New release of ACORNS revitalization software

Dan Harvey HarveyD at SOU.EDU
Wed Aug 12 19:56:13 UTC 2009

The new version 5.00 of the ACORNS software is available at the web-site ( Feel free to contact me at harveyd at if you have any questions or comments. This software supports tribal efforts to revitalize their languages. It is easy to use and will work with any indigenous language. It is freeware, and you can freely install the software on as many computers as you wish.  The following paragraphs summarize the new features; an attached file describes these in more detail.

The new version incorporates many new features and has three new lesson types (Flash Cards, Moving Pictures, and Story Book). We also have completed a feature that will enable third-party developers be able to contribute additional lesson types to the application. If you are interested in this, let us know.

The name ACORNS (ACquisition Of Restored Native Speech) is in honor of the tribes of Northern California where the acorn is sacred. Those tribes were instrumental in spawning this long term project.

We now will turn our attention to completing a multi-lingual dictionary project which can be used for both archival and revitalization efforts. We are also developing keyboard mapping software that will work on both MACS and PCs. Please feel to contact us with comments or suggestions.

Dan Harvey
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Southern Oregon University
harveyd at 

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