Salish language taught at Tulalip culture camp (fwd link)

Phillip E Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Sat Aug 28 05:39:30 UTC 2010

Salish language taught at Tulalip culture camp

By Bill Sheets
Tulalip, Washington (AP) August 2010

Stan Jones, 84, remembers only a smattering of words and phrases of the
language he heard his grandmother speak many years ago.

One of those phrases is a prayer that Jones, a longtime Tulalip tribal
leader, offers at ceremonial events.

“I pray our language will come back,” he said, half-kidding.

That prayer is slowly coming true.

Jones looked around the Kenny Moses Building on Tulalip Bay last week and
saw dozens of tribal children learning words and phrases in Lushootseed, the
original language spoken by Salish tribes in the Puget Sound basin.

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