[HPSG-L] COLING2016 Tutorials: Call for proposals

António Branco Antonio.Branco at di.fc.ul.pt
Wed Jan 27 11:13:36 UTC 2016

COLING 2016 – Call for Tutorials

Proposal Submission Deadline: 22nd April 2016
Notification of Acceptance: 6th May 2016

The 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
December 11-16, 2016 - Osaka, Japan.

The International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL) is
pleased to invite proposals for tutorials to be held in conjunction
with the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics.
COLING 2016 will take place at the Osaka International Convention
Center (OICC) from 11th to 16th December 2016.

COLING covers a broad spectrum of technical areas related to natural
language and computation. The conference will include full papers
(presented as oral presentations or posters), demonstrations,
tutorials and workshops. In particular, there will be pre-conference
tutorial sessions on 11th and 12th December 2016. Researchers and
practitioners from all areas of the NLP/CL community are invited to
submit Tutorial proposals for review.

Proposals for half-day or (exceptionally) full-day tutorials on
all topics of computational linguistics and its applications are sought.
Especially encouraged are also cross-disciplinary tutorials
that educate the community about recent technical advancements
that are of interest to computational linguistics, or introduce
relevant algorithms and theories that may be known to specialists
in these areas but are still unfamiliar to part of the natural language
processing community.

The COLING 2016 organizers will set the fees, provide rooms, equipment,
technical support and coffee breaks for all the tutorials, and pay a
single sum for each tutorial to be split among the instructors.
Finally, each tutorial comes with one free conference registration.


Proposals for tutorials should contain:

1. A title and brief (1-page) description of the tutorial topic
and content.

2. Desired duration: half day or full day. In the latter case,
motivations should be provided, too.

3. The names, affiliations, and email addresses of the organizers,
with one-paragraph statements of their research interests and areas
of expertise.

4. A list of previous venues and approximate audience sizes,
if the same or a similar tutorial has been given elsewhere;
otherwise an estimate of the audience size.

5. A description of special requirements for technical equipment
(e.g. Internet access).


Please submit proposals in plain text in the body of an email to
the tutorial organizers (tutorial@ coling2016.anlp.jp)
no later than April 22, 2016, 23:59:59 UTC/GMT.

Notification of acceptance of tutorial proposals will occur
no later than May 06, 2016. Organizers of accepted tutorials must then
provide an abstract of their tutorial for inclusion in the conferences
website by 3rd  October  2016, and the tutorial electronic material
by 11th November 2016.


- 22nd April 2016: Tutorial proposals due

- 6th May 2016: Notification of acceptance

- 3rd October 2016: Tutorial description due

- 11th November 2016: Tutorial course material due

- 11th-12th December 2016: Tutorial dates


Marcello Federico, FBK Italy
Akiko Aizawa, NII Japan

Contact information: tutorial at coling2016.anlp.jp

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