Government language study released (fwd)

Sean M. Burke sburke at CPAN.ORG
Sat Dec 18 09:53:36 UTC 2004

At 10:53 PM 2004-12-17, Rolland Nadjiwon wrote:
>What if you are working with a language that has no(your last paragraph)
>pronouns, genderization, binarism or linearity(time/history) you
>invent them?

What do /you/ think?  I was talking about (largely uninflected) nouns and
(highly inflected) verbs in Apachean, a distinction that I think is about
as uncontroversial as they get -- if that bothers you, explain why.
For chrissake, I wasn't insisting that Your Favorite Language has an
ablative absolutive!

>Further, 'tribal politics' is not an obstacle it is a process, an
>'obstacle' perhaps to externalized retrofitting retrofitters.

Oh my yes, when the head of the culture program /still/ won't talk to the
head of the language program because her sister Orlene asked his
teasing-cousin Bulerd to the prom in 1952 instead of asking /him/, I'll be
sure to bear in mind your heartfelt advice that this is all just a joyous
process, and that to view it otherwise is to be a retrofitty retrofitso.

Who needs a hug?!?

Sean M. Burke

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