Immersive video game aims to revitalize American Indian languages (fwd link)

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Wed Sep 24 22:33:47 UTC 2008

Immersive video game aims to revitalize American Indian languages

By Rob Capriccioso
Story Published: Sep 24, 2008

WASHINGTON – Indian kids will soon have a Super Mario-like character of their
own to guide through an array of digital puzzles and game landscapes. But
instead of a character who looks like the mustached Italian plumber, made
popular from appearances in dozens of Nintendo offerings, a new video game
created by a Native-owned company will feature tribal characters speaking a
variety of Indian languages.

The game, called RezWorld, is billed as the first fully immersive 3-D
interactive video game that can help young Indians learn to speak their own
languages via a unique speech recognition component.

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