S. 575 Native American Languages Act Amendments Act of 2003

Rr Lapier Rrlapier at AOL.COM
Thu May 8 16:51:00 UTC 2003

Okii everyone,

Please write a letter in support of S. 575.  The Senate Select Committee on
Indian Affairs is having a hearing for S. 575 on Thursday, May 15th in
Washington, DC.

S. 575 an amendment to the Native American Languages Act which states "it is
the policy of the United States to preserve, protect, and promote the rights
and freedom of Native Americans to use, practice, and develop Native American
languages."  S. 575 will bring the U.S. one step closer to assuring the
preservation and revitalization of Native American languages by supporting
the continued existence of Native American language survival schools.

S. 575 will benefit and support tribes in their efforts to preserve and
promote tribal languages. One of the purposes of S. 575 is "to demonstrate
the positive effects of Native American language survival schools on the
academic success of Native American students and the students' mastery of
standard English."

Your letter should address two important issues:
1) Why NA languages are important to preserve?
2) Why NA "language survival schools" are an important method to both
preserve languages and improve academic achievement?

You can send your letter to Senator Campbell, Chairman and Senator Inouye,
Vice-Chairman, Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs, by either:
email -- testimony at indian.senate.gov
fax -- (202) 224-5429
or mail -- United States Senate, Committee on Indians Affairs, Washington, DC

Please also send your letter to YOUR entire congressional delegation.

Kitmatsin -- Rosalyn

Rosalyn LaPier
Piegan Institute
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