The John Hope Franklin Dissertation Fellowship (fwd link)

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Sat Dec 15 20:52:13 UTC 2007

The John Hope Franklin Dissertation Fellowship

Deadline and Notification
Applications are due April 1, 2008, with notification in May.

This fellowship, named in honor of a distinguished member of the American
Philosophical Society, is designed to support an outstanding doctoral student
at an American university who is conducting dissertation research. There are
two special features to this fellowship.

First, the objective of the John Hope Franklin Dissertation Fellowship is to
help remedy the serious shortage of faculty of color in core fields in the arts
and sciences, by supporting the Ph.D. projects of minority students of great
promise (particularly African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans and Native
Americans) as well as other talented students who have a demonstrated
commitment to eradicating racial disparities and enlarging minority
representation in academia.

Second, the John Hope Franklin Fellow is expected to spend a significant amount
of time in residence at the APS Library and therefore all applicants should be
pursuing dissertation topics in which the holdings of the Library are
especially strong, such as quantum mechanics, nuclear physics, computer
development, the history of genetics and eugenics, the history of medicine,
Early American political and cultural history, natural history in the 18th and
19th centuries, the development of cultural anthropology, or American Indian
linguistics and culture. The APS Library's extensive collections in these and
many other fields are fully described on our website at

Candidates must have completed all course work and examinations preliminary to
the doctoral dissertation and be prepared to devote full time for twelve
months-with no teaching obligations-to research on their dissertation projects
or the writing of their dissertations. The John Hope Franklin Fellow will also
be expected to spend a minimum of three months in Philadelphia, in residence at
the APS Library with full encouragement to conduct research at other libraries
and archives in and around the city. Attractive office space will be provided
for the Fellow.

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