Chirac urges action on dying languages (fwd)

Ponsonnet Maia maiaponsonnet at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Jun 10 05:24:20 UTC 2008

Good morning, 
It is true that in France awareness about language diversity and threatened language is currently very low. The problem of previous coercitive legislation was also raised yesterday during the session in Quai-Branly by someone in the audience. 
However, I'd say "better late than ever". The Sorosoro program (linguistic wing of the Jacques Chirac Foundation) seems well built. They have appealed to serious linguits (Colette Grinevald, Peter Austin). They invited Indigenous linguistits from several continents. They do not exclude French local languages from there programs. 
Of course it could be felt that part of the audience's interest was linked to a taste for "exotism", but after all why not if they are to help with money? 
Also, while I think the biodiversity paradigma is relevant and convenient to communicate on language diversity, I found the way they were compared a bit clumsy. It was said that biodiversity and language diversity arised in the same spots on the planet, the big picture being an abounding equatorial forest. This seems to skip the share of many languages from desert areas, like the language I'm working on, from Australia. And mainly, I'm afraid this equation may lead the audience and the Foundation to consider language as a biological parameter rather than a cultural one, which I find a bit dangerous. 
But any way, nothing is ever perfect. I can't but acclaim the initiative. As a French researcher and involved in field linguistics I felt personnaly relieved to see that our former President was here to help, in the current situation, and was awed at his picking this particular issue. Whatever was done in the past, I can only say "well done". And hope the practical effects are as good as the opening symposium.
Maïa Ponsonnet > Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 17:53:06 -0400> From: wjposer at LDC.UPENN.EDU> Subject: Re: [ILAT] Chirac urges action on dying languages (fwd)> To: ILAT at LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU> > I attended a French highschool for a while in 1974, in Bergerac,> where the native language is Gascon. The teaching of local languages> other than French had been illegal for many years but by then had been> legalized and I attended the class. It was taught by the philosophy> teacher, which is usually one of the more prestigious positions in> a French high school. However, the class was taught at five o'clock> on Friday afternoons, in competition with soccer, which gives you> an idea of the priority given to minority languages.> > Bill
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