Local language given funding for education (fwd)

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Wed Aug 22 14:23:40 UTC 2007

Local language given funding for education

Posted August 22, 2007 09:09:00

One of northern New South Wales' local Aboriginal languages has been given a
boost by the State Government.

The Aboriginal Affairs Minister, Paul Lynch, has handed over $15,000 in
funding to the Birrelee Childrens' Service in Tamworth to develop a DVD to
teach Indigenous people the Gamilaraay language.

He says its one of just 20 remnants out of 200 original Aboriginal languages
that once existed in New South Wales.

"It has survived to the extend that there are some elders who can speak it
and what's quite impressive and exciting is they're teaching it to the
younger generation in the Aboriginal community," he said.

"As part of that process, this DVD will be very important as a way of
keeping the language alive."

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