[I-LanD Research Centre] Upcoming Seminar Débats sur le débat: "Language and Polarization"

I-LanD Interuniversity Research Centre i-land at listserv.linguistlist.org
Sat Jan 18 18:53:06 UTC 2025

Dear all,

We are pleased to invite you to the next session of the Débats sur le débat seminar series, which will focus on "Language and Polarization".

The event will take place on Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 4:00 p.m. (CET) and will feature presentations by Claudia Coppola and Andrea Rocci (Università della Svizzera italiana), who will discuss "Reasons of the Others: The Ecology of Counteargumentation and Concessions in Polylogical Online Discussions", and Katarzyna Budzynska and Marcin Koszowy (Warsaw University of Technology), who will explore "The Language of Polarisation: Issues, Mechanisms, Tendencies". The session will be moderated by Paola Pietrandrea (Université de Lille, STL, IUF).

The seminar will be held online via Zoom (https://univ-lille-fr.zoom.us/j/98812163670?pwd=bZ4GkL7uYA2ZbaDa5xbRImGhaMhTq6.1) and will also be streamed live on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/olindinum/).

This session is part of a broader exploration of how language shapes public discourse, argumentation and polarization in digital and offline contexts.

The series will continue on February 14 at 3:00 p.m. (CET) with a session on "Language and Hate Speech (Part 1): Racial Hatred", featuring Roberta Combei (University of Pavia). This session will be held in English and moderated by Paola Pietrandrea. On March 7 at 3:00 p.m. (CET), the focus will shift to "Language and Hate Speech (Part 2): Gender Hate", with contributions from Giuseppe Balirano (University of Naples L'Orientale), Selenia Anastasi (University of Genoa), and Simo K. Määttä (University of Helsinki). This session will also be in English and moderated by Giuditta Caliendo.

We look forward to your participation and encourage you to share this invitation with anyone who might be interested.

Best regards,
Giuditta Caliendo, Paola Pietrandrea and Caroline Bossant
on behalf of the Linguistic Observatory of Digital Discourse (Observatoire LINguistique du DIscours NUMérique - OLiNDiNUM)

I-LanD Research Centre

Università di Napoli L'Orientale
Palazzo S. Maria Porta Coeli
Via Duomo, 219 - 80138 Naples
Room 1.23
ph. +39 081 6909861
website: http://archivio.unior.it/ateneo/14038/1/i-land-research-centre.html

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