WA group seeks funds for Indigenous radio station (fwd)

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Sat May 7 21:43:48 UTC 2005

Friday, 6 May 2005, 10:15:16  AEST

WA group seeks funds for Indigenous radio station

A Western Australian Goldfields' Aboriginal corporation has applied for
federal funding to help establish an Indigenous radio station.

The Tjuma Pulka (Big Talk) Media Aboriginal Corporation has applied for
$350,000 in Federal Government funding to build a studio and

The station will be based in Kalgoorlie-Boulder and provide current
affairs, health and education news, as well as promoting Indigenous
music and language.

It will also be available for other community groups and programs.

Group spokeswoman Barbara McGillvray says it hopes to be on air before
the end of the year.

"We don't believe in no such thing as can't - if we don't secure it from
the department...the Federal Government, we are trying other sources to
make sure that we will be on air by the end of the year," she said.

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