Languages (event0

Andre Cramblit andrekar at NCIDC.ORG
Thu Jan 29 21:40:51 UTC 2004

    (Please send this message along to anyone else you think would be
    interested.  The registration forms et al are attached to this email.)

    Call for Presentations

    Language is Life:

    the 11th Annual Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Conference

    at the University of California at Berkeley

    June 11-13, 2004

    Hosted by The Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival

    and the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages (Department
    of Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley)

    The Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Steering committee invites
    interested individuals and groups to give presentations at SILC this
    year, either in the form of a 15-minute talk (or less), a 1 1/2 hour
    workshop, or else to join one of our suggested panels, which will be
    1 1/2 hours in length.  Suggested panels include:

    Master-apprentice programs
    Immersion schools
    Archives and intellectual property rights
    Developing and using new writing systems
    Revitalizing languages without speakers

    We will also make time and space for the showing of films on
    language loss and language revitalization, if you have anything
    you'd like to show.

    See either of the following websites for the registration and
    presentation forms or


 Prof. Leanne Hinton
 Chair, Dept. of Linguistics
 1203 Dwinelle Hall
 University of California
 Berkeley, CA 94720-2650

 email: hinton at
 fax: (510) 643-5688
 phone: (510) 643-7621

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