Truku dictionary meant to help preserve culture (fwd)
phil cash cash
Thu Apr 12 16:52:56 UTC 2007
Published on Taipei Times
Truku dictionary meant to help preserve culture
LEXICON: Eight years ago, six pastors in Hualien County got together to
write the nation's first dictionary for the tribal tongue after realizing
what was about to be lost
By Loa Iok-sin
Thursday, Apr 12, 2007, Page 4
Pastors of the Truku tribe in an Aboriginal township in Hualien have sought
to preserve the tribe's culture and language by publishing the nation's
first Truku dictionary yesterday.
In 1999, six pastors in Sioulin Township (秀林) of Hualien
County formed a team to write the nation's first Truku dictionary after
realizing that the tribe's language could soon be lost if they didn't put
efforts into its preservation, Jiru Haruq, a pastor at a local church and
an author of the dictionary, said.
Although Sioulin only has about 15,000 inhabitants, it is one of the two
major Truku regions in the country, with over 85 percent of the population
in the area, according to the township's Web site.
In the past, the Truku tribe was considered a subtribe of Atayal because of
their close connections, Sioulin Township Mayor Syu Shu-yin
(許淑銀) said.
Although the writing of the dictionary only began in 1999, the research
started in 1953.
"In 1953, Pisaw Yudaw, a pastor at a local church, began to translate the
Bible into Truku," said Iyuq Ciyang, another author of the dictionary.
"After five years working on the translation, Pisaw built a lexicon of 3,000
Truku root words, which became the base for the dictionary," he added.
Words in Truku are created by adding prefix, postfix and midfix to root
words. A root word can develop into as many as 40 words, Jiru explained.
Midfix is added into the middle of a root word by separating the root word.
Taking an example from the dictionary, hakawis a root word meaning "bridge"
in Truku, hmhakaw becomes "bridge-building", mhakaw is a bridge builder,
shakaw is the reason to build a bridge and hkagan is the location where the
bridge is built.
"Verb tenses and different parts of speech are also constructed by adding
prefixes, postfixes or midfixes to a rood word," Iyuq said.
"Culture and language are inseparable," Jiru said. "The wisdom of our
ancestors and our history are alive in the Truku language."
Jiru gave an example of how the Truku language is closely connected to the
tribe's collective memory.
"Preserving the language is preserving our culture, our customs, and our
traditions," Jiru said.
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