[HPSG-L] Is *remind* an object control verb

g.bouma at rug.nl g.bouma at rug.nl
Thu Aug 31 13:26:31 UTC 2017

I am not a native speaker, but a simple search on ENCOW gives 4 hits for
"remind me to * me" and 32 for "remind me to * myself":

Thank you for reminding /for-pcomp me /remind-dobj to /be-aux Be
/remind-xcomp Me /be-prt .

It < reminded /me-aux me /.-dep to /love-aux love /me-xcomp myself

Search interface:

All hits attached.


On 08/31/2017 02:25 PM, Guy Emerson wrote:
> I think it sounds better with a reflexive pronoun:
> "Please remind me to remind myself"
> But you can replace reflexive pronouns with normal pronouns in the right
> context:
> "No one understands me.  Well, no one except me.  I understand me."
> If that's acceptable, we could similarly have:
> A: "Remind me to close the window when I leave"
> B: "I'm leaving before you, so I won't be here to remind you when you leave"
> A: "Well, before you leave, could you at least remind me to remind me?"
> I still think it sounds a little dodgy, but it's sounds better here than
> out of context.
> As has already been said, "remind me to remind me" fits the song, for its
> rhyme and meter, not because it's normal English.
> 2017-08-31 13:17 GMT+01:00 Hanno Beck <hbeck at hannobeck.de>:
>> I am a native speaker of English who does not consider (1) "perfectly
>> acceptable in ordinary discourse or text."
>> (This is not to say that it wouldn't be possible to come up with a context
>> in which it sounds more ordinary.)
>> Hanno Beck
>> Dept. of Linguistics
>> The University at Buffalo
>> On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 3:53 AM, Tibor Kiss <tibor at linguistics.rub.de>
>> wrote:
>>>> Am 31.08.2017 um 06:55 schrieb Pollard, Carl <pollard.4 at osu.edu>:
>>> Hi,
>>> although this is kind of implicit in Emily’s answer: Do native speakers
>> of
>>> English agree that (1) is perfectly acceptable in ordinary discourse or
>>> text?
>>> (1) Please remind me to remind me, you know, I’m kind of absent-minded.
>>> Best
>>> T.
>>>> Hi Tibor,
>>>> How rare: a straightforward question with a straightforward answer.
>> Yes,
>>> remind is an
>>>> object control verb. (Not all song lyrics are natural language.)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Carl
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> From: HPSG-L [hpsg-l-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org] on behalf of
>>> Tibor Kiss [tibor at linguistics.rub.de]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 3:22 AM
>>>> To: hpsg-l at listserv.linguistlist.org
>>>> Subject: [HPSG-L] Is *remind* an object control verb
>>>> Dear native speakers of English on this list,
>>>> I would like to know whether *remind*, when used with a non-finite
>>> complement, should be analysed as a object control verb.
>>>> OALD assumes (implicitly, by paraphrase) that *remind*, when used with
>>> an infinitive, is an object control verb (INFLUENCE-type in PS 1994):
>>>> (1) remind someone_i [PRO_i to do something]
>>>> I am keen to know whether *remind*+infinitive could be used as a
>>> non-control-verb.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> T.
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Gosse Bouma, Communication and Information Science, Groningen University, P.o. box 716, 9700 AS Groningen
G.Bouma at rug.nl tel. +31-50-3635937

-------------- next part --------------
# Corpus: ENCOW16A (World Englishes)
# Hits: 4
#      Query    [lc="remind" | lemma_lc="remind"][lc="me" | lemma_lc="me"][lc="to" | lemma_lc="to"][lc=".*" | lemma_lc=".*"][lc="me" | lemma_lc="me"] 4
b2f6774b44bfe7dc641860b447e9fa68d098	 You can crush me Control me Harass me Deny me Enslave me in chains But you will never hold me Blind me Defy me Crush me Control me Harass me Deny me You can crush me Control me Harass me Deny me Enslave me in chains But you will never hold me < Remind /me-partmod  me /(unknown)-dobj  to /find-aux  find /(unknown)-xcomp  me /find-dobj > to tear me appart ' Cause you and I both know You 're the man ( Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men ? 	
9bf4811b2a383c2e2f4e5fd57ef4a0af4cd0	                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    He continues to < remind /continue-xcomp  me /remind-dobj  to /let-aux  let /remind-xcomp  me /ground-nn > feet ground , to let them search deep for water .                                                                	
7128697af125a0b581a05591222b2d301cf0	                                                                                                                                                                    The next morning I quit vowed to quit drinking and would look at the bruises to < remind /look-xcomp  me /remind-dobj  to /keep-aux  keep /me-infmod  me /go-nsubj > going .                                                                                                          	
1e6aa16eac76d56b00e9edfb88bcdc425276	                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Thank you for < reminding /for-pcomp  me /remind-dobj  to /be-aux  Be /remind-xcomp  Me /be-prt > .                                                                                                                	

