatives
can be mentioned as best practices, among others:

* LOGON MT system from-Norwegian-to-English which uses Minimal Recursion
Semantics (MRS) and DELPH-IN deep HPSG grammar expertise for language
* Systems based on Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR);
* The ParGram parallel deep grammars and parsebanks covering several
language families in the LFG formalism;
* The development of sophisticated syntactic and semantic models, sensitive
to lexical semantics and semantic roles;
* Creation of high-quality parallel treebanks via model transfers (such as
Prague Czech-English Dependency treebank);
* Creation of deep resources, such as English DeepBank, released in 2013;
* Creation of common tagsets and thus ‘universalizing’ linguistic resources,
such as treebanks in Google, the HamleDT project, etc.

In the long run, richer world knowledge will be available, even beyond the
current Linked Open Data, with respect to larger datasets, richer semantics
enhanced with world facts, and more dynamic conceptual knowledge
representation. Concomitantly, the evolutive trend in Natural Language
Processing shows a strong integration of the knowledge-poor language
processing with the knowledge-rich one, supported by deep grammars and deep
language resources.

This proposal joins forces of the former Advanced Treebanking community, as
represented by the 2012 LREC Workshop on Advanced Treebanking, with the new
stream of projects aimed at high quality applications, most prominently -
Machine Translation.

The workshop invites papers on progress in the use of deep natural language
processing and resources providing deep analyses for a range of applications
including, but not limited to, machine translation.

Topics of interest

* Deep MT transfer models
* Deep processing of source language
* Deep generation using world knowledge models and/or deep grammars
* MT and IR supported by Linked Open Data
* Speech and dialog systems supported by deep processing
* Modeling deep linguistic knowledge for quality applications
* Statistical models for quality MT and other NLP-related tasks
* Development and exploitation of monolingual and parallel deep language
resources: deep grammars, parsebanks, propbanks, valency lexicons and other
deep lexical resources, ontologies etc.
* Adaptation of deep language resources to MT and other NLP-related tasks
* Knowledge-based metrics for evaluation

Invited speakers

Important dates

Submission deadline: 23 January 2014
Notification of acceptance: 20 February 2014
Camera-ready papers: 3 March 2014
Workshop date: 26 April 2014

Paper format

Workshop papers have to meet the requirements for EACL 2014 main conference
long papers (

Workshop organizers

* Kiril Simov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
* Jan Hajič, Charles University in Prague
* Hans Uszkoreit, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, DFKI
* António Branco, University of Lisbon
* Koenraad De Smedt, University of Bergen
* Marko Tadić, University of Zagreb

Program Committee

* Eneko Agirre, University of the Basque Country
* Bogdan Babych, Centre for Translation Studies, University of Leeds
* Núria Bel, University Pompeu Fabra
* Ondřej Bojar, Charles University
* Francis Bond, Nanyang Technological University
* Johan Bos, University of Groningen
* Gosse Bouma, University of Groningen
* António Branco, University of Lisbon
* Aljoscha Burchardt, DFKI
* Mauro Cettolo, FBK
* Silvie Cinková, Charles University
* Francisco Costa, University of Lisbon
* Markus Dickinson, Indiana University
* Ondřej Dušek, Charles University
* Marc Dymetman, Xerox Research Centre Europe
* Markus Egg, Humboldt University of Berlin
* Sanae Fujita, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
* Jan Hajič, Charles University
* Silvia Hansen-Schirra, Mainz University
* Barbora Hladka, Charles University
* Daisuke Kawahara, Kyoto University
* Philipp Koehn, University of Edinburgh
* Valia Kordoni, Humboldt University of Berlin
* Simon Krek, University of Ljubljana
* Sandra Kübler, Indiana University
* Gorka Labaka, University of the Basque Country
* Philippe Langlais, Université de Montréal
* Krister Lindén, University of Helsinki
* David Mareček, Charles University
* Montserrat Marimon University of Barcelona
* Adam Meyers, New York University
* Preslav Nakov, Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar Foundation
* Joakim Nivre, Uppsala University
* Stephan Oepen, University of Oslo
* Petya Osenova, IICT-BAS
* Martin Popel, Charles University
* Adam Przepiórkowski, Polish Academy of Sciences
* Rudolf Rosa, Charles University
* Victoria Rosén, University of Bergen
* Kepa Sarasola, University of the Basque Country
* Kiril Simov, IICT-BAS
* Inguna Skadiņa, Tilde company and University of Latvia
* Anders Søgaard, University of Copenhagen
* Lucia Specia, Sheffield University
* Pavel Straňák, Charles University
* Marko Tadić, University of Zagreb
* Takaaki Tanaka, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
* Jörg Tiedemann, Uppsala University
* Antonio Toral, Dublin City University
* Hans Uszkoreit, DFKI
* Josef van Genabith, NCLT, Dublin City University
* Gertjan van Noord, University of Groningen
* Cristina Vertan, University of Hamburg
* Jürgen Wedekind, University of Copenhagen
* Dekai Wu, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
* Nianwe Xue, Brandeis University
* Zdeněk Žabokrtský, Charles University

Contact Information

For information on this workshop please contact Kiril Simov at kivs at 

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