[HPSG-L] 1st CfP: Grammar and Corpora 2016 at the IDS in Mannheim

Beata Trawinski trawinski at ids-mannheim.de
Sun Mar 6 20:50:43 UTC 2016

[Please distribute - apologies for multiple postings]

                    FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS for*

                       Mannheim, Germany
                      9-11 November 2016
        Deadline for abstract submission: 31.05.2016

The organising committee of *GaC 2016* is pleased to invite  
contributions to the sixth
international conference *Grammar and Corpora*, to be held at the  
Institute for the German
Language in Mannheim on 9-11 November 2016.

In recent years, the availability of large annotated and searchable  
corpora, together
with a new interest in the empirical foundation and validation of  
linguistic theory and
description has sparked a surge of novel and interesting work using  
corpus methods to
study the grammar of natural languages. However, a look at relevant  
current research on
the grammar of German, English, or the Romance and Slavic languages  
reveals a variety of
different theoretical approaches and empirical foci which can be  
traced back to different
philological and linguistic traditions. Still, this state of affairs  
should not be seen as
an obstacle but arguably provides an ideal basis for a fruitful  
exchange of ideas between
different research paradigms.

In addition to deepening our knowledge and understanding of individual  
corpus-oriented work on grammar has wider implications that concern  
methodological as
well as theoretical aspects. Relevant topics and research questions  
concern e.g. annotation
schemata for (larger) syntactic units and syntactic relations, the  
increased use of (advanced)
statistical methods and models in linguistics, the relation and  
boundary between grammar and
discourse, and more generally the interface between corpus linguistics  
and linguistic theory.

We welcome submissions that explore the use of corpus methods in the  
description and theoretical
analysis of the grammar of natural languages. Focal areas of interest  
include, but are not limited to:

1. Corpus-based studies on the grammar of Germanic, Romance and Slavic  

- The use of (large) corpora in the description of patterns of grammar  
from both
   a language-specific and a contrastive/cross-linguistic perspectivE
- The identification and formal modelling of (different types of)  
synchronic linguistic variation
   using corpus methods
- New insights into the connection between linguistic variation and  
change made available
   by inspecting “language change in progress” in large corpora
- The use of advanced corpus-linguistic and statistical methods in  
historical linguistics
   as a means to compensate for the relative scarcity of data

2. Theoretical and methodological issues pertaining to corpus-oriented  
research on grammar:

- Tools, methods and techniques in corpus assembly, annotation and analysis
- The interaction between corpus linguistics and computational linguistics
- The interaction between corpus linguistics and linguistic theory
- The use of statistical and quantitative methods in detecting  
patterns of grammar
- The impact of corpus-based vs. corpus-driven approaches on our  
view/understanding of grammar

A subset of these issues will be the focus of several invited  
keynotes, a number of tutorials
on applied corpus linguistic, statistical and computational tools and  
techniques, and of a poster
session. Conference languages are English and German.


Anne Abeillé
(Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, France)

Susan Conrad
(Portland State University, USA)

Anke Holler
(University of Göttingen, Germany)

Alexandr Rosen
(Charles University Prague, Czech Republic)


We invite submissions for 25-minute oral presentations (plus 10  
minutes for discussion) and for
poster presentations. Abstracts should clearly present a specific  
thesis statement and include
a description of the topic, approach, and conclusions. All submissions  
will be reviewed anonymously
by at least two reviewers.

Submissions must comply with the following guidelines:

- They must remain fully anonymous.
- They should be no more than 1 page written in 12 point Times New  
Roman font with up to
   1 additional page for data, figures and references.
- They must be submitted as a PDF file.
- All abstracts must be submitted through the EasyChair system.
- Submission deadline: 31.05.2016

Submission Procedure:

1. Login at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gac2016
2. Enter your EasyChair username and password and log in.
3. If you do not have an EasyChair account, click on "create an  
account" and fill out the form.
4. Click "New Submission" at the top left of the page.
5. By following the instructions, fill in the form, upload your  
abstract via "Uploads", and then submit.
6. After submitting your abstract successfully, you should receive an  
e-mail from EasyChair
    that you have successfully submitted your abstract.


The conference fee is EUR 80 (on-site registration: EUR 90). Doctoral  
students (on submission
of written confirmation of your status from your institution) and  
participants experiencing currency
exchange difficulties are eligible for a reduced conference fee of EUR  
50 (on-site registration: EUR 60).

The conference fee covers:

- participation in the conference
- conference materials
- refreshments during coffee breaks

Please note that the fee does not cover accommodation or meals other  
than coffee breaks. Please
consult the PRACTICAL INFO section of the conference website for some  
accommodation suggestions.

To register for *GaC 2016*, please complete the form at  
Registration is valid after payment of the full conference fee to the  
following bank account:

Recipient: IDS
Bank name: Commerzbank
IBAN: DE43 6708 0050 0694 9411 01

Please quote the keyword "GaC 2016", your given name and your family  
name. Regrettably, we cannot
accept credit card payments at this time. If you have any questions,  
please contact the organising
committee at gac2016 at easychair.org.


Programme Committee:

     Anette Frank (Heidelberg)
     Marc Kupietz (IDS Mannheim)
     Milena Hebal-Jezierska (Warsaw)
     Elżbieta Kaczmarska (Warsaw)
     Christian Mair (Freiburg)
     John Nerbonne (Groningen / Freiburg)
     Achim Stein (Stuttgart)
     František Štícha (Prague)
     Angelika Wöllstein (IDS Mannheim)

Organising Committee:

     Eric Fuß (IDS Mannheim)
     Marek Konopka (IDS Mannheim)
     Beata Trawiński (IDS Mannheim)
     Ulrich H. Waßner (IDS Mannheim)


Contact Person:  Beata Trawinski
E-Mail:          gac2016 at easychair.org

Mailing Address: Institut für Deutsche Sprache
                  R 5, 6-13
                  D-68161 Mannheim

WWW:             http://gac2016.ids-mannheim.de


31.05.2016:     Deadline for abstract submission
15.07.2016:     Notification of acceptance
09.-11.11.2016: Conference


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