Yakama Elder Keeps Her Native Language Alive (fwd link)

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Wed Jun 3 17:33:55 UTC 2009

Yakama Elder Keeps Her Native Language Alive

Eugene, OR  June 3, 2009 12:48 a.m.

[media download available]

Lots of people go back to school -- whether it’s to re-train after a lay-off or
to finally get a degree after life events have delayed one’s education. But
it’s not that often a person in their 80s pursues a doctorate.

That’s what Virginia Beavert is doing at the University of Oregon. The Yakama
elder is studying linguistics and teaching her native language Sahaptin. As
part of KLCC’s special issues series, Rachael McDonald tells Beavert’s story.

Access full article below:

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