Plagirism again, please join the discussion on research gate

Gisbert Fanselow gisbert.fanselow at GMAIL.COM
Sun Mar 30 10:13:38 UTC 2014

I may have had a reaction similar to Valia Kordoni's at the very first
moment when I read Stefan's mail, but then I realized that

(a) there is no doubt possible concerning plagiarism
(b) one should side with a victim
(c) trust in each other is the most important thing for scientific
exchange, and any acts than endanger this trust and therefore the open
scientific exchange must be publicly discussed.

The key feature of the present case is the obvious nature of the violation.
We may often hear ideas in a talk, forget about the talk later, and then
formulate the same idea later without any bad intention. One would need a
careful discussion in this case. But what if, as in the present case,
everything is obvious?

As a side remark, I fail to see why +/- female plays a role here ...

2014-03-30 11:31 GMT+02:00 Stephan Oepen <oe at>:

> > I personally feel (from the first moment I read the original message)
> > extremely uncomfortable that all this sensitive info is being discussed
> on
> > a mailing list, and we are all implicitly/explicitly being asked to pass
> > judgements on the scientific deeds and the quality of such deeds of a
> > (female) person, and to take sides.
> +1, oe

Gisbert Fanselow
Linguistics, University of Potsdam
Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 23-24
14476 Potsdam
x331-977 2446
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