Content Management Systems (CMS)

Don Osborn dzo at BISHARAT.NET
Thu Jan 10 18:09:40 UTC 2008

Hi Phil, There was a discussion about this in December on the PanAfrican Localisation lists -
- though localization of the interface was the main topic. 

I've heard favorable things about Drupal, and that some who have used Joomla have since turned away from it. 

There are some links to comparisons and other info at

I currently use PmWiki for Although a wiki software it can also be configured as a CMS - I'm currently experimenting with it for revamping the site to have some sections function as a wiki and others more like CMS. (See )

Hope this helps.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Indigenous Languages and Technology
> [mailto:ILAT at LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU] On Behalf Of phil cash cash
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 12:48 PM
> Subject: [ILAT] Content Management Systems (CMS)
> Greetings,
> This is a two part question.  The Web 2.0 is providing some unique
> opportunities
> for project collaboration.  For example, Content Management Systems
> (CMS) allow
> collaborative project possibilities between users, or in one possible
> scenario,
> collaborations between language communities and scholars.
> 1) Is anybody utilizing a Content Management System (or Wiki) for
> language
> documentation/collaborative projects?
> 2) If so, what are the strengths/weaknesses and maintainance concerns
> of the CMS
> software you are using?
> Feel free to elaborate or introduce other essential elements implicated
> by these
> questions and your project.  Please note if your CMS is a an open
> source
> software.
> Thanks is advance.
> Phil Cash Cash
> UofA

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