[HPSG-L] relation between Formal Grammar of Human Language and CFG
Roussanka Loukanova
rloukanova at gmail.com
Sat Aug 6 11:29:50 UTC 2022
Dear Chris, Dear Thomas,
Thank you for your excellent explanations, needed.
Best Regards,
On Sat, 6 Aug 2022 at 01:03, Thomas Graf <hpsg-l at thomasgraf.net> wrote:
> Dear Roussanka,
> What you're saying lines up closely with the split between formalism and
> theory that I had in mind.
> A formalism defines the general shape of structural atoms and gives you
> some recursive procedure for combining structures into larger
> structures. The theory defines the actual set of structural atoms for
> language and how exactly the recursive procedures are to be applied.
> Note that a theory need not correspond to a single grammar. For example,
> once you adopt a theory of parts-of-speech, then only a subclass of all
> possible CFGs are compatible with that theory. It's still a collection
> of grammars, though.
> Both formalism and theory thus pick out collections of grammars, the
> difference is that the formalism focuses on aspects that are content
> agnostic whereas linguistic theories tend to be highly content-specific
> (types of categories, features, markedness requirements or prominence
> hierarchies that restrict how features may be combined, linguistic
> distinctions like count nouns VS mass noun, and so on).
> >Now, you are giving a new life to these two notions, a formalism and a
> >theory, it seems to me, with respect to the questions about whether
> >computational syntax of human language is CFG or more demanding CSG.
> Actually, the point I wanted to make is largely orthogonal to how
> complex syntax actually is. It arises as soon as you believe that not
> every computable set of strings, trees, or graphs is a possible natural
> language. The question then is, where do you want to put the
> restrictions: the formalism, the theory, or both? That ultimately
> depends on your goals, and I merely wanted to point out that there are
> some very concrete reasons why one would want to put at least some
> things in the formalism.
> But since your original question is more about the string complexity of
> syntax, let me add some more obscure points that haven't been mentioned
> yet:
> 1) The extensionalist strawman: If we're talking about language as an
> observable object in our world, then every natural language is actually
> finite because i) there is an upper bound on the length of sentences
> that can be uttered before the heat death of the universe, and ii) at
> any given point until the heat death of the universe, we only have a
> finite number of speakers. Since all finite languages are regular,
> syntax is at the bottom of the Chomsky hierarchy (btw, there's many
> classes of languages that are properly weaker than the class of regular
> languages, they just weren't around when the Chomsky hierarchy was
> defined).
> 2) The bandname conundrum: If you reduce languages to sets of
> well-formed strings, you run into a peculiar problem. Every random
> string is a potential bandname, and every bandname is a possible
> sentence of English:
> Q: Which band are you listening too?
> A: [band name]
> All languages that permit A as a valid answer define the same stringset,
> \Sigma^*, which is the simplest non-empty formal language.
> 3) Since the extensionalist strawman and the bandname conundrum are
> rather useless perspectives on language, we have to make some additional
> assumptions. First, we factor out bandnames and similar things by
> treating them as atomic symbols akin to N. Second, natural languages are
> taken to be infinite objects. For example, we may allow arbitrarily many
> conjuncts within a coordination. In this case, syntax can still be
> regular. In order to go beyond regular, we have to assume that specific
> constructions are unbounded:
> a) center embedding in English and many other languages -> syntax is at
> least context-free
> b) crossing dependencies in Dutch (Huybregts 1984), Swiss German
> (Shieber 1985), or Tagalog (Maclachlan & Rambow 2002) -> at least Tree
> Adjoining Languages
> c) unbounded triplication in morphosyntax -> at least Multiple
> Context-Free Languages
> d) Case stacking in Old Georgian (Michaelis & Kracht 1997), relativized
> predicates in Yoruba (Kobele 2006) -> at least Parallel Multiple
> Context-Free Languages (this seems to be the end of the line, which is
> interesting because PMCFLs are the most complex formal languages that
> still have parsing algorithms that run in polynomial time)
> Are any of these constructions actually unbounded? No, not in terms of
> what speakers can produce or understand. But assuming unboundedness
> often allows for a more succinct description. CFGs provide a more
> compact description than finite-state automata, TAGs can handle many
> things more elegantly than CFGs, and so on. Savitch (1993) "Why it Might
> Pay to Assume that Languages are Infinite" is a nice discussion of why
> unboundedness can be a useful assumption even when it isn't true.
