Language, culture focus of Indian event (fwd)

Phil CashCash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Fri Oct 17 16:23:53 UTC 2003

Language, culture focus of Indian event


American Indian culture and language are the focus of the third annual
Native California People's Fall Gathering, set for Saturday at San Luis
Reservoir State Recreation Area.

The Mutsun Language Foundation sponsors the event in conjunction with
the state Parks and Recreation Department. The public is invited.

The foundation aims to revive the Mutsun (pronounced moot-soon) language
of the Amah-Mutsun Indians who lived in the Central California coastal
region and inland to what is now Interstate 5.

Organizers of the fall gathering said the event will feature dancing and
storytelling, arts and crafts, the making of necklaces with abalone and
other shells, and a talk on traditional herbs and medicines. Also
planned are demonstrations of basket making, fire making and soap root
brush making.

The program also lists tule boat races and traditional games. Food
booths will serve hamburgers and Indian tacos, organizers said.

The gathering is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the San Luis Creek
picnic grounds. The recreation area is off Highway 152 west of the
junction of Highway 33, west of Los Banos and south of Santa Nella.

Organizers noted a $4 park day-use fee per car, and advised people to
bring lawn chairs, hats and sunscreen, and blankets for the evening.

Posted on 10/17/03 08:50:14

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