-------------- next part --------------
# Corpus: ENCOW16A (World Englishes)
# Hits: 32
#      Query    [lc="remind" | lemma_lc="remind"][lc="me" | lemma_lc="me"][lc="to" | lemma_lc="to"][lc=".*" | lemma_lc=".*"][lc="myself" | lemma_lc="myself"] 32
ebc99e8163cccab001077cc383bb17170470	                                                                                                                                                                They are so sweet and in the moment ... < reminds /me-aux  me /sweet-parataxis  to /enjoy-aux  enjoy /me-xcomp  myself /enjoy-dobj > .                                                                                                                                                                                  	
522e908a7ed68a8c9e368dd5b903ca31588e	                                                                                                                                                                                    Their purpose is to < remind /be-xcomp  me /remind-dobj  to /ask-aux  ask /remind-xcomp  myself /ask-dobj > daily whether or not I am living up to the lessons learned from each person along the way .                                                                                        	
6dd147710bba0a402ecb43d47368f2a259f3	                                                                                                                                                                                             Thanks for < reminding /for-pcomp  me /remind-dobj  to /accept-aux  accept /remind-xcomp  myself /accept-dobj > ( and others ) unconditionally in every moment .                                                                                                                                   	
df76a804e8cbee46bce0df36edab21f613e4	                                                                                                                                                                                                   " It < reminded /me-aux  me /.-dep  to /love-aux  love /me-xcomp  myself /love-dobj > .                                                                                                                                                                                  	
43d15faf7a18cbad4cfa2b615c072a036fae	                                                                                                                                  I am operating on gut instinct here , and several of you have already < reminded /0-root  me /remind-dobj  to /trust-aux  trust /remind-xcomp  myself /trust-dobj > .                                                                                                                                                                                  	
6e31ebb4679b84f2f0cf93e07593debb6b9e	                                                                                                                                                                                             thanks for < reminding /for-pcomp  me /remind-dobj  to /give-aux  give /remind-xcomp  myself /check-punct > a reality check every now and again and remember how happy he makes me , and how worth it it is .                                                                                  	
f61d5e63fdaeaa77fbce724e9c90cb84c95f	                                                                                                                                                                         Fiona 1986 wrote : This thread < reminded /write-parataxis  me /remind-dobj  to /get-aux  get /remind-xcomp  myself /get-prep > a copy of the new roald Dahl biography - ordered it last night on amazon - £ 8.75 fir the hardback not a bad deal at all !                                                         	
2ab04c09d16d2eb004378fefd9de7e64c363	                                                                                                                                                                               He is giving me love and < reminding /give-conj  me /project-aux  to /love-aux  love /project-dep  myself /love-dobj > for then I can project that to the world same as what I saw as my mom was dying .                                                                                                  	
e96edbba6af4cdf248da007ecbbe092df421	                                                                                        I 've actually put that portion of your article on one of my Sticky Notes in Windows 7 to keep on my desktop to < remind /keep-xcomp  me /remind-dep  to /myself-aux  be /myself-cop  myself /me-xcomp > every time I sit down to work on a post .                                                                                                                                          	
13e7a07dca148fdef0e9fbe2ac17d8297ca8	                                                                                                                                                                             An olive on my Seder plate < reminds /on-pcomp  me /remind-dobj  to /ask-aux  ask /remind-xcomp  myself /ask-dobj > , as Rabbi Brant Rosen , co-chair of the Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council , writes : " How will we , as Jews , bear witness to the unjust actions committed in our name ? 	
292950554dc4f4bb153faa8cdde43ed7d326	                                                                                                                                                                                                    She < reminded /she-dep  me /remind-dobj  to /see-aux  see /remind-xcomp  myself /see-dep > through God 's eyes .                                                                                                                                                              	
2f310fde5f975d4c904820e9c56a4080a246	                                                                                              Over these months , people like Chris Penn and Erika Napoletano , and Andy Crestodina of Orbit Media have < reminded /Napoletano-conj  me /remind-dobj  to /give-aux  give /remind-xcomp  myself /give-iobj > permission to let go and just be .                                                                                                                                                 	
3f5b14e9dbb797ab29ddc00c8df08a52b935	                                                                                                                                  " If I ever start referring to these as the best years of my life ... < remind /0-root  me /remind-dobj  to /kill-aux  kill /remind-xcomp  myself /kill-prt > .                                                                                                                                                                                  	
3fac93f91060e13a2e56bb97301d4ec6263b	                                                                                                                                                                                                   This < reminds /0-root  me /remind-dobj  to /get-aux  get /me-xcomp  myself /copy-nsubj > a copy .                                                                                                                                                                           	
20aa41f75c67584c8959ac81a69fd60caadd	                                                                                                                                                                                                      " < Remind /say-ccomp  me /remind-dobj  to /kill-aux  kill /me-xcomp  myself /later-dep > later , " composer and guitarist Pedro Cortés says .                                                                                                                               	
e620a36ed9140329fdb56cf480c54c4718a1	                                                                                                                                                                             Thanks to Don Hilliard for < reminding /for-pcomp  me /remind-dobj  to /make-aux  make /remind-xcomp  myself /make-dobj > clearer .                                                                                                                                                                          	
