Scrabble could help keep the Dakota language alive (fwd)

jess tauber phonosemantics at
Tue Apr 11 19:47:47 UTC 2006

So do you think this may ultimately lead to a new tradition of 'Scrabble giving'? Actually after I read about this a few weeks ago I started thinking about how this and other word games might be utilized in Yahgan. Some Yahgan words were really long- like in Yupik, Inuktitut, etc.  One might want to expand the playing surface a little to accommodate longish synthetic words. Of course do you allow just stems or entire inflected words, especially where inflections are obligatory?

And in the opposite direction, what does one do about monosyllabic words, or tones, register, etc. in games like Scrabble? Or spelling, when orthography isn't standardized? Lots of possible issues.

Jess Tauber

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