surge of news on endangered languages...

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Wed Sep 19 17:01:19 UTC 2007


The recent surge of news on endangered languages was very refreshing! 
Although I am not sure where the source originated (NYT, etc.), it spurned
a number of follow up stories in British Columbia, Oklahoma, and the
Northern Territories AUS.  We also had some of our ILAT subscribers quoted
in the news as well.

The LA Times put its own unique spin on the story with the headlines "One
language disappears every 14 days."  It went even as far as to offer the
alternative.  Quoting a language researcher it says, "In as few as seven to
10 days, they can record enough information to prevent the complete loss of
a language..."

All of this in reference to the recent October issue of National Geographic

Phil Cash Cash

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