Imaging Voices of the Past

jess tauber phonosemantics at EARTHLINK.NET
Mon Jul 10 16:14:29 UTC 2006

Thanks for the info! I just finished listening to the hourlong lecture, which helped bring me up to speed on the state of the technology.

I'd contacted Dr. Haber a couple of years ago after finding out about a set of Edison wax cylinders with Yahgan speech on them (from the LOC collections (now housed at the Rauner Library at Dartmouth)) from the first issue of Linguistic Discovery (What Does Digital Technology Have to Do with Yaghan?). Dr. Haber told me at the time that there would still be some wait for the technology to come to fruition, it looks as if its much further along now, but as you can imagine, I can hardly wait (in more than one sense)!

Jess Tauber
phonosemantics at

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