
Wed Dec 1 17:50:24 UTC 2004

Hi, Keola,

I fixed the web site, took out all the over-corrective apostrophes. Am
working on implementing the Exploratorium concept (the first one was
established in San Francisco in 1967-68), for the math and science standards
here in New Mexico. It would be so wonderful if Mele could be a springboard
context in Hawai'i (Is that an over-correction? Or is that right?)

I think it would be so great if there were a First Nations group of people
who made fonts for others, who knew all the technical details and were
available to the people.. .  of course, and if they could earn a living wage
:-) ) Sometimes people forget about this part.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Keola Donaghy" <keola at LEOKI.UHH.HAWAII.EDU>
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: microsoft

> Aloha e Mia. You raise a good point. Most of our technology initiatives
> have been grant funded. In our case, the Hawaiian language community and
> the university are very closely intertwined. It isn't a case of the
> University helping the language community - we are a big part of that
> larger community. We've been very successful at raising the level of
> computer proficiency from our pre-school programs through the university
> level, doing localizations, curriculum development, providing online
> services and technical support throughout the state, and have been doing
> it without having to hire $150 an hour "consultants" to do it for us. I
> can't imagine that we would have been successful if we did not have this
> dynamic. But it required people from within that language community (at
> the time mostly university students, myself included) with the technical
> expertise (or a willingness to gain the expertise) to pull it together.
> I don't think any tribe or language group would be very successful if they
> were not full and active partners, if not taking the lead, in a
> collaboration in this area. If it is simply done for them by others, it
> would be destined to flop.
> Keola
> Indigenous Languages and Technology <ILAT at LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU> writes:
> >Is anyone submitting to the AIQ? I really think a bunch of us ought to
> >write
> >about this. We have a lot of people talking about revitalization, but so
> >far, there is a lot a rhetoric. I think this is both because the
> >technological support is not there, and also because we aren't having a
> >public discussion about the processes, steps, and issues. I see a lot of
> >wonderful links provided by the tireless Phil, but I wonder how many of
> >these happen because someone at the university gets a grant. How many
> >actual
> >TRIBES have the technology and expertise to design, develop and support
> >their own programs (which I think is Very Important).
> ========================================================================
> Keola Donaghy
> Assistant Professor of Hawaiian Studies
> Ka Haka 'Ula O Ke'elikolani             keola at
> University of Hawai'i at Hilo 
> ========================================================================

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