> But all of this means that there is no such thing as **the** string
> complexity of syntax. Complexity increases or decreases depending on
> which constructions you assume to be unbounded, and that choice should
> be based on the specific issues you are trying to explore.
> -- T
> On 2022/08/05 23:10, Roussanka Loukanova wrote:
> >Dear Thomas,
> >
> >To better understand the chiming, how do we determine:
> >
> >- a formalism
> >- a theory
> >- the relations between these
> >
> >For instance, what the two distinctions in / within CCG and HPSG:
> >
> >HPSG the formalism / HPSG the theory
> >CCG the formalism / CCG the theory
> >
> >I vaguely recall a discussion about formalism vs theory in the list, some
> >time ago, without recalling the final output. Or was it about some other
> >related notion(s), in relation to a formalism?
> >
> >Now, you are giving a new life to these two notions, a formalism and a
> >theory, it seems to me, with respect to the questions about whether
> >computational syntax of human language is CFG or more demanding CSG.
> >
> >For instance, I can give my own interpretation of these two notions, e.g.,
> >within Chomsky hierarchy of formal grammars, in the following way:
> >
> >Regular Grammars (Finite State Automata) / CFG / CSG are classes of
> >grammars, three formalisms?
> >
> >These three classes, i.e., three formalisms, have their own specific
> >theories, represented by their corresponding, specific grammars, e.g.:
> >
> >A given CFG grammar Gi provides a specific CF theory, as a representative
> >of the CFG formalism, consisting of various components, e.g.:
> >(1) Gi - the set of nonterminals, terminals, rules
> >(2) Li = L(Gi) the language of the parse trees, which are generated, i.e.,
> >determined by Gi
> >(3) various properties of Li, etc.
> >
> >Best Regards,
> >Roussanka
> >
> >
> >On Fri, 5 Aug 2022 at 20:29, Thomas Graf <hpsg-l at thomasgraf.net> wrote:
> >
> >> Formal grammarian/computational linguist here who can't resist chiming
> >> in. Advance warning: I tried to keep this short, but it's a long read...
> >>
> >> >While CCG and TAG people will tell you that this is way too
> >> >powerful, HPSGians usually have a different view. The formalism
> >> >should not be constraining but the theory formulated within the
> >> >formalism has to be as restrictive as possible. Carl Pollard argued
> >> >for this in a paper.
> >>
> >> The reason CCG, TAG, MGs, and others worry about the "too powerful" part
> >> is actually two reasons in one. My impression is that the HPSG community
> >> tends to focus on the first reason when it is actually the second reason
> >> that motivates formal grammarians' search for restricted formalisms.
> >>
> >>
> >> Reason 1
> >> ========
> >>
> >> Linguistics is in the business of characterizing what separates
> >> the patterns we find in natural languages from arbitrary mathematical
> >> patterns, e.g. dependencies that involve the ability to distinguish
> >> prime numbers from numbers that aren't prime (this is within the class
> >> of recursively enumerable string languages).
> >>
> >> For this goal, it really does not matter whether one puts the
> >> restrictions in the formalism or the theory. For example, no language
> >> seems to have cowardly islands, i.e. cases where an island loses its
> >> island status unless there are at least n other islands in the sentence.
> >> "HPSG the formalism" could define such islands, but they would still
> >> look very odd within "HPSG the theory".
> >>
> >> Quite simply, what we want is explanations, and it's not really that
> >> important whether those come from the formalism or the theory stated
> >> within the formalism. HPSG is justified in doing this purely through
> >> the theory, but CCG, TAG, MGs and other communities are equally
> >> justified in doing this (largely, but rarely exclusively) through the
> >> formalism.
> >>
> >> Reason 2
> >> ========
> >>
> >> We don't just want grammatical descriptions, we also want parsing and
> >> learning algorithms with safeties and guaranteed computational bounds.
> >> And you get those safeties and bounds by exploiting computational
> >> limitations of the formalism. If, for instance, your syntactic
> >> derivations have a finite-state backbone, that opens up a whole
> >> toolbox of tricks you can rely on for parsing and learning.
> >>
> >> Now in principle this should work just as well no matter whether we
> >> start with a restricted formalism or an formalism restricted by a
> >> theory, but in practice it simply doesn't. The restrictions of
> >> linguistic theories are not readily exploited in parsing and learning
> >> algorithms, and they are difficult to translate into computational
> >> properties that could be exploited this way.
