[HPSG-L] Journal of Language Modelling

Adam Przepiórkowski adamp at ipipan.waw.pl
Thu Nov 18 11:14:23 UTC 2021

Dear All,

As the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Language Modelling (
https://jlm.ipipan.waw.pl/), I would like to cordially invite you to submit
HPSG- and LFG-related papers to JLM.  When we started JLM in 2012, we
expected that such submissions might be the majority of JLM submissions,
but this is definitely not the case: we often get more papers related to
finite-state methods, neural network modelling, dependency approaches,
categorial grammars, Tree Adjoining Grammar, Optimality Theory and
Minimalism (for example, the last special issue, 9(1), features a paper by
Noam Chomsky).  In years 2013–2020, we published 8 LFG-related papers and
only 5 HPSG-related papers, despite the fact that rejection rate in these
areas has been very low during this period – we simply get very few
submissions concerned with these two theories.

So I would like to encourage both communities to submit to JLM.
Submissions may be related to earlier publications in HPSG or LFG
proceedings, but they must substantially go beyond the content of such
prior publications and they must be of journal quality.  Each submission is
reviewed by three peers, so even if the paper does not make it to JLM, the
authors usually get many useful comments.  Each published paper is
carefully proofread and typeset, so the final quality of JLM publications
is – in my opinion – much higher than that of papers in journals published
by big publishing houses (where, in my experience, typesetters introduce
many more problems than they solve).  JLM has the Diamond Open Access model
– it's completely free for both authors and readers.  Also, JLM is indexed
in SCOPUS, ERIH Plus, etc., which might matter for the evaluation by
national science funding bodies.

We – JLM editors – very much hope to see many more HPSG and LFG
sumbmissions in the future!

Best regards,
Adam Przepiórkowski

P.S. Because of its Diamond Open Access model, much of the work in JLM –
including all work by JLM editors – is done on voluntary basis.  We are
constantly looking for copyeditors – if you are a (near-)native speaker of
English and know some LaTeX, please consider helping us for a year or two.
Such voluntary cooperation with JLM looks great on the CV of young
researchers (including PhD students) in linguistics and computational

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