Oneida Tribe's Hymns Keeping Heritage Alive (fwd link)

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Sat Sep 20 15:55:35 UTC 2008

Oneida Tribe's Hymns Keeping Heritage Alive

By Jacqueline L. Salmon
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, September 20, 2008; Page B09

It is official: According to the National Endowment for the Arts, the Oneida
Hymn Singers are "national living treasures."

The singers, members of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, perform
Christian hymns a cappella in the Oneida language. With a repertoire of more
than 100 songs, such as "Amazing Grace," "Jesus Loves Me," and "Abide With Me,"
the Hymn Singers were scheduled to take the stage at the Music Center at
Strathmore in Bethesda last night during the National Heritage Fellowships

With 10 other groups or individuals, they are recipients of a 2008 NEA National
Heritage Fellowship, the highest honor that the nation bestows on folk and
traditional artists.

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