Technology for Social Inclusion: An Interview with Mark Warschauer (fwd)

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Technology for Social Inclusion: An Interview with Mark Warschauer

Author: Francis Raven, EDC Center for Media & Community | May 4th, 2005
Communities: Literacy & Learning , Economic Development,

Mark Warschauer is Assistant Professor of Education and of Information
and Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine. Dr.
Warschauer's research focuses on the integration of information and
communication technologies (ICT) in schools; the impact of ICT on
language and literacy practices; and the relationship of ICT to
institutional reform, democracy, and social development. His most
recent book, Technology and Social Inclusion: Rethinking the Digital
Divide, was published by MIT Press in January of 2003. His previous
books have focused on the development of new electronic literacies
among culturally and linguistically diverse students and on the role of
ICT in second language learning and teaching.

DDN: What are some circumstances when the concept of the digital divide
is problematic?

MW: The notion of a digital divide suggests a digital solution--i.e.,
trying to solve a social problem by throwing computers and Internet
connections into the mix. But without the right social supports, inputs
of hardware and connections might be wasted or even have a negative
effect. Putting computers into a situation where there is inadequate
electricity, lack of trained personnel to upkeep them, and lack of a
plan for using them well can divert attention from more effective
approaches to social problems.

Why don't you believe that "social problems can be addressed through
provision of computers and Internet accounts"?

People need the language, literacy, and computer skills to use the
equipment; there need to be plans for maintaining equipment; and there
needs to be an understanding of how use of the equipment may help
address a social problem. An excellent approach is that of "community
informatics," in which a community makes careful plans for its own
community and social development and works together to define and plan
the role that technology and media can play to contribute to that.

You write (citing Steve Cisler) that there is not a binary division
between information haves and have-nots but rather a "gradation based
on different degrees of access to information." Would you explain how
these information differentials function?

Is a person who has access to the Internet only through occasional use
at an Internet cafe an information have or an information have-not?
There are lots of gradations on the have/have-not scale, based on
regularity and convenience of access, type of equipment and
connections, individual skill level, amount of personal freedom in
computer use (from control by states, employers, or others). All these
things contribute on a graded scale to determining access.

What is needed in addition to computers and Internet accounts?

Literacy is essential, and "digital literacy" is valuable too (computer
literacy, information literacy, multimedia literacy, etc.) Knowledge of
one or more major international languages is often essential. Social
support from others who know how to use technology and provide
assistance can be critical as well.

How do a person’s lack of access to computers and a person's life
chances interact?

There is a high degree of correlation between individuals, communities,
and nations that have high degrees of computer/Internet access and
social factors such as income, wealth, and education. Of course, the
causality can be mutual--wealth helps people afford computers and
computer access helps people to have better employment opportunities or
otherwise achieve social inclusion.

What concept would you replace the digital divide with and why? Could
you explain your alternate framework: technology for social inclusion?

Technology for social inclusion deemphasizes the notion of bridging
divides and instead looks at the broader goal--achieving social
inclusion for all--and then considers the role that technology can play
within that. Social inclusion refers to the extent that individuals,
families, and communities are able to fully participate in society and
control their own destinies, taking into account a variety of factors
related to economic resources, employment, health, education, housing,
recreation, culture, and civic engagement.

Social inclusion is a matter not only of an adequate share of resources,
but also of participation and control over one's life chances. Even the
well-to-do may face problems of social exclusion, due to reasons of
political persecution or discrimination based on age, gender, sexual
preference, or disability. Technology can be used to promote social
inclusion, not only by allowing people and communities more economic
opportunity but also by providing other opportunities for people and
communities to control their destinies.

What role can technology play in social inclusion?

Many ways, depending on the context. These include better access to
health information, greater opportunities for political participation,
and information to economic data of benefit to rural farmers (such as
crop prices at different markets). Some of the rural Internet kiosk
projects in India provide an outstanding example of effective
technology use for social inclusion. In a rural village, even one
computer with an Internet connection--if well used by the
community--can make a big difference in people's lives.

How can a more sophisticated understanding of ICT access lead to more
comprehensive social inclusion?

By helping people understand the broader social context that facilitates
good technology use. Just to give one example, using a metaphor of Chris
Dede at Harvard, people throughout the world seem to have a "fire model"
of educational technology. In other words, they seem to think that a
computer generates learning the way a fire generates warmth. This leads
to lots of wasted money, with computers put into schools but either
unused or used poorly. For computers to actually contribute to
learning, much more thought needs to be put into issues of pedagogy,
curriculum, professional development, software, maintenance,
scheduling, etc. In other words, as Dede would say, computers are less
like fire and more like clothes--they make you warm when they fit well.

A few of Dr. Warschauer's relevant papers are available online:

Warschauer, M. (2002). Reconceptualizing the digital divide. First
Monday 7(7).

Warschauer, M. (2003, August). Demystifying the digital divide.
Scientific American 289(2), 42-47.

Warschauer, M. (2003). Dissecting the "digital divide": A case study in
Egypt. The Information Society, 19(4), 297-304.

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