Brief ILAT Update

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Tue Oct 17 22:54:34 UTC 2006

ILAT Subscribers,

Welcome to all the new subscribers!  ILAT is now up to 215 subscribers.

ILAT news may slow down in the next couple of weeks as I make my
transition between research sites in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho
(beyond any wireless signal).

Please continue with your postings, discussions, and massive lurking...

qo'c pammawa (later),

Phil Cash Cash (Cayuse/Nez Perce)
ILAT listserv mg

List Description:
    Indigenous Languages and Technology discussion
    list is an open forum for community language
    specialists, linguists, scholars, and students to
    discuss issues relating to the uses of technology
    in language revitalization efforts.

*  Country                  Subscribers
*  -------                  -----------
*  Australia                          6
*  Bolivia                            1
*  Canada                             3
*  Fiji                               1
*  Great Britain                      3
*  Italy                              1
*  Mexico                             1
*  New Zealand                        2
*  USA                              189

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