North American Higher Education Conference

Francisco Marmolejo fmarmole at U.ARIZONA.EDU
Fri Jan 9 19:10:28 UTC 2004

Sorry for potential duplicates.





Dear Colleague:

Join leaders and practitioners of higher education, business, government
and students in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico for CONAHEC's 9th North
American Higher Education Conference! It is the premier networking and
information sharing event for education leaders in Mexico, Canada and
the United States.

The theme of the March 17-20, 2004 conference is "Discovering North
American Potential: Higher Education Charts a New Course." For complete
information, visit and follow the link to the
conference Web site. 

The event is organized by CONAHEC, a trinational consortium linking
higher education institutions in North America, and is co-convened by
the American Council on Education (ACE); the American Association of
Community Colleges (AACC); the Asociación Nacional de Universidades e
Instituciones de Educación Superior (ANUIES); the Association of
Canadian Community Colleges/Association des collèges communautaires du
Canada (ACCC); and the Association of Universities and Colleges of
Canada/Association des universités et collèges du Canada (AUCC).

Our host institution is the Universidad de Guadalajara, and our co-hosts
are the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara; Universidad del Valle de
Atemajac; ITESM-Campus Guadalajara; Universidad Panamericana; and,
Universidad Tecnológica de Jalisco.

If you haven't registered yet, register online at our conference Web
site TODAY! As an early holiday present, we have extended the deadline
for "early bird" registration through Friday, January 9, 2004.
Alternatively, if you don't have online access, you can register by
calling Stefan Baumann at (520) 621-7761. 

Conference Hotel Rates and Deadline
The Fiesta Americana Guadalajara is offering our group a special rate of
$890 pesos per night - approximately $80 USD or $105 CAD (single/double,
not including taxes). To get the special rate, reserve your room by
Friday, January 30, 2004 and use the code "CONAHE" (no final "c"). We
encourage you to reserve your room *TODAY*. 

To make your reservation, call Fiesta Americana at 1-800-FIESTA1
(1-800-343-7821) from the U.S. or Canada. From Mexico you can call
01-800-504-5000 or (55) 5326-6900 (from Mexico City). You can also call
the hotel directly at (011-52) (33) 3825-3434. 

After January 30th, these low rates are no longer guaranteed, and the
room price may rise significantly. DON'T WAIT -- call today!

We have assembled a superb program for the conference. Some of our
featured invited speakers include:

*       Reyes Tamez Guerra, Secretary of Public Education, MEXICO 
*       Julio Rubio, Undersecretary for Higher Education, MEXICO
*       Silvia Alvarez, Deputy Director, Mexican Science and Technology
*       Leonard Haynes, Director, Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education, USA 
*       Madeleine Green, Vice President for International Initiatives,
American Council on Education, USA 
*       Christiane Boulanger, Human Resources Development Canada 
*       Jamil Salmi, Education Sector Manager, Human Development
Network, World Bank 
*       Sally Johnstone, Executive Director, Western Cooperative for
Educational Telecommunications, WICHE, USA 
*       Robert A. Pastor, Vice President of International Affairs and
Professor of International Relations, American University, USA 
*       Julio Millan, President, Future Society Chapter Mexico. 
*       Juan Carlos Romero Hicks, Governor of the State of Guanajuato,
*       David W. Strangway, President and CEO, Canada Foundation for
Innovation, CANADA 

For an updated version of the program, visit our conference Web site

Other features of our program include:

*       Two optional post-conference workshops on internationalization
of the curriculum and institutions. 
*       30 concurrent sessions delivered by experts from Mexico, the
U.S. and Canada on topics related to quality assurance, building
competencies, internationalization, model projects, student and faculty
mobility, North American studies, and higher education's role in
economic development. 
*       Working sessions with funding agencies supporting mobility
programs in North America. 
*       Presentation of CONAHEC's Award of Distinction and the Manuel T.
Pacheco Award. 
*       Not-to-be-missed networking tours in historic Guadalajara and
*       Optional visits to Guadalajara's finest universities and
*       Joint events and sessions with members of the Student
Organization of North America (SONA), a student-led organization
sponsored by CONAHEC. 

We look forward to seeing you in Guadalajara!


Francisco Marmolejo

Executive Director

Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC)

University of Arizona

220 W. 6th St.

University Services Annex, Bldg. 300A Rm. 108

PO Box 210300

Tucson, AZ 85721-0300


Phone: (520) 621-9080

Fax: (520) 626-2675

E-mail: fmarmole at


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