Indigenous leader pushes for native language food labels (fwd)

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Sun Nov 21 17:48:06 UTC 2004

Indigenous leader pushes for native language food labels

Friday, 19 November 2004

Food manufacturers who sell heavily to remote Indigenous communities are
being asked to write product labels in the local Aboriginal language.

ATSIC's Alice Springs Regional Council Chair Des Rogers has raised the
idea, saying it would embolden Indigenous consumers.

He says labels written in someone's first language are a sign of respect
and reduce confusion for people with english literacy problems.

He says familiar items given a twist could also have a broader appeal.

"I don't know whether it would become a collectors item, but it
certainly could become a novelty for tourists as well," he said.

"It gives Indigenous people the ability to tell the story about the
logo, the language that's on there.

"There's great possibilities and great positive outcomes in just that
small area," he said.

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