6b31dfa558364bfcde848c1cb234cf96bf3f	                                                                                                                                     But then I hear the crystal clear words of a beautiful song and it < reminds /hear-conj  me /remind-dobj  to /forgive-aux  forgive /remind-xcomp  myself /forgive-dobj > and give it another try .                                                                                                                                                          	
de23ea8ba6c73adb691e38242fb3730ace18	                                                                                                                                                                                          Thank you for < reminding /for-pcomp  me /remind-dobj  to /disturb-aux  disturb /remind-xcomp  myself /disturb-dobj > for God 's wprk Bro .                                                                                                                                                              	
0d882e79f54687d0e16174c887fb1cc59208	                                                                                                                                                    Hailey and Carole were waiting on the other side to < remind /wait-xcomp  me /remind-dobj  to /lower-aux  lower /me-infmod  myself /lower-dobj > with my arms before I jumped so it would n't be as far .                                                                                                                           	
c551e64430b75eb65646c05e9f92e25f135d	                                                                                                                                                          I knew I would need something to hang onto to < remind /hang-xcomp  me /remind-dobj  to /forgive-aux  forgive /remind-xcomp  myself /forgive-dep > , to be gentle every time I fell into the downward spiral of self criticism and worry that had been my programming .                                                               	
9d281a0fb3c678d0c14461cae3f5eb271148	 :)) Hehehe I have been in again today and noticed the huge display of them they had yesterday is now very low compared to yesterday where they were piled high :) So thanks for making this thread and < reminding /make-conj  me /remind-dobj  to /get-aux  get /remind-xcomp  myself /get-dep > one .                                                                                                                                                                              	
9d281a0fb3c678d0c14461cae3f5eb271148	     Hehehe I have been in again today and noticed the huge display of them they had yesterday is now very low compared to yesterday where they were piled high :) So thanks for making this thread and < reminding /make-conj  me /remind-dobj  to /get-aux  get /remind-xcomp  myself /get-dep > one .                                                                                                                                                                              	
b9fdc75899dd54bd9df18d77e045ee11c6c4	                                                                       " It 's a little too honest to be a light comedy ( representative quote : " If I ever say these were the best years of my life , < remind /be-conj  me /remind-dobj  to /kill-aux  kill /me-dep  myself /kill-dobj > . " ) .                                                                                                                                                                            	
252bf4ce418df780eb9005c5c95ba03759d0	                                                                                                                                      " her eyes wide as saucers I collapsed giggling , she told me off < reminding /tell-xcomp  me /remind-dobj  to /behave-aux  behave /remind-xcomp  myself /behave-dobj > as I was in 1st class rolleyes .                                                                                                                                                   	
89ee4e8994dd241bba981ca01a9fca12d034	                                                                                                                                        Ken wrote for me to tell Tara to smile in the pictures , and to < remind /smile-conj  me /remind-dobj  to /get-aux  get /remind-xcomp  myself /get-dep > in some of the photos .                                                                                                                                                            	
41de9064b694486f4bd8f951eac2171e937d	                                                                                                                                                                                             Thanks for < reminding /for-pcomp  me /remind-dobj  to /love-aux  love /me-infmod  myself /love-dobj > at 210 lbs as much as I did at 165 lbs .                                                                                                                                           	
3585c312af893f45a59ba939fab8cc3ddccb	                                                                                                                                                          Hi All , Joined forum recently and Bruce just < reminded /Bruce-ccomp  me /remind-dobj  to /introduce-aux  introduce /remind-xcomp  myself /remind-tmod > .                                                                                                                                                                                  	
26235acb6d4d6af12214f6bb3f773e126d7f	                                                                                                                                                                                                     To < remind /0-root  me /remind-dobj  to /indulge-aux  indulge /remind-xcomp  myself /indulge-dobj > every now and then .                                                                                                                                                               	
b339284fde0a3918e2a823a1dfb9747fee24	                                                                                                                                                                                             Thanks for < reminding /for-pcomp  me /remind-dobj  to /behave-aux  behave /remind-xcomp  myself /behave-dep > !!!                                                                                                                                                                                	
1f5f7230df9c1e4ec149abe6aacb986697ad	                                                                                                                                                                        Firefly : ( totally engrossed ) < Remind /engross-xcomp  me /(unknown)-dobj  to /give-aux  give /(unknown)-xcomp  myself /give-iobj > the Firefly Medal for this .                                                                                                                                                       	
3d5ec3d720b422a86eaf19c3b89a44029f24	                                                                                                                                   When things are not going well - say dinner falls on the floor - 4.2 < reminds /fall-dep  me /remind-dobj  to /ask-aux  ask /remind-xcomp  myself /ask-prep > , who 's goal is this serving ?                                                                                                                                                    	
d975fd66d48ccd23e9f6ad549f3337a01d44	                                                                                                                                                                           Thanks for making my day and < reminding /my-conj  me /remind-dobj  to /love-aux  love /me-xcomp  myself /love-dobj > .                                                                                                                                                                                  	

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