Plagirism again, please join the discussion on research gate

Louise McNally louise.mcnally at UPF.EDU
Sun Mar 30 07:33:07 UTC 2014

About this I can provide some information:

 >As for her university: Non of this stuff was peer reviewed 
(fortunately). I wonder how the university rates the output of their 

This person is the equivalent of a tenure-track assistant professor. She 
will have to go through accreditation by a national agency in order to 
be able to apply for tenure. If she has not gone through that process 
yet, this information would obviously be useful to her university 
(getting it to the agency directly is not a simple process). I would be 
surprised if she were to get accredited without peer-reviewed 
publications, but there are many levels of peer review, and I'm not sure 
to what extent the agency requires publications in indexed journals as 
opposed to national level journals where the peer review process is not 


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