[HPSG-L] FINAL CALL Workshop Experimental and Corpus-based Approaches to Ellipsis, SLE 2022 (Bucharest)
Gabriela Bilbiie
gabriela.bilbiie at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 17:16:47 UTC 2021
Dear colleagues,
We are very pleased to announce that our proposal for the fourth edition of
the *Experimental and Corpus-based Approaches to Ellipsis (ECBAE) *has been
accepted for the *SLE 2022 meeting in Bucharest*
<https://societaslinguistica.eu/sle2022>*). We therefore renew our call for
papers for this workshop here.
Like previous iterations, this workshop functions as a forum for ellipsis
research, with special emphasis on methodologies aiming to improve the
empirical foundations of the subfield. Contributions to the workshop will
make headway in long-standing theoretical questions surrounding ellipsis
(some of which are listed below) and will furnish advice on practical
issues, such as how experimental methodologies can be improved to return
more empirically reliable and theoretically impactful results.
· Are structural cues used to recover the meaning of an ellipsis site, or
is recoverability solely a semantic/pragmatic phenomenon?
· How do different types of ellipsis differ from each other, and can some
ellipsis types be subsumed under others?
· Which factors are involved in yielding cross-linguistic differences in
licensing specific elliptical utterances (e.g., syntactic, processing,
prosodic, discursive constraints)?
The line-up for ECBAE 4 is designed to offer a wide variety of perspectives
on these research questions. The proposed workshop aims to cover a broad
spectrum of ellipsis types (e.g. fragments, sluicing, post-auxiliary
ellipsis, gapping, pseudogapping, etc.) and a range of methodologies (e.g.
acceptability judgment, corpus-driven, production experiments, self-paced
We invite additional presentations for this workshop, which should address
the research topics outlined above. While we specifically encourage
contributions that can support their claims via experimental or corpus
data, we are also open to papers that cannot yet deliver such empirical
support, but make very clear-cut empirical predictions that can, in
principle, be given such empirical support.
The deadline for the SLE workshop programs is relatively short (15th
January, 2022) – please mind the following information:
*1.* *You should submit your 500 words abstracts in Easychair using the
following link: **https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sle2022
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sle2022>**,* with a reference to
the 3rd Call for papers
<https://societaslinguistica.eu/sle2022/third-call-for-papers/>* (guidelines
about what abstracts should contain), and to the Submission guidelines
<https://societaslinguistica.eu/sle2022/abstract-submission/>* (practical
information about how to submit them).
*2.* You should select the WS your abstract belongs to upon abstract
submission, i.e. Experimental and Corpus-Based Approaches to Ellipsis.
*3.* *The deadline for abstract submission in Easychair is 15 January
2022*. It will not be possible to include any other abstract after this
*4.* Please also note that *submitters have to be SLE members* to
submit an abstract. For SLE membership, please go to
<https://societaslinguistica.eu/membership>*. Abstracts submitted by
non-members will not be considered.
*5.* Please note that *one person may be the first author of
only one submission of any kind* (workshop paper, general session paper,
poster, or workshop proposal).
We are looking forward to receiving your abstracts before January 15, 2022
via Easychair.
Happy holidays!
Gabriela Bîlbîie, James Griffiths & Volker Struckmeier
Gabriela BILBIIE
Faculté de Langues et Littératures Etrangères, Univ. de Bucarest
Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle - UMR 7110 CNRS et Univ. Paris-Diderot
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