From the Sky downloads ERRORS :>(

Fri Oct 28 20:22:43 UTC 2005

Hi, Mona :-) 


Ain't technology great? <SMIRK> I guess years and years of doing this has
made me jaded. 


I went to the CDBABY link you gave us a while ago, and ordered the hardcopy,
snail-mail version. It was quite fun actually. I did notice that their home
page didn't list any categories that I recognized as Ndn music. They seemed
all generic American. I wanted to put a link on my site, but since there was
no easy place for people to see what was what . . .  


Anyway, I am looking forward to your work. 





From: Indigenous Languages and Technology [mailto:ILAT at LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU]
On Behalf Of Smith
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 2:13 PM
Subject: [ILAT] From the Sky downloads ERRORS :>(


The "From the Sky" CD and downloads are available, but the playlists are
WRONG, so you would likely download a song other than the one you were
choosing. I will send out another announcement when the changes are made. My
apologies for the premature announcement.

The samples on ( are actually 

The one labeled Tsa-Do is actually Shanaley 
The one labeled Hand Game Song is actually Ojibwe Lullaby 
The one labele(Inkapatya) is actually Hand Game Song -Otoe Commanche

The following is the playlist as the songs are ordered on the distributors'
(CDBABY, ITunes, Sony Connect, Napster, etc.) websites. So downloads can
happen, if you use THIS list, rather than the one shown on the distributers'

1.Wake Up Song (Cree)
2.Tsa-Do (Kiowa)
3. Sunrise (Zuni)
4. Sha-Nah-Ley (Dine [Navajo]
5. Lullaby (Zuni)
6. Lullaby (Anishinabe [Ojibwe])
7. Love Song (Anishinabe [Ojibwe])
8. Inkapataya (Dakota/Lakota/Nakota)
9. Ice Cream Making Song (Inuit)
10 Hand Game Song (Otoe-Commanche)
11. Eisebun (Anishinabe [Ojibwe])
12. Blue Jay Song (Athabascan)
13. Bird Dance (Cocopah)

This is so embarrassing and frustrating, but eventually, there will be
stories in song and sound available and available with helpful playlists.
Again, my apologies.

Mona Smith
... the lessons of labor history are invisible in the mass media and largely
absent from public discourse.

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