[I-LanD Research Centre] Call for Papers Languages - Special Issue (2023): "Translating Otherness: Challenges, Theories, and Practices"

I-LanD Interuniversity Research Centre i-land at listserv.linguistlist.org
Thu Dec 8 10:42:57 UTC 2022

[Apologies for cross-posting]

Languages (international, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed open access journal on interdisciplinary studies of languages)
Call for Papers for the Special Issue
Translating Otherness: Challenges, Theories, and Practices
Co-Edited by:
Dr. Paola Giorgis (paola.giorgis at iowdictionary.org), Independent Researcher, Turin, Italy
Prof. Dr. Ivanka Mavrodieva (mavrodieva at phls.uni-sofia.bg), Department of Library and Information Studies and Cultural Policy, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", 1504 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bulgaria
Dr. Bilyana Todorova (b_stoianova at hotmail.com), Department of Bulgarian Language, South-West University "Neofit Rilski", 2700 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Dr. Andrea C. Valente (valentac at yorku.ca), Faculty of Education, University of York, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3, Canada

We are pleased to invite you to contribute to a Special Issue of Languages, in partnership with the European Society for Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogue, following its 6th ESTIDIA Conference at Alicante University (June 2022, Spain). Contributions will explore issues, concerns, and dilemmas in the translation of the Other from various scholarly perspectives. Translation studies are informed mostly by linguistics, literature, and psychoanalysis. Similarly, studies on Otherness tend to be interdisciplinary, being enriched mostly by discussions from critical discourse analysis, rhetoric, anthropology, and philosophy. Thus, this Special Issue aims to collect original and innovative studies that articulate theories and practices from interdisciplinary approaches in order to understand how Otherness travels and is translated into other languages and contexts. The Special Issue aims to showcase micro and macro analysis of translated material, from word/morphological to semantic-pragmatic levels in interlinguistic, intersemiotic, and/or intercultural translations of Otherness.

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 May 2023; deadline for Abstracts: 31 January 2023; abstract acceptance: 28 February 2023

More information can be found online at https://www.mdpi.com/journal/languages/special_issues/50AA7OB8KD

We would appreciate any help you might be able to offer in sharing the CfP with others who might be interested. Thank you very much.

Kind regards,
Antonio Fruttaldo

I-LanD Research Centre

Università di Napoli "L'Orientale"
Palazzo S. Maria Porta Coeli
Via Duomo, 219 - 80138 Naples
Room 1.23
ph. +39 081 6909861
website: http://www.unior.it/ateneo/14038/1/i-land-research-centre.html

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