Native tongue

Onur Senarslan onursenarslan at YAHOO.COM
Fri Apr 25 03:55:27 UTC 2003

Today the indigenous nations threatened by demographic

factors, economic forces, mass media, social

identifiers and face a major dilemma.  Either they

create their own canonical core of discourse material

in their native tongue that will ensure their cultural

survival and preserve their identity or face the

emerging globalism~Rs cultural imperialist ideological

state apparatus that operates much more smoothly under

the pre-text of multi-culturalism rather than the

older melting pot theory of assimilation, and melt


It is strange that while the indigenous nations urged

to rebel against the nation-states, by the nations who

support globalism that is in the process of becoming

multinational entities (unions, corporations) whose

diversified interests defies nationalism. Back at home

the indigenous nations being ignored or ridiculed

because of their will to deconstruct colonialism and

reconstruct their own identity with promoting

revitalization by the same nations.

Language is the most important variable in this battle

of wills.

Let the indigenous people choose

what they will do with their own free "will".

Noone will willingly choose writing a will if there is a life to live.

All the best,

Onur Senarslan
He Who Brought Back the Distant One.
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