Interlinear Gloss databases?

Andrew Carnie carnie at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Sat Sep 1 18:28:00 UTC 2007


I'm new to the list, so please forgive me if this is either inappropriate or has
been discussed before.

I'm starting a new project that requires a database that deals with interlinear
glossed sentences and can export xml format. The trickier issue is that the
database has to be multiuser and allow multiple users to edit at the same time.
I'm familiar with three programs that can partly deal with this (lingualinks,
toolbox/shoebox, and Kura). The problem with me for the first two is that the
project is mac based and those programs are windows only, they also have very
limited multiuser abilities. I can't run them under parallels because not all
the macs are intel based. I've been attempting to use Kura, but there seems to
be a bug in the way it connects to a MySQL database (as an aside if anyone else
out there has had this problem and knows how to fix it, please let me know!)

Does anyone else out there have some suggestions for appropriate software?



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