Language instruction and technology

Susan Penfield sdp at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Tue Sep 28 13:45:08 UTC 2004

Your thoughts on this are certainly welcome as it is all still under development. I really appreciate you r bringing all this issues to everyone's attention. I think this thread of discussion has been very beneficial for all of us interested in how to better support language learning through online sources.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: MiaKalish - LFP 
  Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 10:46 PM
  Subject: Re: Language instruction and technology

  Hi, Garry, 

  I checked out this board. I wanted to check out the Tools, but it turned out I needed a Login Id and then I couldn't Back out of the page. ( 

      I apparently went somewhere far, far away from where I started, because I couldn't even find myself in the History. Also, I would like to see more Show and less Tell. I think that those of us who espouse technology need to use it so others can see what can be done.  Most people do better at reproduction than creation, especially when working with new things. 

  Just some thoughts. I don't Really want to sound like the local kvetch. 


    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Garry Forger 
    Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 1:51 PM
    Subject: Language instruction and technology

I had the privilege of working with Sue Penfield and Phil Cash Cash
here at the Learning Technologies Center of the University of Arizona
on Sue’s Gates Foundation grant dealing with Native Language Teaching
and Preservation using technology.  The project looked at a variety of
ways that technology can be used towards this end.  As part of the
project we created the Online Language Environments website  <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--><!--[endif]-->While by no means comprehensive, we intend for this site to collect
and disseminate information on technology that supports language
instruction, preservation and research.  There is also information
on this site about a tool that we are developing and testing, the
OLE Board, which is a tool based on Macromedia technology to enable
voice, video and text to be used for online instruction. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--><!--[endif]-->At this time the focus of the site is the University of Arizona,
but we are adding more information on sites outside our institution.  

Please feel free to browse the site send me any comments on additions
and improvements or big gaps that we missed.  <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--><!--[endif]-->Thank you, Garry Forger 

"There's many a knave concealed under a surplice."
Danish Proverb

Garry J. Forger, MLS
Assistant Director
Learning Technologies Center
The University of Arizona
1077 N. Highland Ave
Tucson, AZ 85721-0073
gforger at
Phone 520-626-7761
Fax 520-626-8220
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