> >>
> >> In particular, it is not obviously true that we can feasibly
> >> reaxiomatize HPSG into a more restricted formalism once we have
> >> absolute certainty about the restrictions of the theory. The fact that
> >> such a reaxiomatization exists does not mean that we can find it, or
> >> that we can prove that this reaxiomatization is correct and covers all
> >> of HPSG as a theory. To wit, it's unclear whether the TAG
> >> implementation of HPSG in Kasper et al (1995) actually accommodates
> >> "HPSG the theory".
> >>
> >> If you care deeply about these issues, starting with a restricted,
> >> well-understood formalism that gets expanded as needed is the safer
> >> route.
> >>
> >>
> >> A few other points
> >> ==================
> >>
> >> Despite what I just said above, I think the difference between the
> >> HPSG approach and the formal grammar approach isn't actually all that
> >> big.
> >>
> >> The modus operandi of HPSG is to take an unrestricted description
> >> language and then state within that the linguistic restrictions that
> >> we care about. When restrictions turn out to be too strong, we loosen
> >> them, when it turns out there's empirical slack, we tighten them.
> >>
> >> Well, that's exactly what formal grammar does. Our unrestricted
> >> description language is math itself, and with that language we state
> >> the linguistic restrictions we care about --- these restrictions are
> >> what's called a formalism. Just like HPSG theory isn't set in stone,
> >> formalisms aren't set in stone: we can restrict TAG, expand it, design
> >> a completely new formalism, and so on.
> >>
> >> To me, the central advantage of the formal grammar approach is that
> >> you can have two types of restrictions: fine-grained linguistic
> >> restrictions that explain the empirical lay of the land, and the broad
> >> computational restrictions that can be relied on in parsing and
> >> learning. These broad restrictions also provide new hooks for
> >> artificial language learning experiments; they close the gap to
> >> neuroscience where we do not have the means yet to test our
> >> fine-grained linguistic restrictions; they provide the foundation for
> >> comparisons to animal "language", and much more. Whenever we only
> >> need to be roughly in the right ballpark rather than exactly right,
> >> computational restrictions are an invaluable asset.
> >>
> >> In a nutshell: Computational restrictions don't limit linguistic
> >> research, they foster it.
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Thomas
> >>
> >>
> >> On 2022/08/05 17:11, Stefan Müller wrote:
> >> >Dear Roussanka,
> >> >
> >> >The general insight from the eightees was that human language is not
> >> >context free. Some people call it mildly context-sensitive. Since GPSG
> >> >was constructed to be context free, people were looking for something
> >> >more powerful and abandoned it in favoure of GPSG. This taken together
> >> >with a more lexical view resulted in HPSG, which has exactly the right
> >> >generative capacity: It has Turing power. =:-)
> >> >
> >> >While CCG and TAG people will tell you that this is way too powerful,
> >> >HPSGians usually have a different view. The formalism should not be
> >> >constraining but the theory formulated within the formalism has to be
> >> >as restrictive as possible. Carl Pollard argued for this in a paper.
> >> >
> >> >The whole discussion and references can be found in the HPSG handbook
> >> >and in my Grammar Theory textbook. I have a (brief) chapter on
> >> >generative power (Chapter 17):
> >> >
> >> >https://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/259
> >> >
> >> >https://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/287
> >> >
> >> >Geoff Pullum has a good paper on the history of the discussion. All
> >> >referenced from with in the book.
> >> >
> >> >Best
> >> >
> >> > Stefan
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Am 05.08.22 um 14:24 schrieb Roussanka Loukanova:
> >> >>Dear All,
> >> >>
> >> >>What is the verdict on the relations between Formal Grammar of Human
> >> >>Language and Context-Free Grammar (CFG) of Chomsky hierarchy on formal
> >> >>grammars and languages?
> >> >>
> >> >>I would appreciate very much, opinions, points to research and,
> >> especially,
> >> >>bibliographical references.
> >> >>
> >> >>Best Regards,
> >> >>Roussanka
> >> >>_______________________________________________
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> >> >_______________________________________________
> >> >HPSG-L mailing list
> >> >HPSG-L at listserv.linguistlist.org
> >> >https://listserv.linguistlist.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/hpsg-l
> >>
> --
> Thomas Graf
> Stony Brook University
> Department of Linguistics
> mail at thomasgraf.net
> http://thomasgraf.net
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