[HPSG-L] Workshop proposal for the 49th SLE meeting: Notions of 'feature' in linguistic theory: cross-theoretical and cross-linguistic perspectives
Lars Hellan
lars.hellan at ntnu.no
Mon Nov 2 20:06:27 UTC 2015
*/Notions of 'feature' in linguistic theory: cross-theoretical and
cross-linguistic perspectives/*
*Workshop proposal for the 49th SLE (***/Societas Linguistica
Europaea/*) meeting,*
*Naples, August 31 – September 3, 2016*
*Workshop organizers*
*Lars Hellan, Andrej Malchukov, Ian Roberts, Michela Cennamo*
Linguistic frameworks and theories largely agree on what the basic units
in languages are – words, sentences, phrases, morphemes, etc. – but
differ in how they analyze the behavior of these units. ‘Features’,
broadly speaking, means ‘properties’ of the units, where ‘properties’
are conceived partly relative to what is in focus of a given research,
partly relative to the formal exposition of the properties. Recently the
notion of feature has been the focus of renewed attention (e.g., Corbett
2012; Kibort & Corbett 2010), yet many aspects remain controversial,
also due to the fact that the concept of feature and its role differs
across different frameworks and linguistic traditions.
Formally speaking, ‘feature structures’ in formal grammars are typically
attribute-value matrices, where an attribute (the word ‘feature’ is here
often used as equivalent to ‘attribute’) generally indicates a
/parameter/ of specification (like ‘tense’), and a value indicates the
exact value of a parameter (like ‘present’, for the parameter tense);
the ‘matrix’ is constituted by a set of such attribute-value pairs,
together characterizing a unit, whose properties often are complex
enough to require a set of attribute-value pairs.(See for instance
Pollard and Sag 1994, Butt et al. 1999, Bresnan 2001, Copestake 2002, on
how these notions are implemented in HPSG and LFG.) A formal operation
defined on features in these settings is for instance ‘unification’.
In more ‘substantive’ interpretations, features are more conceived as
phenomena, such as tense, aspect, case, etc. Although the ‘formal’ and
‘substantive’ uses are of course interrelated, there is thus a potential
ambiguity in the term ‘feature’ when used, being either to be understood
as an ‘attribute’ relative to a formal setting, or a linguistically
interesting property of items. When speaking of /interaction /between
features, this in turn may relate either to how sets of attribute-value
pairs in a matrix are formally organized, or to how phenomena are
In recent minimalist theory (Chomsky 1995, 2000, 2001) the notion has
been linked to that of “interpretability”: the simplest notion of
uninterpretable feature is as one which lacks either its attribute or
its value (but see Pesetsky & Torrego 2001, 2007 for a different view).
Features may interact by forming hierarchies (or feature geometries, to
borrow a term from phonology). One thing that mainstream minimalist
theory has overlooked, however, is the possibility that certain features
may be “deeper”, than others. Here several questions arise: one is the
possibility that the notion of pleiotropy from genetics may be useful
and, perhaps, more than just a useful analogy (see Biberauer & Roberts
2015).If this idea is correct, then the question which naturally arises
is which the allegedly pleiotropic features are. Nearly all frameworks
have some place for notions such as Person, Tense, etc., as they are so
cross-linguistically common. Hence one central theme of the workshop
will be to compare treatments of these linguistic properties across
frameworks, especially if they are seen as linguistically significant
In typological research, at least the following approaches can be
mentioned as relevant to the theme of features:
1) The study of grammaticalization/universality/areality of features,
including prominence of certain features in particular languages (e.g.,
Bhat 1999 distinguishes between aspect-dominated languages with temporal
meanings as an implicature, and tense-oriented
languages, where tense would be expressed and aspect implicated).
2) Features and universal gram-types in the sense of Bybee/Dahl (e.g.,
Bybee & Dahl 1989) and more generally, to what extent individual
categories are universal or language particular (cf. a discussion
between Haspelmath and Newmeyer in /Linguistic Typology/ and /Language/;
Haspelmath 2007, 2010, Newmeyer 2007, 2010).
3) Holistic typologies as “coalitions” of features: on this view certain
features tend to co-occur possibly leading to holistic language types
(cf., e.g., early work by Czech typologists reviewed by Sgall 1985).
More recently holistic typologies have not enjoyed much popularity in
typology, butperhapssome basic insights can be recovered from Corbett’s
canonical typology (Brown et al 2013) perspective where one also deals
with somewhat idealized types.It also lines up with generative work on
parametric variation, following work by Baker (1988, 1996), Huang (2015)
and Roberts (2012).
4) Local interaction of features, including interaction of morphological
features (see, e.g., Malchukov 2011 on “present perfectives” and other
infelicitous feature combinations; cf. also Xrakovskij 1996; Plank &
Schellinger 1997; Aikhenvald & Dixon 1998), as well as resolution of
feature conflicts in syntax (e.g., choice of agreement with coordinate
subjects with incommensurable gender values; Corbett 2012).
In view of these various traditions and frameworks, we think there is
significant potential in furthering the cross-school understanding of
analytic practices pertaining to the notions mentioned, and we therefore
invite scholars across frameworks to present or discuss projects and
research traditions from the viewpoint of the roles that features and
feature representations play in them. Papers on issues in relation to
the putatively pleiotropic features Tense, Case and Person are
particularly encouraged, likewise presentations of the typological
approaches mentioned; papers addressing semantic features are also very
much welcome. In conclusion, we stress once more that the workshop topic
is formulated intentionally broadly, since one of the goals of the
workshop is methodological: to promote a dialogue between typologically
minded scholars representing different research traditions.
Please send preliminary abstracts of no more than 300 words by *November
17* to the workshop organizers at: lars.hellan at ntnu.no
<mailto:lars.hellan at ntnu.no>, malchuko at uni-mainz.de
<mailto:malchuko at uni-mainz.de>, and igr20 at cam.ac.uk
<mailto:igr20 at cam.ac.uk>.
Abstracts will be evaluated by the organizers, and selected abstracts
will accompany the workshop proposal. We will notify you of inclusion in
the workshop proposal when we submit it on November 25. We will be
notified by December 15 if the proposal is accepted for the SLE meeting
(Naples, August 31 – September 3, 2016).
Note that if your abstract is included in the workshop proposal and the
workshop is accepted, you will also need to submit a full abstract of up
to 500 words to be reviewed by the SLE scientific committee. The
deadline for the submission of full abstracts is *January 15, 2016*.
For further information, please refer to the SLE meeting webpage at
Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. and Robert Malcolm Ward Dixon. 1998.
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