Nat.language presidential address & ACILS conf

Richard LaFortune anguksuar at YAHOO.COM
Sun Feb 19 15:54:53 UTC 2006

This morning (Sunday Feb 19) on NPR:  a friend here in
Minneapolis just phoned me to let me know that ACILS
(Advocates for California Indigenous Language
Survival) had a spot on the Sunday morning show on NPR
talking about the Language is Life conference next
month!  I missed it -I was busy almost burning (I
mean, carmelizing...then you get to charge extra) my
breakfast.  But it should be available on NPR's web
archive- I haven't checked yet.  Go ACILS! 
Anguksuar (Richard LaFortune)

on an unrelated note, I bumped into this note on a
blog this morning, which I hadn't heard at the time of
his inauguration:
"I just heard on NPR that Morales' inauguration
featured several indigenous languages, and he was
wearing an alpaca garment. I think that's the coolest
thing about it.

Imagine the odds of an indigenous person being elected
President of the United States!"

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