Where do Native Languages Fit In?

Liko Puha liko at LEOKI.UHH.HAWAII.EDU
Sat May 10 00:34:39 UTC 2003

A question regarding SB 575. Does the Hawaiian language fall under the
umbrella of Native American languages?

Mahalo (thanks),

andrekar at ncidc.org writes:
>That was my point, in most schools Native Language classes cannot be
>substituted for "foreign" language college entrance requirements nor is
>funding available to offer Native language classes as a separate elective
>course.  A catch 22 that doesn't bode well for having our students learn
>their language in school hence the need to pass SB 575
>Diana Archangeli wrote:
>To make the Subject header question clear, note that this call states:
>"The Secretary does not fund projects that propose Native American
>languages, Native Hawaiian, other Pacific Island languages or Native
>Alaskan languages. In addition, the program is not intended to support
>the teaching of English."

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