Reviving the forbidden language (fwd link)

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Tue Oct 21 20:26:02 UTC 2008

Reviving the forbidden language

By Katie Robinson - Chilliwack Progress
Published: October 20, 2008 6:00 PM
British Columbia, CA

Laura Kelly opened the door to Mrs. Greenwood’s full-day aboriginal kindergarten
class at Evans elementary. She peeked her face through the crack.

“Ey Swayel,” she softly sing-songed to the young children inside.

Five little heads popped up. They snapped around to face the door as though it
were Santa Claus walking through.

“Ey Swayel, Siteala,” they all chimed.

Laura Kelly – Siteala to her students – is one of two certified Halq’eméylem
language teachers in the Chilliwack school district. She’s been teaching
Chilliwack students for three years, speaking the language for 14 years, but
hearing it her whole life.

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