web tool help

s.t. bischoff bischoff.st at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jul 28 10:08:21 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I'm working on a morphological analyzer and want to make it available online
for testing by the community, however I have no idea how or where to even
start. The analyzer uses Xerox's xfst and lexc finite state technology. The
idea is that you can put a sentence or morphologically complex word into the
analyzer and it will return a morphological analysis, or you can input a
morphological analysis and it will return a sentence or complex word. For
example you can input


and you'll get


or vise versa...input


and get


What I'd like to do is have folks test it to work out any bugs and decide
how best to manage the morphological analysis (that is use linguistic
notation or English translations etc.).
Also, I have a root dictionary and morpheme dictionary that I'd like to make
available in a searchable format, both are in a text format. Ultimately, I'd
like to have the analyzer linked to the dictionaries so that once a word or
sentence is analyzed a search for the root in the dictionary can be done
automatically as well as for the other morphemes, returning a gloss with the
analyzed form.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly welcome.

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